How The Soviet Union and Modern Day Russia Have Degraded Every Country They Influenced or Controlled

Executive Summary Russia scores very low as being a civilized country. We cover how bad it is for countries to be close to Russia. Introduction While rating the civilization score of various countries of the world, we noted how poorly we rated Russia, far below its Eastern and Central European neighbors. This brought up why…

Why Couldn’t Gorbachev Figure Out The Strategic Defense Initiative or Star Wars Was Fake?

Executive Summary Ronald Reagan bluffed Gorbachev with a technically infeasible nuclear defense that employed high powered lasers fired from space. This could have been dismissed as fantasy if Gorbachev had listened to his scientists. Introduction In the 1980s, Reagan proposed a space deployed laser shield that would allow the US military to destroy thousands of…

How The US POW MIA Issue Was Fake From the Beginning

Executive Summary  The entire Vietnam War US POW/MIA story turned out to be false. This fake story captured the US imagination for decades. Introduction In the mid to late 1970s, a movement started called POW/MIA for US servicemen supposedly kept in Vietnam. This issue became extremely popular, fit into the narrative that the US, rather…