Is it True That Feminism is About Equality for Women?

Executive Summary

  • Those trying to defend feminism will often say that they are only looking for “equality for women.”
  • How accurate is this claim?


Feminism is filled with false claims that range from there being no biological differences between men and women to the illusory pay gap. Women who align themselves with feminism try to retreat to the concept of “equality.”

This interview is relatively typical. Second and third-wave feminists undermined the credibility of feminism, and ever since, modern feminists have been trying to make it seem as if feminists’ reputation is just an issue of “perception.”

Emma’s Deranged Explanation of Feminism

Emma Watson also makes the claim that it is just about “gender equality across the board.” Emma uses the term “prejudice,” which is an assumption on her part. For instance, I am unimpressed with most feminist logic, but the more I am exposed to it, the less it holds together. This is not prejudice or pre-judging. This is judging. Emma makes the claim that misogyny is “normalized.” This makes a claim that is difficult to disprove, which is that misogyny is so pervasive it can’t even be observed. If a claim is made by a woman, and it is not accepted, then is it because of misogyny or because the argument is not persuasive or because no evidence was presented. Emma makes a claim about women getting the vote, but as is standard with feminists, it is not discussed how for most of US and European history, most men could not vote either. However, the inability to vote is something feminists like to say is exclusive to the injustice against women. Emma uses the term “patriarchal system,” which is also exceptionally poorly defined. Patriarchal means male-controlled, however, are common men or lower-middle-class men also a part of this patriarchal system as well? Feminists never bother testing their hypothesis, they simply assert.

Sugar Coating Feminism

Emma uses the term “misunderstanding” again that men think they can’t be feminists.

This is tied up with what Emma Watson thinks a feminist is rather than what it actually is. Emma is misrepresenting feminism in this interview, and sugar coating it for broad consumption. She then stereotypes men into not wanting to fall out of their “man-box” because it is so “fragile.” How does she know this? Could it be that men find feminism lacking inconsistency? Is all pushback on feminism necessarily due to things that have nothing to do with the content of feminism? Is there anyone who understands feminism who can critique feminism, or is any criticism based upon ignorance?

This is very common with feminists, and they don’t seem very concerned with evidence. They “feel” things, they think there are misunderstandings (from any person who disagrees with them). Feminists are fast to critique men’s movements but tolerate no criticism of feminism.

Tests For Equality

So, let us review different areas to see how true that feminists only want equality.

Reproductive Rights

Women use the term “my body my choice,” however, they tend to be silent when it comes to a man’s right to choose. For instance, it is widely acknowledged that a man cannot force a woman to continue a pregnancy that she does not want to, but there is zero discussion of whether men have a right not to be made to pay for children they don’t want. Women consider the entire decision to be with women; even though, it requires by law 18 years of support from the man if the women and man divorce/break up, etc. Women typically laugh off assertions that men have a right to their reproductive rights, and regularly switch to the conversation to intercourse as being the end of a man’s right to choose.

In the area of reproductive rights, women (not just feminists) do not have equality. They have superiority.

For this area, the test of whether feminism means equality is false.

Work Choice: If You Are a Woman, Not If You Are a Man

Under equality, either men or women could choose to stay at home parents while the spouse goes to work. However, women do not accept if men make a choice to be a stay at home parent. Men who don’t work will find themselves divorced or left for another man.

Meanwhile, women claim the right to work or not to work. And they typically want a partner that will support either decision they make.


For this area, the test of whether feminism means equality is false. Women claim superior work choice over men.

Type of Work

Women claim the desire to do any man a job does. However, women do not want physically demanding or dirty jobs or jobs that have to do with machinery. There are almost no female road workers, plumbers, automotive technicians, telephone repair workers, etc. And there is no pressure from feminists to increase the numbers of female bricklayers.

Women also particularly dislike hazardous jobs.

