By How Many Different Mechanisms Does Ivermectin Fight Cancer?

Executive Summary

  • Ivermectin has multiple impressive ways it fights against cancer both in prevention and treatment.

Article Summary

This article covers the history of the effectiveness of antiparasitic drugs versus cancer (for both prevention and treatment), and the different mechanisms by which Ivermectin works against cancer, including links to supporting articles for the different mechanisms.


In a previous article titled How Ivermectin Is Useful for Treating Cancer, we covered the evidence for the benefits of Ivermectin for cancer. But to understand the impact of Ivermectin on cancer, it is essential to know how many different ways Ivermectin has this impact.

The first article was more directed towards the layperson, those with cancer, or friends or family with cancer. This article must get more technical as the mechanisms are complicated and get into detailed biological explanations.

About the Brightwork Research Treatment Database

We have a subscription website that provides people with everything they need to know about using Ivermectin for several diseases. Cancer is just one of our most researched areas. To see more see the below article indexes. 

Article Indexes

  • Open this link to see just one example Ivermectin article index.
  • Open this link to see the full article index. 

We have the most research on Ivermectin and Ivermectin for cancer and are completely independent. However, we have to charge subscribers to stay independent. We have free articles that expose readers to our research and writing -- however most of our content is behind a paywall. 

The Relationship Between Antiparasitic Drugs and Cancer Prevention and Treatment

There is some relationship between anti-parasitical drugs and cancer prevention and treatment, which researchers have not explored sufficiently.

The following quotations are illustrative of this relationship from the site Parawellness.

In practical terms, doctors believe that most people do not really have a parasite problem. This is fostered by the large number of stool parasite tests that are reported negative by conventional labs. As a medical lab technician in my earlier years I can tell you that the responsibility to examine specimens for parasites under the microscope is relegated to a low time and effort priority given all the other testing that labs must accomplish in the course of a day.

This is really unfortunate because parasites are present in most people when the specimens are prepared properly and adequate time is spent examining multiple microscope slides thoroughly. Few doctors give much attention to the possibility of parasitic infection when it comes to initiation or continuation of cancers. A partial reason for this is that doctors and patients are under a false belief that our public health and sanitation is effective enough to prevent parasite problems.

This quote proposes that parasites are a blind spot for modern medicine.

Mechanism #1: By Killing Parasites

Now we get to Ivermectin’s first and most apparent mechanism: killing or reducing parasite load.

Diagnostic medical parasitology is the branch of medical science that examines body fluids and tissues for the presence of parasites. I have been involved in this since 1966 when I served as an Air Force microbiology technician in Viet Nam. After medical school and a residency in family medicine I continued my career as a parsitologist by setting up and running labs in practices where I worked. Now that I am partially retired, I specialize in parasite exams for people who want to know what is really happening to them.

There is a potential financial bias here, as this person sells parasite test kits. However, this author, Dr. Raphael d’Angelo, may have begun offering this because this research concludes that they are essential as people should know their parasitical load.

  • However, this is not a far-fetched proposal, and there is a relationship between antiparasitics and cancer improvement — therefore, this is a supported contention.
  • Secondly, these kits sell for $326. So this is not some mega-industry with enormous conflicts of interest as with the pharmaceutical industry, cancer-treating medical doctors, cancer-treating hospitals, or the American Cancer Society (which advises against nutrition supplements as we cover in the article The American Cancer Society’s Skepticism of Nutrition Supplements), etc…

Mechanism #2: Attacking the Mitochondria in Cancer Cells

Ivermectin attacks mitochondria in cancer cells, causing those cells to die.

Mechanism #3: Improving Apoptosis in Cancer Cells

It improves the mechanism of programmed cell death (apoptosis) overall. The article How Ivermectin Improves Cancer Prevention and Treatment Through Apoptosis covers this.

Mechanism #4: Reducing Drug Resistance

It reduces the drug resistance to chemotherapy drugs. This is explained in the article How Ivermectin Helps Reduce Chemotherapy Drug Resistance in Cancer Cells.

Mechanism #5: Immunomodulation

It improves the immune response and, therefore, the entire immune system, which allows the immune system to repair cellular damage — which is how cancer begins. The article What is Immunomodulation and What Are Immunomodulators? explains more about immunomodulators. How Ivermectin works as an immunomodulator is explained in the article How Ivermectin Improves the Immune Response by Acting as an Immunomodulator. 

Mechanism #6: Reducing Chronic Inflammation

It reduces chronic inflammation (the primary determinant in cancer development.) How Ivermectin works with chronic inflammation is explained in How Ivermectin is Effective in Stopping Inflammatory Cytokines and Cytokine Storms. This is also explained in The Role of Ivermectin and Vitamin D in Reducing General Chronic Inflammation.

  • A significant feature of cancers is chronic inflammation on the part of the patient. I cover this topic in the article The Relationship Between Cancer and Inflammation.
  • It has been known that chronic inflammation is strongly related to cancer development and that parasites can cause chronic inflammation.

The following is from the quote

In chronic inflammation, the inflammatory process may begin even if there is no injury, and it does not end when it should.

Why the inflammation continues is not always known. Chronic inflammation may be caused by infections that don’t go away, abnormal immune reactions to normal tissues, or conditions such as obesity.

Over time, chronic inflammation can cause DNA damage and lead to cancer.

Mechanism #7: Anti-Tumor Effects

Ivermectin has been shown to shrink tumors, as is covered in the article How Does Ivermectin Reduce Cancerous Tumors?

Mechanism #8: Reducing Metastasis

Ivermectin has been shown to reduce metastasis, as is covered in the article The Testing Evidence for Using Ivermectin for Treating Metastasis.


There are multiple mechanisms by which Ivermectin prevents and treats cancer. The question of which mechanism is most dominant may not be answerable. It would require so many studies, and it would be difficult to separate and measure the mechanisms independently.

For people with cancer, the only important factors are whether Ivermectin works (it does), the side effects (which are very low), and the cost (which is also very low).

About Our Dosage Calculator and More Information on Ivermectin

The dosage calculators for both cancer and use against the health damage caused by the COVID-19 vaccines -- as well as Ivermectin sourcing, safety, and more (over 140 articles on Ivermectin the most information anywhere on Ivermectin, and 800 total articles on medical and health topics) -- is all accessible at our subscription site.

Our Recommended Source of Supply

  • Our approved source for Ivermectin is Summit Products.
  • They carry the Ivermectin we tested for bioequivalence 
  • (you can read about our testing here) for the active ingredient with the original Merck version but at a much lower price than the Merck version. 
  • This source makes Ivermectin much more accessible and has passed our testing.

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