How the Movie Out of Liberty is Fake History and Mormon Propaganda

Executive Summary

  • The Mormon Church has created an entirely falsified account of the justified murder of their prophet Joseph Smith.


The Mormon Church has a long history of creating fake history both to cover up transgressions by church members and to propagandize the faithful. They have produced the movie Out of Liberty to continue this pattern of behavior.

The Movie

This trailer is an entirely inaccurate accounting of the events that bear a striking resemblance to what occurred six years later in Carthage Jail and Joseph Smith’s murder. 

The Events at Liberty as Per Wikipedia

The climax of the conflict came when Captain Samuel Bogart of the Missouri state militia took 3 Mormon men as prisoners, fearing the Mormons were going to raze Richmond and Liberty. Rumors consequently spread through Far West that a “mob” was going to execute the 3 men, and the tensions culminated in October 1838 when Mormon militia forces engaged the state militia unit on the banks of Crooked River, in what became known as the Battle of Crooked River.

Following this engagement, on October 27, 1838, Lilburn W. Boggs, governor of the state of Missouri, issued Missouri Executive Order 44: “The Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated or driven from the State if necessary for the public peace … their outrages are beyond all description.”

On April 6, 1839, Smith and the prisoners were transferred to the Daviess County Jail in Gallatin where a grand jury was investigating. The grand jury was to indict them on murdertreasonburglaryarsonlarcenytheft, and stealing.[12]

This movie intends to present the Mormon side of the story and provide false information to Mormons to make them feel good about their faith. This is why it is a good reason never to accept any historical account from any religious entity.

The Events that Lead Up to Joseph Smith’s Murder Six Years Later

What is impressive is that Joseph Smith is again imprisoned just six years later.

Joseph Smith was arrested for what amounted to small-time terrorism, burning down the press of a person who exposed Joseph Smith. But this makes sense as the Mormon Church completely opposes the freedom of the press.

The Nauvoo printing press was burned under Joseph Smith’s order, which he did in retaliation for the Nauvoo Expositor publishing truthful information about him. This caused Joseph Smith to declare martial law — which he did not have the legal authority to do. The town marshall destroyed the Nauvoo Expositor building, which was reported to Joseph Smith.

Joseph Smith, the Con Man

Joseph Smith was arrested at least 42 times for grave crimes like bank fraud. Was Joseph Smith indicted for planning to kill the Governor of Missouri? He ran one scam after another during his life — and his biggest scam was Mormonism — which began because he promised a guy he could find gold for $20 and was forced to concoct this story after he could not produce any gold. That is why the plates were gold.

Who is another well-known con man?

L Ron Hubbard. And what do you know, he starts up Scientology. If you go to your local Scientology center, you can hear about Scientology being the center of the universe and how they have all the answers. Or you can go to The Mormon Center and hear the same thing. Science is wrong, everyone is wrong, and all criticism of their religion is based upon ignorance (actually, this is also a favorite of Islam, but Islam adds that if you disagree, you are also a bigot, and then they threaten to chop you up — because you know its a religion of peace).

Yes, yes, only they have the answers.

The Mormon Church History Museum

Attending the Mormon Church History Museum in SLC was amusing. Mormons have just about zero concern for what is true. Everything is rigged to make Mormons seem like heroic figures.

Mormon Discrimination

Mormons don’t deserve to have their beliefs respected because they have no evidence for them. And Mormons should not be treated with kid gloves. Mormons are well known for discriminating against non-Mormons. Therefore, it is entirely justified to discriminate against Mormons. It is also clear that Mormons disagree with the separation of church and state as they have turned Utah into a state government theocracy.

If you want a theocracy, Newsflash to Mormons fight the US government militarily to annex Utah and have it declared a Kingdom like Saudi Arabia. Then, bring black polygamy and do not issue driver licenses to women.

You know you want to do it.

Robbing People While Saving Souls

Mormons are irritants. They send out their “A-Team” — virtually unpaid Mormon 18-year-old know-nothings looking for mentally weak people to bring into the fold so they can rob them — I mean “save their soul.”

The Mormons in Arizona don’t do much else but build churches filled just a few hours a week. I like these churches because they typically have excellent parking lots for bike riding, but that is the extent of their use.

What a waste of resources. Pray from home and save on the construction costs. Goto…www.Scientology ……….wait I mean

This is a video where David Miscavige explains Mormonism….or wait, is it Scientology? It might be Mormontology or Scientonism. 


Here is a question for all Mormons. Why did God choose a well-known con man to reveal his truth? This is similar to my question to Muslims. Muhammed was widely regarded as an idiot and a self-avowed pedophile with a 7-year-old wife with whom Muhammed began sexual relations when she was nine years of age.

Why would God reveal himself to such horrible people?

Isn’t it more likely that these con men invented the story to gain power over others?

If your God chooses a con man as a messenger — this says something very odd and offputting about your God. In both cases, Mormonism and Islam, the high priests depend upon the followers’ lack of ability to perform even the most basic research to find that the story behind these prophets makes absolutely no sense.

Response to Comments on the Article

Someone commented on this article that it should not use quotes from Wikipedia. There seems to be some myth perpetuated by Mormons that Joseph Smith was not a well-known con man. He participated in many cons in his lifetime, including coming up with the golden tablets from which he says he translated the Book of Mormon when he was 18 years old.

Mormons must realize that it is not just Wikipedia that calls out Joseph Smith as a con man. Richard Dawkins has called Joseph Smith a con man, as have Mark Twain, Christopher Hitchens, and Laurence Krauss.

Yes, Mormonism is ridiculous. 

Here, Richard Dawkins calls the Book of Mormon a fraud. This is Mark Twain’s exact conclusion. Mormons will sit there and profess their belief without being able to defend the Book of Mormon. 

Joseph Smith was a sex addict and routinely married underage women. Joseph lied about practicing polygamy and was a sociopathic liar. 

Don’t Get Angry at Brightwork Research & Analysis — Get Angry at the Mormon Church for Lying to You

Mormons get angry at Brightwork Research & Analysis for simply covering the reality of Mormonism. However, the problem is not these articles; Mormons cannot accept their church is scamming them. We don’t know what to say, but you must research before you pledge allegiance and money to a church. We follow evidence-based research approaches, yet we are told by people who think that angels visited Joseph Smith and that the plagiarized Book of Mormon (the view of Mark Twain) research is not credible. Are people who believe in angels, golden plates, and magic underwear and follow this corrupt fantasy in a position to challenge those who follow evidence?

As soon as you accept these things, you have embraced irrationality, and Mormons cannot claim even to use the word research in a sentence.
