The Problem With the Medical Establishment’s Advice on Cancer

Executive Summary

  • The medical establishment has enormous financial conflicts of interest that control its advice on cancer treatment.


The medical establishment has a series of financial conflicts of interest that present cancer to those diagnosed as entirely profit-maximizing to cancer-treating and cancer research entities.

Taking the Long View After Being Diagnosed With Cancer

Fighting cancer and staying cancer-free means doing everything known to improve the immune system. I do this for myself right now. This is not necessarily because I am concerned about getting cancer but because I want my strongest immune system. Cancer is only one of many threats.

The cancer treatment system in the US at least discourages this approach and encourages tunnel vision. However, cancer is a major immune system failure, and cancer patients that accept the standard treatment protocols, which ignore methods of improving their immune system, do so at their peril.

In this video, Dr. Jen Gunther presents a very standard establishment medical system understanding of the immune system. Most MDs do not accept that the immune system can be strengthened, and the immune system is treated as a static entity. However, we know that Vitamin D, sunlight, exercise, better overall nutrition, outdoor activities, and many more items strengthen the immune system.

How can such an outdated explanation of the immune system and that strengthening the immune system will lead to developing autoimmune disorders persist? It is almost as if Dr. Jen Gunther does not understand the concept of improved immunomodulation.

When MDs and the medical establishment continue to get so many things wrong (do you have your two masks on as you read this, and are you and your pets, including your fish, quadruple vaxxed?), it makes one question the medical establishment.

The solution is not just “killing cancer” but addressing the unhealthy condition that leads to cancer. (Again, those exposed to radiation poisoning at Chernobyl are not what I am referring to. Even the healthiest person can be given cancer under extreme conditions)

The Advice from the Medical Establishment on Cancer

Let’s review the behavior of medical authorities on cancer treatment and prevention.