LinkedIn Has Become a Front End for Corporate and US Government False Information

Executive Summary

  • LinkedIn has morphed from an open content sharing platform to a propaganda outlet for corporations and the US government.


LinkedIn has moved from just promoting establishment content over independent content based upon profit maximization (i.e., those who pay) to censorship of articles that contradict the status quo and promotion of false information provided by corporations and governments. This article explains that transition.

Our References for This Article

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How LinkedIn Changed

Several years ago, before the Microsoft acquisition, LinkedIn began allowing sharing content, which allowed people to either write articles within LinkedIn’s editor — or use a post that showed an introduction with a link to a website. This created a fertile area where people could share content with their network, allowing independent content creators like me to get several additional views of articles. For several years I used LinkedIn to share articles and research. I published many critical articles of SAP and Oracle and never found any of these articles to be suppressed. These articles’ shares were often successful. And many other content creators found success with the LinkedIn content platform. There was also active commenting on these articles and I used to debate people from all over the world on topics.

Linked In Content Degradation Step #1: The Content Platform Suppresses Independent Producers in Favor of Corporate Content

Over time I and many others began to notice a precipitous decline in the quality of the content shared on LinkedIn. However, it was not until I spent time analyzing my feed that I fully figured out how degraded the quality of the content shared on LinkedIn had become. This degradation in quality and the increase in corporate shares and brainless shares where people shared a new award they won or virtue signaling how they liked dogs is something I covered in my article How LinkedIn Has Degraded as a Content Platform.

Several years ago, I stopped sharing content on LinkedIn regularly.

Linked In Content Degradation Step #2: Censorship and Promotion of Only Corporate and Government Views and Content

My shares on LinkedIn had been suppressed for some time. This means that they were allowed to be shown to around 4,500 people in their feed (not page views, feed views) before the algorithm seemed to stop the share from continuing to add many more views. However, I had never had an article deleted or removed from LinkedIn before sharing some articles on covid. LinkedIn removed this covid article shares consistent with the overall pattern of censorship by Big Tech firms. This censorship has repeatedly proven to be incorrect. That is, Big Tech has been promoting government information that is false and censoring information that is true.

How When The Elites Call Something “Misinformation” It is Likely True

One of the best indicators, if any information is accurate, one of the best indicators is if it is suppressed by Big Tech and establishment media, particularly if it is called “misinformation.” I shared an article on Ukraine How the US Tricked Zelensky Into Thinking the US and NATO Would Defend Ukraine from Russia.

LinkedIn removed this article.

This article explained how Zelensky was tricked into confronting Russia to goad Russia into attacking Ukraine. This has been a goal of the US defense establishment for years. This is all about weapons sales and maintaining money flow to the US defense complex, including the DOD. Instead of people reading my article, which I would love to see anyone at LinkedIn attempt to contradict, LinkedIn provides a link on the site that sends LinkedIn users to “curated content,” entirely approved by the DOD and US State Department.

Reviewing LinkedIn’s Curated Content on Ukraine

LinkedIn provides highly censored information that prevents readers from understanding the overall context of the war and is controlled by the DOD and the US State Department. Notice how everything is slanted in one direction in these curated articles. The objective is to provide information that is very short term, very reactive which insinuates meaning into the short term event — but without providing explanatory context. 

This is the news that LinkedIn wants you to see. Not analysis like my article explains the background and shows the US instigating this war or other similar independent explanations.

How Big Tech Censorship Works

Whenever any of these Big Tech firms censor an author, they are never willing to allow a public debate of that author because, most likely, the evidence would not support their claim. My articles were censored because they were classified as misinformation.

However, what parts of these articles were untrue?

Big Tech never tells you.

And of course, LinkedIn which takes advertised material from companies ranging from SAP, PwC, Wipro, etc that routinely provide false information is somehow expert on misinformation. LinkedIn never censors obvious and constant lies from top executives when they share information on LinkedIn. Marketing and advertising lies are never called “misinformation.”

Censoring Oliver Stone’s Documentary on Ukraine

Why was Oliver Stone’s documentary on Ukraine taken down by YouTube after being up for ten months? (this is embedded from Rumble, a noncensored video platform)

The answer is evident when you watch the video. It shows US involvement in a coup in Ukraine in 2013, how the US, along with NATO, has been meddling in Ukraine, and how the US is highly responsible for pushing Russia to invade Ukraine predictably. YouTube/Google because they are connected to the DOD, and US State Department does not think anyone should watch this video. This means that they will come up with any fake reason to censor non-compliant material. And being very prominent, as is Oliver Stone, will not stop them from censoring that person or outlet.

This violates US freedom of speech, and Big Tech and the US government lie about their coordination to this censoring activity.

The US Government’s Public Coordination With Tic Tok Content Producers

It is difficult for the US Government to deny coordinating with Big Tech. The US Government met with Tik Toc influencers and provided them with false US Government talking points, which, just like US journalists, the young Tic Toc influences brainlessly repeated. 

LinkedIn Is Part of a Matrix of Big Tech Firms That All Function In a Similar Way to Support Elite Interests Against Public Interests

Facebook works with the CIA to undermine governments and Google and Twitter go along and censor material and promote other normally inaccurate material in conjunction with the US policy elites. Facebook highly coordinated with the CIA to promulgate protests in countries targeted for regime change. This was called the “Arab Spring,” and was presented as 100% authentic uprisings by western establishment media. I bought the official story also, until watching the Stone documentary and seeing the similarities between the CIA-backed coup in Ukraine in 2013, and the Arab Spring protests. The pattern became obvious.

Recognizing What Big Tech Is Doing

US citizens need to understand that they are being actively manipulated by Big Tech.

People living outside the US should consider that Big Tech is a tool of corporations and US foreign policy. If the US government does not like your government, the US Big Tech firms will work hand in hand with the US government to undermine that government. The US version of democracy is that the elites in the US get to chose the governments of other countries. Whatever government agrees with US foreign policy will be called democratic, any government that does not, regardless of the percentage of the local population that voted for it, will be called undemocratic. This is the critical point, for the US elites, whether anyone votes for a politician is irrelevant to whether that person is democratically elected. The best democratic politicians in the eyes of the US elites are where no one in that country votes, or at least the votes are thrown away. In this way, voting is simply performance art. The real decision is made by, as US founding father James Madison once said “the better class of men.”


Every year that Microsoft has owned LinkedIn, LinkedIn has gotten worse, which is consistent with everything Microsoft purchases. They have turned their content system into a brainless mind control mechanism that suppresses dissenting views. Neither Microsoft nor LinkedIn wants you to think critically about any situation, or to have any thoughts that are not approved by corporations and policy elites. This is consistent throughout Big Tech. You exist to them as lab rats in a cage to be manipulated. LinkedIn actively suppresses independent voices and pushes up corporate voices that produce false information.

LinkedIn is not only dead as a content platform, and it is now just an outlet for corporate and government PR.