What is a Credit Default Swap?

Executive Summary The CDO is unregulated insurance for mortgage backed securities. Introduction CDOs are a type of unregulated insurance on mortgage backed securities. They were deliberately not called “insurance” so that they could bypass regulation. AIG kept no reserves to cover losses and hence when the mortgage-backed securities that were not what they were rated…

How the Private Banking System Pushes for Foreclosures as Part of the Debt Cycle

Executive Summary Foreclosure fraud was legitimized when Steve Munichen was made Treasury Secretary. Introduction During the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis, private banks took advantage of foreclosures and many banks produced fraudulent documentation that would allow them to foreclosure on houses that were not delinquent. Private banks have created foreclosure mills that specialize in foreclosing and…

How the Ridiculousness of Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac Could Only Exist with a Private Central Bank

Executive Summary Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac were created to purchase home loans to “increase liquidity.” These institutions would be completely unnecessary under a government-controlled banking system. Introduction The Federal National Mortgage Association or “Fanny Mae” and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation or “Freddie Mac” are two now nationalized loan buying entities that purchase loans…

The Debt as a Virus Theory and the Problem in Paying Back All Interest

Executive Summary The debt as a virus theory is centered on the fact that as banks create money, banks only create the principle, and there is not enough money created to pay back the interest on the principle. Introduction This is explained in the following quotation. “Money is created when banks lend it into existence….

How Bank Profits Come From Interest Payments at Zero Cost of Capital

Executive Summary Banks have virtually no cost of capital, and the principle is entirely conjured from nothing. Thinks makes recording bank profits an exercise worth analyzing. Introduction How the system works is explained in the following quotation. The principle or loan amount as created from nothing, a power granted to the bank by the government….

What Quantitative Easing (QE) is in Real Terms

Executive Summary Quantitative easing is a deliberately obscure term that means taking bad assets from banks and placing them on the government’s balance sheet. Introduction Private central banks create a fiction about QE, which is then repeated dutifully by mainstream economists. This explanation is that it is a stimulus. But, while it is a stimulus,…

Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and Privatization

Executive Summary PPPs are how private companies rob the public domain. Introduction PPP is a technique to steal benefits from the public domain by proposing a “partnership.” The private banking interests promote PPP and privatization. They are a major focus of the corrupt representatives of private banking interests like the IMF, the World Bank, the…

What is Unit Banking

Executive Summary Unit banking is a single branch bank. Introduction Unit banking is where a bank only has one branch. The concept of unit banking is to restrict banking power, and a unit bank may be viewed as the opposite of branch banking. The downside of unit banking is that a bank that is concentrated…