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  • IT departments can often interfere with obtaining the software that business departments need.

On the Topic of IT Departments

While we cover several different areas, software and IT continues to be our primary area of concentration. In the previous examples of research and consulting that we have just covered, we provided evidence that rigged information constantly flows from private research entities and consulting firms.

Time and again, the centralized authorities are co-opted by the entities they are meant to control and manage. That is, decision-making entities are constantly co-opted by incestuous financial relations with those seeking to influence the decision-making entity. As just illustrated, this applies to health authorities, IT analysts, and many other examples.

This incestuous and corrupt relationship between IT departments and consulting firms, IT analysts, and significant vendors has resulted in large amounts of spending that are of limited value to the employees of companies. The reality is that IT departments are not qualified, nor do they have the interests of the companies (as is covered in the article). This partly explains the rise of shadow or non-IT department-approved software that adds more value to users than the software selected through the corrupt IT department procurement process.

Hiring Us

As you can see, if you have made it this far, it is challenging to obtain accurate information from the entities listed above.

  • Virtually all of the research, consulting, and advice that can be purchased is aligned with established interests.
  • If you have purchased research or consulting information, we can be hired to evaluate and provide our analysis. We can provide a number of different types of analyses of the material that will enhance your decision-making abilities and help moderate the influence of the types of poor quality information that we have profiled in this article.
  • We can also be hired to investigate topics and perform original research on technology topics.

Contacting Us

You can contact us at