Enumerating The Double Standards Jews Demand You Accept

Executive Summary

  • Jews are highly effective in getting double standards applied to them globally.
  • Here are some undeniable Jewish double standards.


Through control over media and culture, Jews have successfully gotten individuals living in white-originated countries to accept double standards. There are too few Jews to make a difference without coopting other races into supporting Jewish double standards and preferential treatment.

Double Standard #1: Interracial Marriage

Jews are very much about interracial marriage for whites. This is apparent in commercials shown in the US, which show interracial couples at much higher rates than is evident in the overall society.

This is a good commentary on this form of social engineering in commercials. Look at the commercials and then consider how often you see such couples. 

However, while Jews love interracial marriage themselves, particularly if whites marry blacks, The number of Jews that marry blacks is extraordinarily small. Even the proposal that Jews marry blacks would be greeted with laughter by most Jews — and we don’t see Jewish commercials with interracial dating and marriage. Jews will, in almost all circumstances, only marry other Jews. Jewish men will date white women as they find them attractive, but their families essentially prohibit them from marrying them. In the rare cases where that does occur, the requirement is conversion to Judaism by the non-Jewish member of the couple.

Normalizing Interracial Sexual Relationships — But For Whites

Notice this is the standard couple, according to the Washington Post. Do Jews have these types of posters outside of synagogues? Why don’t we see more ads with Jews married to blacks? Why are all the ads with one of the couples being white? Where are the ads and posters with Asians, blacks, Hispanics, and Hispanics or Hispanics and Asians? 

Double Standard #2: Open Borders and Non-White Immigration

Jews support and find open borders for white countries. Jewish billionaires fund open borders and even transport Latin Americans to the US and Africans to Europe.

Jews are against walls in white countries, except in Israel, which has the highest walls in the world.

Israel has walls and extremely high-tech controls to keep Palestinians from entering Israel. A white country with such a system would be called racist. However, notice that Jews, even after showing extraordinary in-group preference, are never called racist. 

One has to wonder how much multiculturalism and anti-white propaganda are coordinated and funded by Jews. As for traceability, there is no question that Jewish billionaires fund programs designed to undermine white-originated countries. At first, the logic is unclear as to why they would want to do this; however, reading their psychology, they think it makes them less of a target and increases their ability to control white societies. In this way, Jews are a type of stealth colonialists. They gain entry into countries by claiming persecution and engaging in the activities that caused them to be persecuted.

If you think of the groups that know Jews the best, which I would include Muslims and Germans (Germans had enormous exposure to Jews and the highest percentage of Jews of any country before the rise of Hitler), they hate Jews. Jews are not hated in one or two places, and the hatred directly increases proportion to the exposure. When Jews first came to the US, most Americans knew little about them. This allowed Jews who could immigrate to the US to run their scam on a high-trusted society. And they have done fantastically well – with only around 2% of the population, they are 25% of the billionaires in the US. This gives them outsized power in deciding the policies of the country. Support for Israel, whose origin is extremely problematic and includes killing and ethnically cleansing Palestinians, is one of these policies essentially decided by Jews.

However, as they have amassed more power, it has become more apparent that they are repeating the pattern of behavior that led to them developing such a bad reputation in other parts of the world.

This video explains the highly restrictive Israeli citizenship rules.

Israel blocks anyone but Jews from immigrating to Israel.

Double Standard #3: Colonialization

This video does a great job explaining that while we are told that white colonialism is wrong, it seems fine when Jews do it. 

We are repeatedly told that colonialism is bad – but apparently, it’s okay — depending upon who does it. 

These are all of the Indian lands in the US. However, these are stable — the Palestinian lands are not stable. It looks like the Jews plan to expel all Palestinians from Israel. Secondly, Palestinians have very little land per person and are highly crowded in Gaza. This is not true of Indians with large amounts of land per person. The Navajo have as much land as Virginia but only have around 370,000 people. 

Just think about how often you have heard Americans live on stolen land. How many times have you heard of this claim made about Israeli Jews? Amazingly, Jews are prominent critics of whites’ colonial actions– a group at the end of the line for making this accusation.

Palestine is an example of geographic colocalization. However, that is the least of Jewish colonial projects. The biggest colonial project by Jews is to infiltrate countries and take control over them. This is what Jews have done in the US.

Double Standard #4: Economic Discrimination

Jews are highly discriminatory against non-Jews and highly preference Jews when they hire.

However, Jews demand that no one discriminate against them and that people not even observe Jewish double standards lest they be called antisemites. Given Jewish behavior, how can one objectively be pro semite?

How Do Other Races Benefit From Jews?

What do other races get from interacting with Jews or allowing them to immigrate to their countries? It appears that they ended up getting their country taken over and having their economic freedom reduced and their freedom of speech curtailed.

Jews make all the societies they control adopt judeo values — which is greed. There is no such thing as Judeo-Christian values. They oppose each other. Christianity, for many centuries, opposed greed. However, Judaism is all about greed. Given the enormous growth in tolerance for greed in the US, is it accurate to say that the US is a Christian nation? Yes, the largest percentage of the population is Christian — but. The policies are decided not by the population but by the elite, which are increasingly Jewish.

How Did the US Differ When It Had Fewer Jews?

When the US had fewer Jews for most of its history, the Jewish percentage of the population was much smaller than today — the country was less greedy. Now, greed is entirely out of control.

However, it is impossible to critique Jewish greed because whenever Jews are critiqued, Jews seek to eliminate that individual’s freedom of speech and move to censorship and cancellation.

