Photo Analysis of How Marilyn Monroe Dramatically Changed Her Appearance

Executive Summary Marilyn Monroe dramatically changed her appearance, making her look more white. This article analyses photos of her to present this case. Introduction This article was begun because it was brought to my attention that Marilyn Monroe’s mother was born in Mexico. That got me analyzing some of her photos and brought to my…

Cowardly Ukrainian Women Flee and Set Back Feminism 100 Years

Executive Summary Feminists have been talking about how they can do anything men do in “heels” now flee Ukraine while the men fight. Introduction Feminism makes a lot of noise when women want to pick and choose things they want to do. However, when the jobs are challenging, women immediately demand to move back to…

Why Feminism Attracts the Most Mentally Unbalanced Women

Executive Summary Little discussed is how feminists tend to be the most mentally unbalanced of women in western societies. Introduction Feminism has a strong appeal for the most mentally unbalanced of women, and Feminism is also a shield for evidence-free proposals that advance women over men and children. Why Do Western Feminists Defend Islam One…

The Brightwork Dictionary of Modern Feminism

Executive Summary Feminism is filled with falsehood, and this is why a reality-based dictionary is required to understand feminism. Introduction Feminists are constantly lying about feminism. This article explains the real meaning of terms used by feminists. Term: Big Red Big Red is the archetypal irrational and hyper-aggressive feminist who shot to fame due to…

Why Feminists Do Not Want to Discuss Sugar Babies

Executive Summary Feminism states that it is only about equality. The existence of “sugar baby” websites indicated the opposite. Introduction Feminists have constantly proposed that they are only about equality. However, upon investigation, it turns out that there are many areas where women obtain special privileges that are only available to women while also claiming…

A Future Design for a Feminist Post Nuclear Family Society

Executive Summary As feminism as progressed, it has become clear that women only value men for their resources. With rising income inequality, this means a reconfiguration of modern society. Introduction Feminists were very enthusiastic about creating a society where women could have equal pay to men. Now that women do have equal pay for equal…

It is Necessary to Pretend Woman Have Historically Been Warriors?

Executive Summary This article is a debate between a woke individual and me on the history of women in combat roles. Introduction I made the following comment on a YouTube video that showed a clip of The Rise of Skywalker. This miffed someone who thought I  was not representing female combat history accurately. Star Wars…

Is it True That Feminism is About Equality for Women?

Executive Summary Those trying to defend feminism will often say that they are only looking for “equality for women.” How accurate is this claim? Introduction Feminism is filled with false claims that range from there being no biological differences between men and women to the illusory pay gap. Women who align themselves with feminism try…

Why the Gender Pay Gap is Discussed But Not Overall Pay

Executive Summary The supposed gender pay gap is widely covered in the media, while the overall pay level isn’t. We explain why. Introduction This chart below is never shown in any of the major media outlets. The chart tells a very important story. In the US, wages stopped growing in roughly 1970, even though productivity…