Why Dealing with Indian Recruiters is Futile for Domestic Workers

Executive Summary Indian recruiters have taken over the US IT recruiting market. However, they are doing little for domestic workers. Indian recruiters primarily parasitize domestic IT work information to substitute Indian workers. Introduction to Indian Recruiters Indian recruiters have developed a terrible reputation in the US in a short time. But one issue that is…

The Horrifying Takeover Of The US Recruiting Market By Indian IT Recruiters and Indian IT Recruiting Agencies

Executive Summary IT recruiting in the US has become overrun with Indian recruitment agencies. Trust is declining to the degree that it is reducing the overall IT contract market. Introduction to Indian Recruiters The rise of Indian recruitment agencies in the US and European IT markets has led to significant dislocations for domestic IT workers….

Contract Clauses to Watch Out for In Indian Professional Service Agreements

Executive Summary Professional service agreements or independent contractor subcontractor agreements are tools in the consulting trade. With the entry of low quality and almost entirely Indian recruiting companies, the clauses in these contracts are increasingly out of synch with US and European standards and practices. Video Introduction Skip reading the introduction and watch the following…