How Chemocare Provides Inaccurate Information About Chemotherapy

Executive Summary

  • Chemocare is a website that provides censored information about chemotherapy to encourage patients to use chemotherapy.


Chemocare is a website by the Cleveland Clinic that just so happens to make a lot of money by providing chemotherapy treatment.

Reading the Articles at the Chemocare Website

You will notice that nowhere does the website declare that the Cleveland Clinic makes a large amount of money from chemotherapy or that they receive significant funding from the NIH to run clinical trials. This is commonplace on cancer websites. Even though entities with massive financial conflicts run the most popular websites, there is never any concept of explaining these conflicts to the reader.

Below is a screenshot of different articles at Chemocare.

One notable thing from reading the articles on Chemocare’s website is that nowhere do they discuss the effectiveness of chemotherapy. This is because chemotherapy has a very poor level of effectiveness, and if known by the public, a large percentage of chemotherapy customers would stop undergoing the treatment.

Here are some quotes from the articles I found interesting.

Chemocare Text Example #1: Chemocare on Protocols in Cancer Clinical Trials