If civilizations relied upon female labor to fix power lines or repair infrastructure after natural disasters, it would drastically reduce the ability of societies to recover. The most ardent feminist is the first to point men to “step up” and fulfill their traditional role as soon as it hits the fan.

Women want clean and air-conditioned work environments. They want to hold specific types of jobs.

For this area, the test of whether feminism means equality is false. Women do not want to do all the jobs men do. They want the physically more comfortable jobs.

Paying for Things When With Men

Under an equal system, men would pay for women sometimes, and women would pay for men. As any man who has dated knows, having women pay is the fastest way to no longer date that woman. Women look at being made to pay as an insult. As soon as the topic of paying comes up, discussion of feminism leaves the building, and the construct of “traditional roles” is brought up by women, who want to be “treated like a lady.”

For this area, the test of whether feminism means equality is false.

Legal and Divorced Court

Under an equal system, neither side would be preferences during a divorce. However, it is very well known that women receive very preferential treatment in the courts. If feminists were serious about equality, they would lobby for this inequality to be removed. However, they don’t, they want that preferential treatment taken “off the books” as part of the discussion.

For this area, the test of whether feminism means equality is false.

Benefiting from Sex Appeal

Sexually attractive women have a long term pattern of trying to benefit from their sex appeal rather than looking for challenging jobs.

These women do not have to do this job. They don’t have to emphasize their appearance, but they have chosen to. Are these women looking for equality? 

Treated Equally

This topic is expressed and explained well in the following video.

For this area, the test of whether feminism means equality is false—women who are feminists, who can nearly always seek to benefit from their appearance.

Competing With Men

Even though there are fields that are mental and have nothing to do with physicality, that women cannot compete with men, such as chess, feminists want to be considered equal.

Observe the following video where the feminist proponent of the proposal that men and women are equal at chess refuses to provide evidence for the claim.

Observing that women can’t compete with men in chess is not because of their natural abilities, but because they are discouraged against playing chess. Women want to be considered equal in all areas, even in areas they can’t compete. 

Women don’t seem to realize this, but it is quite apparent to men, at least, how different it is discussing things with women versus discussing them with men. As a long term technical worker, I don’t ever recall women having the same interest in technical details and subjects than men.

For the patriarchy to be part of what is stopping women from competing in chess, it would mean society is actively telling girls that they should not play chess. Is this true of violin players also? Violin playing used to be dominated by men, but now there are many accomplished violinists who are female? Why didn’t the patriarchy stop women from playing violins, when it did stop them from competing in chess.

Are men able to use the same crutch?

For this area, the test of whether feminism means equality is false. Women seek to be seen as equal in areas where they display no equal level of accomplishment.


When women who subscribe to feminism declare that they just want “equality between the sexes,” they are misrepresenting where feminism stands. Feminists do not seek equal treatment. They seek a society where women can pick and choose what roles they want to fill that appeal to them, and leave the rest of the roles for men to fill. The type of feminism that was true equality focused was first-wave feminism. However, the second and third wave feminism have pushed the movement into pushing for superior rights of choice for women over men. More than this, feminists have undermined male roles in society, telling women that they should be telling men what to do and what to think. The perfect idea of a feminist is where her husband brings over his friends to work on the house while she goes out to get her nails painted. Where she is never asked to lift anything but can claim to be the equal of men while taking only those roles she wants from society.

If equality is the goal, why does this video strike at the heart of what women often expect from their male counterparts? Does this look like equality? 

The Insane Delusions of Feminists

Feminists have convinced women that they be in combat roles. Why was this test even necessary? Did anyone know that women can’t perform in combat roles? All the men know. Most women have no interest in combat roles, which is again another area that women have no interest in being “equal.” And this is just training, not bullets flying or people being shot. Women are a liability in combat positions and will seek the help of other men, who will most likely give it to them, reducing the effectiveness of the overall unit.

We could begin integrating society. There is no reason we can’t have boxing matches between women and men, or allow full and open competition in all the sporting events.

Let us see how well women do. 
