The Testing Evidence for Ivermectin for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Executive Summary

  • There is a natural reason Ivermectin is effective against rheumatoid arthritis, which the medical establishment pretends not to understand.

Article Summary

This article covers how the medical establishment actively discourages the use of an effective drug for rheumatoid arthritis (aka RA), explaining personal experiences as well as the experience of enormous numbers of people with Ivermectin, and why Ivermectin is such an appropriate drug for rheumatoid arthritis.


Despite being a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunomodulator (which means anything that causes the immune system to respond more effectively), Ivermectin is rarely used against autoimmune diseases — including rheumatoid arthritis.

What is the Interest Level in the Search Topic Ivermectin Rheumatoid Arthritis?

The search for Ivermectin Rheumatoid Arthritis is currently the most frequently searched autoimmune type concerning Ivermectin. After reviewing the available articles on the Internet, we found very little coverage of the effectiveness of Ivermectin for many specific autoimmune disorders. In response to this, we created articles covering Ivermectin’s effectiveness for different autoimmune disorders, including this one on Ivermectin Rheumatoid Arthritis.

About the Brightwork Research Treatment Database

A bit about us -- we have a subscription website that provides people with everything they need to know about using Ivermectin for several diseases. Cancer is just one of our most researched areas.

Article Indexes

  • Open this link to see just one example Ivermectin article index.
  • Open this link to see the full article index. 

What Major Online Sources of Medical Information Say on the Topic of Ivermectin Versus RA

Healthline is a very popular website that always presents the medical establishment’s view.

These quotes are from Healthline’s article Ivermectin, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Safety: Your Questions Answered. These quotes are typical of establishment media coverage of things for which Ivermectin has proven effective.

Hydroxychloroquine is another drug people have used off-label to try to prevent or treat COVID-19. Like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine is primarily used to treat and prevent parasitic infections. It’s FDA-approved to treat and prevent malaria, a parasitic infection transmitted by mosquitoes.

HCQ like Ivermectin may have first been approved as antiparasitic drugs — however, they are also both effective against autoimmune disorders. Healthline deliberately leaves out that Ivermectin is an immunomodulator, which I cover in the article How Ivermectin Improves the Immune Response by Acting as an Immunomodulator.

Why Only Drugs That Are On Patent are Acceptable for Promotion by the Medical Establishment

Both Ivermectin and HCQ have a major disadvantage for the medical establishment — they are both generic drugs sold at a much lower cost than the other drugs that the pharmaceutical companies want to sell at a far higher margin.

Drug companies want only on-patent medications to expand their usage, and Healthline cannot push back on this because Healthline has no independence from pharmaceutical companies but instead is paid by pharmaceutical companies to carry their marketing information.

This is the entirety of Healthline’s business model, the same as WebMD. This is why there is no distinction between reading an article on Healthline and simply going to Pfizer or Merck’s website.

Why is Ivermectin Not Regularly Used to Treat RA?

The following quote from Healthline explains the reality of the frequency of using Ivermectin versus RA.

Unlike ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine is regularly used to treat RA.

Hydroxychloroquine is considered a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) when used to treat arthritis. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce pain and swelling. It can also help prevent joint damage and long-term disability.

If Healthline were not a front end for pharma companies, they would admit what is obvious — which is that Ivermectin can do that same thing versus rheumatoid arthritis. Again — both of these drugs are good against autoimmune disorders.

How Healthline Misleads on the Safety Profile of Ivermectin

This next section of the article from Healthline was critical as pharmaceutical companies want the public to be scared away from any drug that is effective but not on patent and that has so many uses.

In August 2021, 21 people called Oregon Poison Center after taking ivermectin.

About half of these people took ivermectin to prevent COVID-19, and the other half used it to treat COVID-19 symptoms.

Out of these 21 people, 17 had purchased formulas meant for animals.

Signs and symptoms of ivermectin toxicity:



Abdominal pain



Blurred vision


Rapid heartbeat

Low blood pressure


Altered mental state


Loss of coordination or balance


Central nervous system depression

These side effects are incredibly exaggerated. Ivermectin is dispensed throughout Africa without a prescription and administered by people who are not even health care professionals. I have never found issues with side effects from Ivermectin in Africa. Given the nature of the drug, it would be difficult for there to be.

The toxicity profile of Ivermectin is so low that one would have to take roughly 200x of the usual dosage to run into trouble. So unless these people bathed in Ivermectin, it isn’t easy to see how these side effects occurred.

There is always the oddball story of an extreme overdose, such as some people have done with Vitamin D, where a man is reported to run into problems after taking 500x the usual dosage. However, the medical establishment never points out these are very extreme cases. The medical establishment brings up very unusual cases that don’t apply to over 99.9% of people taking these items while simultaneously supressing the adverse events for the drugs they prefer. On the converse — they cover up the far more significant side effects of the drugs that they make the most money from.

Personal Experiences With Ivermectin

I have taken over five times the dosage recommended at this site and never suffered any ill effects. And this is not because I am unconcerned with my health. I did this after reviewing the research on the amount of Ivermectin required to receive an overdose. Furthermore, the medical establishment certainly knows that Ivermectin is one of the safest drugs ever developed.

I cover this topic in the article Answering the Question of Whether Ivermectin is Safe.

Why Ivermectin is Still a Prescription Drug?

Given Ivermectin’s safety profile, there is a question about why it is still on prescription. The reason for this is not to do with its safety profile but to limit access to a great drug that threatens much more profitable drugs that are far less effective and far less safe, that is not as effective as Ivermectin.

An excellent example of this is many chemotherapy drugs and Paxlovid. The number of drugs that Ivermectin can replace is very lengthy. And that is the problem for the medical establishment. The reality is that if a drug is very effective for many uses and also inexpensive, then the medical establishment uses power to suppress the drug. The FDA has approved many drugs ranging from anti-depressants to chemotherapy drugs that are extraordinarily less safe than Ivermectin — yet curiously, Healthline and the rest of the medical sources suppress the safety issues with their favorite on patent medications while overemphasizing the side effects of extremely safe drugs like Ivermectin or the side effects of nutritional supplements.


Ivermectin is highly effective with very low side effects for rheumatoid arthritis, so it is also effective against other autoimmune disorders. For the same reason, Ivermectin is overall beneficial for the immune system- it is an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulator, which is low in cost, one of the safest drugs in existence, and can be taken for life. I am not proposing that one stop at using Ivermectin. Many other anti-inflammatories and immunomodulators range from Vitamin D and Omega 3 — and people with compromised immune systems and others should be consuming these items.

Our Recommended Source of Supply

  • Our approved source for Ivermectin is Summit Products.
  • They carry the Ivermectin we tested for bioequivalence 
  • (you can read about our testing here) for the active ingredient with the original Merck version but at a much lower price than the Merck version. 
  • This source makes Ivermectin much more accessible and has passed our testing.

About Our Dosage Calculator and More Information on Ivermectin

The dosage calculators for both cancer and use against the health damage caused by the COVID-19 vaccines -- as well as Ivermectin sourcing, safety, and more (over 140 articles on Ivermectin the most information anywhere on Ivermectin, and 800 total articles on medical and health topics) -- is all accessible at our subscription site.

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