Understanding Adalimumab Side Effects

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Executive Summary

  • Adalimumab has major side effects that need to be understood.


The side effects of Adalimumab are enormous and very serious.

The Adalimumab Side Effects

Here are the side effects of Adalimumab from Medical News Today.

Call your doctor right away if you have serious side effects. Call 911 if your symptoms feel life threatening or if you think you’re having a medical emergency.

Serious side effects and their symptoms can include:

Heart failure. Symptoms can include:
feeling short of breath
sudden weight gain
swelling in your ankles or feet
Lupus-like syndrome (an immune system reaction). Symptoms can include:
chest discomfort or pain
feeling short of breath
joint pain
rash on your arms or cheeks that gets worse in the sun
Nerve disorders or demyelinating diseases, such as seizures or multiple sclerosis (MS). Symptoms can include:
numbness or tingling
weakness in your arms or legs
vision problems
Blood disorders, such as anemia (low level of red blood cells). Symptoms can include:
fever that lasts
unusual pale appearance to the skin
Liver damage. Symptoms can include:
loss of appetite
belly pain
jaundice (yellow coloring of the skin and white of the eyes)
Other serious side effects, explained in more detail below in “Side effect details,” include:

allergic reaction
risk of cancer,* such as lymphoma (cancer of the white blood cells)
risk of serious infections,* such as tuberculosis (TB) or pneumonia

Do these side effects seem odd to you? Why would a drug cause lymphoma?

What Are the FDA’s Boxed Warnings?

This quote shows the warnings required by the FDA for Adalimumab.

This drug has boxed warnings. These are the most serious warnings from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A boxed warning alerts doctors and patients about drug effects that may be dangerous.

Actually, that is the medical establishment’s presentation of what a boxed warning is. However, our take is that boxed warnings are used in lieu of retracting the approval for a drug that should never have been approved in the first place. Whether it comes to drug safety, or bioequivalence of drugs made overseas, the FDA does not admit mistakes. They will come up with almost anything to keep from admitting mistakes and will cover up things to keep from looking bad. The boxed warning is one of the ways they do this. It is their way of placing the responsibility on the consumer or patient. One question that should be asked is how Adalimumab was ever approved in the first place — and the answer is that the FDA has major financial conflicts with pharmaceutical companies.


Risk of serious infections

Taking Humira can increase your risk for serious infections that may lead to a hospital stay or death. These infections include sepsis (a severe response to an infection, which may lead to severe problems, including death), a kind of lung infection called tuberculosis (TB), and histoplasmosis (a fungal infection similar to pneumonia). They also include infections that usually affect people with weakened immune systems. During your treatment, your doctor will monitor you closely for signs of an infection. If you do develop a serious infection, they’ll likely have you stop taking Humira. Before you start using Humira, your doctor will test you for TB. If you have TB, it’ll need to be treated before you begin Humira treatment.

This means that Humira compromises the entire immune system.

This topic was covered in the previous comment #6. And the question should be asked — why is a drug producing a severe and even fatal response to an infection?

And the answer can be found in the following quote.

Adalimumab can weaken your immune system and make it harder for you to fight off infections.

This means that Adalimumab does not act as an immunomodulator but as an immunosuppressant — which means the body is then vulnerable to all other types of attacks. This is something that will become apparent again in the section on cancer. Notice how this issue is reframed in the following quote.