
Accenture Writes a Good Technical Paper on DP and SNP

Executive Summary

  • What are Accenture’s Papers like Historically?
  • What is the Primary Motivation of White Paper or Technical Document Writing?
  • Why is this Paper an Exception?

The History of Accenture Documentation

Accenture only very rarely publishes technical documentation. That is why their research can’t be considered, as they will alter it to increase sales. This is a problem because there is a lot of this type of commercial material on the web that does not do much more than serve as a calling card for the company, which I described in Writing Marketing Driven White Papers to Getting Business. They leave out a lot of the complexities of the topic and propose that you contact them.

I have to say this is a good paper on the steps of how to set up DP and SNP should be lauded, and it is so strange for a document of value to be produced by Accenture. I thought I would bring up its peculiar nature here.

Accenture’s Technical Documentation

The paper is how technical documentation should be written. Clear, step by step and jargon-free directions of how to do things. This documentation fairly well dominates the SAP Help documentation on these topics, which is close to indecipherable, which is one reason this blog is popular. However, with the Accenture documentation, it is not listed who wrote the document, which I always think is wrong. The company’s name can be on the work, but a person, not a computer, wrote the paper, and they deserve attribution. So if you are interested in the basic setup of the DP and SNP-environment, you will want to read this paper.


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