Why Banks Do Not Want Loans Repaid or Perpetual Loans

Executive Summary Banks want interest-only loans where the principal is never extinguished. This is to keep borrowers as customers for their entire lives. Introduction One of the illusions promoted by banks is that they want all of their loan paid back. This is untrue. Banks desire to create perpetual customers, which means a loan where…

How Banking Interests Promote and Benefit from Wars

Executive Summary Banks have historically made great profits from wars. Introduction Private banking interests have many reasons to promote war. One reason is that countries that go to war often go into debt, and private banks make money from these loans. It was widespread in European history of banking interests to support both sides of…

Abraham Lincoln: People in Economics and Banking

Executive Summary Lincoln created debt-free money during the Civil War called the greenback. Introduction Lincoln created the Greenback and wanted the US government to issue its own money, an idea by Richard Taylor. Lincoln allowed passage of the National Bank Act, which allowed private banks to create, which Lincoln opposed and would have likely reversed….

The Greenback Party

Executive Summary This party was created to promote the creation of debt free money. Introduction The Greenback Party was formed in 1874 by farmers which proposed that the US Government pull itself out of the depression by issuing debt free Greenbacks just as Lincoln had done.

Benjamin Franklin: People in Economics and Banking

Executive Summary Benjamin Franklin was an early promoter of debt free money in the US colonies. Introduction Franklin was the one who communicated to England why the colonies were so prosperous and connected it directly to the colonies creating their own debt-free money. Franklin observed the difference before and after colonial paper money was outlawed…

The Seignorage or Social Credit Theory of Money

Executive Summary The seignorage theory of money is that money based upon social credit. Introduction Promoted by Giacinto Auriti. It is explained in the following quotation. “This is explained in the following quotation “His theory is that those who accept the convention of a currency’s value, have the right to own it at its inception…

What is The Austrian School of Economics?

Executive Summary The Austrian School of Economics is the economics of the private banking elite. Introduction The Austrian School of Economist is a school of thought that sees no positive role for government. This is covered in the following quotation. “The Austrian School is described in the following quotes. “Just as Margaret Thatcher said, “There’s…

Michael Hudson on How US Stimulus is Primarily for Elite Interests

Executive Summary The stimulus is primarily for the elites and banking interests, not to stimulate the overall economy. Introduction The elite nature of US stimulus is explained in the following quotation. “The government money helicopter only flies over Wall Street. It creates money for the banks. And the banks basically provide money to real estate…