How to Correctly Understand Weimar Germany’s Hyperinflation

Executive Summary Private banking interests habitually oversimplify Germany’s hyperinflation as the German government printing too much money. Introduction Private banking funded media and economists have a simple explanation for German post WWI hyperinflation. However, they leave out the greatly reduced supply or productive capacity of the country. This is explained in the following quotation. “The…

How to Correctly Understand Zimbabwe’s Hyperinflation

Executive Summary Private banking interests habitually oversimplify Zimbabwe’s hyperinflation as the Zimbabwe government printing too much money. Introduction The following describes the inflation situation that occurred and is occurring again in Zimbabwe. “However, Zimbabwe’s peak month of inflation is estimated at 79.6 billion percent month-on-month, 89.7 sextillion percent year-on-year in mid-November 2008. In April 2009,…

The Relationship Between Not Collecting Taxes and Inflation

Executive Summary Taxes are only necessary for creating a demand for money and in reducing excess purchasing power (the driver of inflation) Introduction The reason for collecting taxes is not to fund government expenditures but to reduce buying power and control inflation. This is explained in the following quotation. “Political attempts to strangle the taxing…

How the Government Understates the Inflation Rate in the US

Executive Summary The US government has a long term pattern of understating the inflation level. Introduction The Consumer Price Index or CPI was changed, as is explained in this article, How Accurate Are Shadow Stats on the Understatement of US Inflation With the New CPI? The US government plays these statistical games, among a host…

The Real Causes of Inflation

Executive Summary Inflation is normally laid by private banking interests and mainstream economists at the foot of the government. It turns out private banking interests are greatly to blame for inflation. Introduction A major point of deflection by mainstream economists and their funders and supporters, the private banking interests are the cause of inflation. They…

What Are the Real Causes of Inflation?

Executive Summary Inflation is normally laid by private banking interests and mainstream economists at the foot of the government. It turns out private banking interests are greatly to blame for inflation. Introduction A major point of deflection by mainstream economists and their funders and supporters, the private banking interests are the cause of inflation. They…