How Does the US Have an Income Inequality of a Preindustrialized Country?

Executive Summary The US has a shocking income inequality or Gini coefficient. We cover the inconsistencies with this inequality given the nation’s history. Introduction The Gini coefficient is a measurement of income inequality in society. It is calculated yearly by the World Bank. The higher the number, the more unequal the society. The Gini coefficient…

Steve Keen: Profiled People in Economics and Banking

Executive Summary Steve Keen is one of the most important non-mainstream economists in the world. Introduction Dr. Keen’s research is into the impact of private debt on asset bubbles and economic growth. He is one of the few mainstream trained economists to contradict the status quo explanations related to public debt being what causes countries…

Michael Hudson: Profiled People in Economics and Banking

Executive Summary Micheal Hudson is one of the most important non-mainstream economists in the world. Introduction Michael Hudson is one of the most important non-mainstream economists. He was one of the first to explain how ancient debt jubilees worked and is not invited onto mainstream media outlets, specifically because he can poke holes in the…

John Maynard Keynes: Profiled People in Economics and Banking

Executive Summary John Maynard Keynes was an economist who often went against the established view. Introduction Keynes was an early heterodox economist who argued against austerity when austerity concepts were as popular at this time as they are today. He was also one of the most influential economists of all time. Keynes promoted FDR to…

What is Monopoly Rent?

Executive Summary Rent seeking has been eliminated as an area of study in economics as elite interests have taken over economics. Introduction The history of rent seeking is explained in the following quotation. “This concept of income without labor – but simply from privileges that had been made hereditary – was extended to the ideas…

How the Concept of Unearned Income Was Eliminated from Economics

Executive Summary Unearned income used to be an area of study of economics, but it was eliminated as economics was taken over by elite interest. Introduction The Chicago School of Economics proposes that there is “no free lunch” and that there is not a dollar overpaid, nor a dollar underpaid in economies because of the…

Dean Baker: Profiled People in Economics and Banking

Executive Summary Dean Baker is a highly visible critic of mainstream economics. Introduction Dean Baker is one of the most important non-mainstream economists and a co-founder of CERP. He has been a long time skeptic of the political focus on high public debt and one of his areas of specialty is debunking the mainstream media’s…