What Are The Different Ivermectin Use Cases?

Executive Summary

  • Since its discovery, Ivermectin has constantly been found to treat diseases that appear to be unrelated. This is a list of some of these diseases and health improvements.


This article covers how many things for which Ivermectin is effective. One of the fantastic things about Ivermectin is how numerous it is. The vast majority of people do not know the many Ivermectin uses.

The Ivermectin Use List

This list of things Ivermectin is effective against is quite impressive.

Use #1: For Parasites

Its original and current, along with the skin condition of Rosacea, is only approved for use by the FDA.

Use #2: For Viruses

This includes covid.

Use #3: For Cancers

Many types of cancers have been treated with Ivermectin — and many types of cancer have not yet been tested.

Use #4: For Reducing Chronic Inflammation

For reducing chronic inflammation (which is highly correlated with the development of cancer)

Use #5: Immunomodulation

for immune system optimization, aka immunomodulation. Immunomodulation means keeping the immune system in a range that is not too high or too low.

Use #6: Auto-Immune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases are driven by an immune system that is too active and begins to attack healthy cells.

Use #7: For a Variety of Skin Issues

For skin conditions, Rosacea is the only currently approved FDA usage.

Use #8: For Neuropathy and Nerve Damage

Neuropathy is a common side effect of chemotherapy. We cover all of these topics on our subscription site.

How Ivermectin is Both for Prevention as Well as Treatment

  • Ivermectin is not only used for treatment but also for prevention.
  • A person taking Ivermectin benefits from all these ailments and improvements (for example, immune system improvement). Furthermore, Ivermectin is inexpensive and one of the safest drugs that exists. This means no one needs to wait until they are diagnosed with these diseases, and they can and should take Ivermectin before being diagnosed with them.

Why Are the Many Ivermectin Use So Little Known?

The medical establishment does not want the public to know what Ivermectin can be used for. Ivermectin is a low-cost generic drug, but it is better than many approved drugs on patent. For this reason, the FDA and drug companies do not want the public to know how effective Ivermectin is for many different things. The basis of the drug approval system is to replace generic drugs or drugs that have come off of patent. When we reviewed the articles that Google returned for Ivermectin uses, we found nearly all results from primary establishment sources that provided false information about what Ivermectin can be used for.

This is why we cover Ivermectin in all of these areas.