How Accurate Was SAP on Only SAP HANA Being an ACID Database?

Executive Summary

  • What SAP said about only SAP HANA being an ACID database.
  • The truth about only SAP HANA being an ACID database?

What SAP Said About Only SAP HANA Being an ACID Database

SAP made some strange statements about HANA being the only ACID database. Or that it was the single ACID database with several other features. The intent appears to have been to have prospects believe that being ACID compliant is a major differentiator for HANA versus competitors.

See our references for this article and related articles at this link.

The Truth About Only SAP HANA Being an ACID Database?

As we covered in the article How Accurate is SAP on Only HANA Being an ACID Database?, all of the databases that HANA competes with are ACID compliant and have been for decades. This phrasing can only have been created to mislead readers.

Conclusion and Calculation

SAP receives a 0% accuracy rating for ACID compliance being some unusual or unique feature exclusive to HANA.

Link to the Parent Article

This is one of many research articles on a specific topic, that support a larger research calculation. For the overview of the research calculation for all of the SAP topics that were part of the study, see the following primary research A Study into SAP’s Accuracy.