How Elite Universities Oppose The Majority of the US Population

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Executive Summary

  • How The Elite Schools Behave


It started out by observing the behavior of schools like Harvard and the University of Chicago. Then my analysis of Stanford and their Hoover Institute which is a propaganda apparatus for concentrated power, which Stanford funds.

Nothing the elite universities contribute to intellectual capital, and no training they do of students is as important as the fact that they are simply mouthpieces for concentrated power. The most important challenges facing the globe are not the necessity for more scientific inventions, humans already have more inventions and technology than they can use in a sustainable manner, it is rather the management of our ecology and the reduction in corporate power and the social inequality in societies.

Universities have become co-opted by private power and now primarily serve them. Even the “state” school systems increasingly rely upon private funds, and churn out “research” that is compliant to their interests. This is as true of economics as it is of medicine.

Furthermore the graduates of elite universities increasingly pull value rather than add value to the economy. The recent financial crisis which was a fraud on a monumental scale was primarily created by graduates of elite universities like Harvard, Columbia and the University of Pennsylvania.


If the elite universities oppose the majority of the population, its time to stop thinking of them as elite. In fact the output of elite universities is not that good anyway, as research is now routinely carried out to please elite interest. Research that is carried out in an unethical fashion, but by smart people, is not worthwhile. The rest of the population needs to consider what it esteems. Intelligent people who like and cheat and subordinate themselves to concentrated power are not role models or people to emulate or be impressed with