The Shadow Banking Sector

Executive Summary Shadow banking is even more corrupt than normal megabank banking and it is a major risk to the banking system. Introduction The lack of coverage of shadow banking is a serious issue with understanding private banking. More and more banking is moving away from transparent companies and into the opaque world of shadow…

The Impact of Continual Banking Consolidation

Executive Summary Banks continually increase their size through acquisitions. Introduction Large private banks are perpetually either buying smaller banks or supporting legislation that will make it more difficult for smaller banks to stay independent. One example of this is Basel III, which is promoted by the BIS, and its primary intent is to increase costs…

How Blockchain Is Used To Record Financial Transactions

Executive Summary Blockchain has been leveraged by financial entities to record banking transactions. Introduction How blockchain is integrated into finance is covered in the following quotation. Banking has become so ridiculously opaque that blockchain, a public and uncontrolled online register has been proposed as a way to provide better accounting. This is covered in the…

Why Major Banks Have Little Interest in Old Fashioned Banking

Executive Summary Old fashioned banking is banking that covers the basics for customers rather than esoteric scams, which is what modern banking is all about. Introduction Old-fashioned banking is explained in the following quotation. Old fashioned banking is the deragatory term used by private banking interests to describe low margin banking services like check cashing…

How Private Banks Work

Executive Summary Private banks are a type of parasite on the government’s money creation function. Introduction Private banks only exist because the government granted a concession of being able to create money. As such, they are completely unnatural and do something that is by right the government’s domain. Banks do not loan out money they…