One of the significant bulldog organizations for Jews that has a deleterious effect on freedom of speech in the US is called the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL manufactures supposed hate crimes — which can be anything –, and they have been found to have coordinated boycotts against Big Tech platforms that silence views they disagree with. This article would be considered hate speech by the ADL, and they would certainly reach out to Google or Yahoo to suppress it.

Jews Don’t Dominate Banking and the US Central Bank?

This is from the ADL’s website.

For centuries, antisemitic propaganda has demonized the Jew as a conspiratorial, manipulative outsider, often with powers and designs of world domination. From the Middle Ages through the Holocaust, fabricated accusations against Jews as poisoners and corrupters have led to horrendous suffering for the Jewish people.

In more recent years, the antisemitic notion that “the Jews” dominate and command the U.S. Federal Reserve System and in effect control the world’s money has surfaced across the extremist spectrum. Contemporary economic anxieties and distrust of government have given new life to this timeworn myth”

These were not fabricated accusations — they were based on Jewish behavior.

Jews do dominate the US Fed, and they are dominant in banking in the US. It is a long-established pattern for Jews to take over countries’ banking.

Why doesn’t the ADL publish what percentage of top Fed or banking executives are Jewish? How about the percentage in media and entertainment in top positions that are Jewish? It’s essential for Jews not to be illuminated how Jews dominate different areas. Furthermore, Jews dominated these areas the same way they have been shown to dominate them in the past: to take over an area and show an enormous in-group preference for other Jews.

This ADL is a scam organization like BLM. Their job is to deflect what are accurate criticisms of Jews so they can keep running their scam.

Jewish Opposition to Freedom of Speech

Any country with more Jews has lower freedom of speech because Jews disagree with freedom of speech. I am only allowed to agree with Jews — any disagreement with Jews, or showing how they have taken over so many powerful places of influence in the US and Europe, is not responded to with critiques of the evidence I present but with accusations of antisemitism and racism. This is the same way Islam deals with accurate criticisms of the religion, which is to claim Islamophobia — which is not an argument.

However, both Jews and Muslims behave in far more exclusionary ways than whites. No Jewish or Muslim country has improved the lives of whites and given them a place to live. But whites have done that for both Jews and Muslims. However, it’s not Jews or Muslims that are critiqued for being exclusionary but whites. I recently observed that being anti-semitic and Islamophobic are considered two of the worst things a person can be. However, nearly all Jews are Islamophobic, and almost all Muslims are antisemitic.

Why is it routine for whites to be critiqued for these two things, but neither of these groups is critiqued for this?

Surprise Surprise…Ayn Rand Was a Jew

Ayn Rand was one of the most influential writers who proposed a philosophy of complete selfishness. However, neither this first name nor last name was her real name. This was Ayn Rand’s last name.

Rand was born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum on February 2, 1905, into a Russian-Jewish bourgeois family living in Saint Petersburg. She was the eldest of three daughters of Zinovy Zakharovich Rosenbaum, a pharmacist, and Anna Borisovna (née Kaplan). – Wikipedia

Notice how the impression changes when you realize Rand was a Jew. And notice the consistent line of thought that combines extraordinary selfishness, ruthlessness, and greed that is part of the core philosophy of Jews.

A civilized country rejects Jewish values and rejects Jews.

The result of the Jewish takeover of society is everyone in poverty and them at the top, and as Milton Freidman said, the peasants are inspired by looking up to the penthouses and saying,

One day that will be me.

Milton Freidman stated that economic systems fall apart without income inequality. And guess who Milton Freidman sees in those penthouses? Here is a hint: there is a menorah in each of their living rooms.


Jews are a supremacy ideology that places Jews above all others. This is why Jews don’t see double standards as a problem. This is because a double standard only applies if everyone has equal standing. If you are “God’s chosen people.” All religions that I can think of place themselves on a pedestal versus non-believers. This is a problem with religions, which is little discussed. It creates an in-group superiority based upon zero evidence for what is being followed. Part of “religious values” is to place yourself above others who don’t share your beliefs. A consistent belief of the religion is that those that are not part of either that religion or the subsection of that religion are going to burn in hell for eternity. Yet, when I talk to religious people about this belief, they don’t seem to have any problem with this “value” and think that the solution to others not burning in hell for eternity is simply switching to their religion. Seeing the mental gymnastics the religious go through to justify why this is an appropriate punishment for not “choosing the right religion” is mind-boggling. I would probably get physically assaulted if I told any religious person that I think it’s natural for them and their children to burn in hell for eternity for not being atheists.

Mormons are known to preference other Mormons greatly, and when they are concentrated as in Utah, non-Mormons are not considered to have the same benefits as non-Mormons. In Mormonism, Catholicism, Islam, and Scientology, I know cases where each has used their concentrated power to keep preferred people under their wing from being subject to the legal system. You have to wonder how many people living in Utah are not Mormons but pretend to be Mormons to improve their social acceptance and business opportunities. If you look at how so many countries and regions became close to 100% Islamic after Islamic conquest within only a few generations — the answer is that the Muslim rulers made life so difficult for non-Muslims that it was a guaranteed system to force conversion.

However, the Jews have been the most successful in applying their supremacist ideology as they are so tight-knit, their identity is so wrapped up in being Jewish, and they are, on average, so successful and hold so much economic and political power. Jews are a combination of religious extremism with extreme effectiveness in manipulation and monopolization.

Jews support very high-income inequality, cheating non-Jews, money obsession, and the right to take over and change any society they desire to be more accommodating to Jews and less accommodating to everyone else. And any opposition to this can only come from a deep well of bigotry and irrational antisemitism. However, the least antisemitic people understand Jews the least, and the most antisemitic are those who know Jews the best. Isn’t it interesting that antisemitism has followed Jews around for thousands of years — and yet there is absolutely no reason for it?