What Splenda Tells Us About the FDA

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Executive Summary

  • State of the FDA
  • The FDA as an Industry Puppet

State of the FDA

So I found out why Nutrasweet and Splenda have no calories. This is because they are not actually food. That is they are chemicals that never existed before we created them. For this reason, the body does not have enzymes to digest them. Splenda contains isolated chlorine (chlorine exists in a lot of things, but always bound to a different element.). Isolated chlorine is a main component of DDT, and is a class 1 carcinogen (which means it is proven, not simply probably carcinogenic). Furthermore, isolated chlorine was used as a poison gas in WW1. Understanding how chlorine is used by the body is critical to understanding how bad Splenda is for you. I quote from the book Sweet Deception.

When chlorine is chemically reacted into carbon structured organic compounds to make chlorocarbons, the carbon and chorine atoms bind to each other by mutually sharing electrons in their outer shells. This arrangement adversely affect human metabolism because our mitochondrial and cellular enzyme systems are designed to completely utilize organic molecules containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other compatible nutritional elements. By this process chlorocarbons such as sucralose (Splenda) deliver chlorine directly into our cells through normal metabolization. This makes them effective insecticide. – Sweet Deception

Thus, by combining free and isolated chlorine with and a hydrocabon (i.e. chlorhydrocabon), Splenda delivers a poisonous substance to our cells, that could not have been delivered unless artificial chemistry had created this molecule.

Artificial Sweetener or Insecticide?

Splenda was discovered while performing research on insecticides (not surprising as it is related to DDT). The approval of Splenda violates the Delaney Act, which states that no class 1 carcinogen can be approved for use in food. Furthermore, Splenda is also toxic to make, as is Nutrasweet. In fact factories for both are listed in Scorecard.org, which tracks industrial polluters. The plant listed below is a Nutrasweet plant in Augusta, Georgia.

This is the air releases of toxic contaminants from this plant in pounds per year. If these sweeteners are not toxic, how come their manufacture puts off such huge amounts of toxic waste?

  • Suspected Carcinogens 36,705
  • Suspected Cardiovascular or Blood Toxicants 66,755
  • Recognized Developmental Toxicants 36,705
  • Suspected Developmental Toxicants 56,283
  • Suspected Endocrine Toxicants 29,100
  • Suspected Immunotoxicants 3,196
  • Suspected Kidney Toxicants 93,938
  • Suspected Gastrointestinal or Liver Toxicants 68,466
  • Suspected Musculoskeletal Toxicants 3,196
  • Suspected Neurotoxicants 94,370
  • Suspected Reproductive Toxicants 37,137
  • Suspected Respiratory Toxicants 97,566
  • Suspected Skin or Sense Organ Toxicants 68,466

FDA, Puppet for Industry

I think my point is made that the FDA is a useless organization. Policing artificial sweeteners is beyond them, so how can they police pharmaceuticals that have even more money behind them? The problem is that the absolute misconceptions that the FDA does anything, prevents people from finding out more. The toxic and completely ineffective or counterproductive material will be offered to us in the grocery store and the doctor’s office, and it’s incumbent upon us to look to independent sources to determine what is safe and what isn’t.