How Much Has Early Detection Versus Treatment Reduced Deaths from Cancer?

Executive Summary

  • The cancer industry proposes they are continually making great strides.
  • How many improvements are due to treatment improvements versus earlier cancer detection?


The statistics of cancer survival are manipulated when as time passes, cancers are, on average, diagnosed earlier.

This quote is from the Scientific American article Sorry, But So Far War on Cancer Has Been a Bust.

Important Point #1: The Cancer Industry is Touting Longer Survivability — Leaving Out Earlier Screening

Cancer-research boosters often state that people survive cancer for more extended periods. But that is because men and women are being screened more frequently with higher-resolution tests and hence being diagnosed with cancer at earlier stages. They are living longer after diagnosis, not living longer in absolute terms.

Spector explains: “First if one discovers a malignant tumor very early and starts therapy immediately, even if the therapy is worthless, it will appear that the patient lives longer than a second patient (with an identical tumor) treated with another worthless drug if cancer in the second patient was detected later.”

Look at how well the US is doing in this statistic. In Japan, Brazil, South Africa, and Ecuador lead the world in extending life through cancer treatment? Other countries should copy the cancer treatment methods used in these countries.

Not so fast. This may be where more detection is performed, how these works are explained in the quotation from The World.

Jackson Orem is a busy man. He directs the Uganda Cancer Institute – the only dedicated cancer treatment facility in a country of 33 million people. Orem studied oncology at Case Western Reserve University in the United States and then came back to Uganda to head this government-owned cancer institute in 2004. For several years, he was the only oncologist in the entire country.