How Accurate are the All Industries Benefits of ERP?

Executive Summary ERP is sold on the ability to be used in any industry. Learn why the proposal that ERP works for any industry is incorrect and what this means for projects. Introduction ERP vendors have been adamant that their software can be used for any industry. SAP has many different industry solutions. However, when…

How to Understand The Fake Integration Benefits for ERP

Executive Summary ERP systems were sold based on reduced integration costs. Learn how the ERP systems increased most integration costs. Introduction Enhanced integration was one of the major selling points of ERP. The hours of PowerPoint presentations that have been created since the first ERP systems were sold describe the great cost savings and integrative…

The SAP Best Practice Scam: How SAP Uses Best Practices to Control the Implementation

Executive Summary SAP uses the false assumptions of best practices to control accounts. Best practices assumptions damage the project from beginning to end. Introduction SAP lists best practices in several areas on its website. I have included the following screenshot of best practices from this web page. Our References for This Article If you want…

How to Understand The Logic Used to Sell ERP Systems

Executive Summary ERP systems were sold based on things that never came true. Find out what were the false logics used to sell ERP systems. Introduction Many of the arguments habitually made in favor of ERP are, in fact, nothing more than logical fallacies. Because of this, it is essential to review the definition of…

Is SAP’s ERP System Innovative?

Executive Summary SAP’s ERP systems are often presented as a useful application, even innovative, but we question this assertion. To understand SAP ERP, it becomes necessary to know how ERP was originally sold. Introduction to Whether SAP’s ERP Was Innovative SAP claims to be an innovative application. The following quotation presents this. Our References for…

How to Personally Attack Those Who Critique ERP Failures

Executive Summary Pro-ERP consultants personally attack ERP critics and point the finger away from the software products when discussing ERP failures. Introduction ERP implementations have a long money trail behind them. It has come to my attention that there is a strong network of pro-ERP consultants that spend at least some of their time attempting…

Is a Lack of Business Process Reengineering the Reason ERP Projects Fail?

Executive Summary We cover a quotation from Panorama on ERP failure, which places most of the blame on business process reengineering. This caused us to analyze the history of business process reengineering. Introduction We were recently reading the report by Panorama on ERP Software Report. While we overall liked the report, we came across a…

How the Y2K Issue Was Deliberately Exaggerated by ERP Vendors

Executive Summary Both software vendors and consulting companies deliberately exaggerated the Y2K issue to increase ERP sales. This burning platform of Y2K could not have been as effectively created without the paid-off media entities. Video Introduction: TheĀ Y2K Issue Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video) Before 2000, a relatively minor issue concerning addressing a…