Is It True That Extremist Islam is a Perversion of Islam?

Executive Summary

  • Liberals and mainstream media like to present extremist Islam as not Islam.
  • How accurate is this claim?


Those that critique Islam by pointing out virtually any Islamic behavior are immediately admonished by Muslims, liberals, and mainstream media that any negative aspect of Islam is a “perversion of Islam.”

See our references for this article and related articles at this link.

Extremist Islam Versus “Normal” or Real Islam

Yasmine Mohammed points out in this video and her book that liberals defending Islam do not help people living in Islamic countries. Rather it continues the cycle of abuse that is very much based on Islam. Liberals do not have to live under Islam, and so they would prefer to be politically correct versus being truthful. 

Yasmine Mohammed describes the ridiculous and abusive things that are told her as a Muslim and how she was taught to hate non-Muslims. However, according to practicing Muslims, liberals, and the establishment media, all of this is “not real Islam.”

Referencing The Koran and Hadith..Accurately

Groups that are declared as extreme directly quote the Koran or Hadith to support their claims. When one reads the claims by ISIS and then reviews the documentation they provide, it does not appear as if the documentation has been “taken out of context” or “misinterpreted.” Let us take one example.

Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therin. They are the worst creatures. – Holy Qur-an by Wordsworth Editions

How does this quote need to be “misinterpreted” to be extremist?

The Reality of Islamic History

In addition to the documentary support, there is no debating that Islam conquered areas and converted them through force, through slavery, through oppressing non-Muslims. These facts are beyond debate. It is also not debatable that Mohammed married a child or that Mohammed supported sex slavery. It is not debatable that Mohammed stated that Muslims need to fight all non-Muslims until they agree that the only god is Allah. And not only is his written, but Muslims did this for 1400 years. Muslims only stopped doing this when their societies became so backward compared to non-Muslim countries that they could no longer project force as they once could.

Muslims receive our Golden Pinocchio Award for lying about extremist Muslims following and promoting Islam’s perverted form.


Islamic documentation and historical behavior are highly violent and in opposition to not only any other religion but any philosophy aside from Islam controlling civilization. Islam itself is extremist. The only places where Islam is not extremist is when Islam is weak when Muslims lack the numbers to subjugate non-Muslims. When Muslims are outnumbered, they are told to practice the taqiyya and to lie to non-believers. Obviously, they must do this, or they would be defeated. This explains the “soft face” presented to liberals and mainstream media that they do not understand.