Women Are Increasingly Enjoying Playing the Woman Card

Executive Summary

  • This article comments on a woman card moment that went viral that also has racial overtones, but says as much about how we have overentitled women.


The following is the reaction of an excellent news show named The Hill to an altercation in Central Park over a woman being asked to place her dog on a leash, that quickly escalated to the man asking for this rule to be followed having the cops called on him and being accused of something that the video clearly shows he is not doing. The resulting interaction is ridiculous because all the man is asking for is that the rules of the park be followed.

Note: A person who behaves like this has become known as a “Karen.” Even though this woman’s name is not Karen, we will be referring to her as Karen throughout the article.

The Video and Commentary by The Hill

Please view the video, and then you can interpret the comments below. 

This video does an excellent job of doing the research to find out what happened before the video filming began.

My Analysis

A lot of women have a lot of paranoia about men threatening them. This is odd — because while women are fast to imply they are physically threatened and play the woman card at non-violent arguments, other feminists say that there are no biological differences between women and men and women would be excellent Navy Seals. However, if there is no biological difference between men and women, why are women nearly always having men move their furniture for them.

Which is it?

Are women able to beat up any man, being unfairly discriminated against for combat roles, or are they looking for police assistance and the drop of a hat?

A few other questions come to mind.

  • Why is it that women think they have the right to win every argument they have if their opponent is a man?
  • Do men have the right to put forward our perspective in arguments, or are they always categorized as hostile or threatening?

A Racial Moment or a Woman Moment?

Virtually all of the coverage of this incident focused on the racial component.

But, here is the critical question to ask, would this confrontation have occurred if the woman were a man?

I think it unlikely.

Men are far less likely to expect special treatment during confrontations. Because we can point out white entitlement, the story becomes about race. However, the sex component is just as central to the confrontation, yet it was unnoticed and undiscussed by media entities. This is because out of control female entitlement, can’t be called out.

Naturally, if you opposed a woman falsely accuses a man in a ridiculous manner of threatening her — then you must be a sexist. Weren’t we all conditioned with #MeToo (recently amended to #MeTooIfIDon’tLikeYou, or #MeTooIfYouBelongtoTheOpposingPolitialParty or #MeTooButNotifJoeBiden) to believe all women?

Hmmmmmmmm….smells so good. Joey “Magic Hands” in action. But according to #MeToo, it is not sexual harassment as the individual is a Democrat.

However, if it were a Republican, it would not only be sexual harassment but would be called sexual assault. Or, if you are a Democrat, but you are not in 100% agreement with the establishment, then even resting your hand on the lower back/upper buttocks of women during photographs is totally unacceptable — and worthy of being thrown out of the Senate a la Al Franken.

Sexual harassment has now been broadened as well.

The words can be ratcheted up or down depending upon one’s agenda.

Must Beleive All Women?

Here we have, in the video, a woman clearly lying — but aren’t we supposed to believe her anyway? Again, I don’t want to lose my female credits I have worked so hard to earn by saying anything remotely, not 100% supportive of women. One more demerit and I am banned for life from The Pottery Barn.

What Men Know

While blacks see this as an example, racism — men know that this is increasingly what we are putting up with from women.

Therefore, this is not only a racial moment.

I am not convinced it is even predominantly racist.

For example, I am white, and if Karen had this confrontation with me, it is very likely she would have played the woman card the same way. I had a property manager state she would also call the police on me because we were in an argument about whether she had the right to place a very difficult to remove no parking sticker on my window. When I asked her what she would report as we were simply arguing, she could not think of anything. She then said I had threatened her by saying I would put the same difficulty to remove the sticker on her car she had placed on mine. At that point, she said its property damage — which is curious because she had already put that same sticker on my car.

In many cases, just the fact that a man is arguing with a woman is a police matter to many women.

Undoubtedly, Karen did really love to put in the “African American man” term in there in the call to the police. This Karen would never accept racism or “white supremacy,” but the fact is that most whites are, in fact, afraid of blacks. This woman, no doubt, is disgusted by Trump’s “racism.” The statement about “threatening myself and my dog” was undoubtedly amusing.

Was this Karen Faking Fear?

Towards the end of the video, her voice changes in modulation, which usually indicates she is actually afraid.

Is that faking?

I ask because her voice modulation seemed to take over when she was on the phone to the police. However, the man is not doing anything to increase the threat to her. We will see in the Erica Thomas case that is covered later in the article — another woman was able to “turn on” her sympathy meter for a video she filmed for YouTube — where the filmed confrontation she is referring to — she showed no signs of emotional concern. This brings up the question of how frequently women are faking a distressing mental condition in order to receive sympathy and special treatment. This also flies counter to the statements by feminists that they are just as strong as men, should be able to be brought into US Special Forces, and that is precisely as capable and strong and mentally strong as men.

That has to be one of the least threatening, threatening situations I have ever seen. While she is voice acting, the man is roughly 20 feet away from her. The one source of intimidation — which the man should not have said — which is before the videotaping begins — was the man saying..

“If you are going to do what you want to do, I am going to do what I want to do, but you are not going to like it.”

That could easily be interpreted as a threat. And is most likely what triggered this Karen (Whose name is Amy Cooper). An article in the New York Times that looked into her background found a history of petty disagreements like this.

Another neighbor, Marisol De Leon, 40, said Ms. Cooper frequently walked Henry unleashed, and became irate when told not to. “There was a sense of entitlement,” Ms. De Leon said.

Alison Faircloth, 37, a neighbor and dog owner, recalled that last winter, she came upon Ms. Cooper on the verge of tears outside the building’s lobby. A doorman had cursed at her for no reason, Ms. Cooper told her. Ms. Cooper vowed to get the doorman fired, Ms. Faircloth said.

But when Ms. Faircloth asked the doorman what had happened, he told her that Ms. Cooper had complained about a broken elevator, then cursed at him after she barged into a security booth and had to be removed by a guard.

It is not possible to determine to what extent recollections of Ms. Cooper’s behavior are now shaded by news of her encounter in Central Park. Still, some residents said they held her at arm’s length because of what they described as her combative behavior with other dog walkers and the building staff. – New York Times

What kind of intimidation gives you 2 minutes and 20 feet of space to call the cops on them? If this were an actual threatening situation, this man would have begun making more specific threats.

This falls into the category or is at least very close to it of a false police report. Jussie Smollet ran into trouble for something similar, except Jussie was more premeditated, and the illusory thugs were MAGA hat-wearing white racists.

Time to Reclassify Non-Violent Acts as Violence?

Notice how women have reclassified things to make them appear violent.

  • “Threatening”: Notice Karen’s reference or accusation of “threatening.” Threatening a person (and a dog) is now asking for the dog to be leashed.
  • “Sexual Assualt”: Sexual harassment was non-physical. However, not the term often used is sexual assault — which is a physical term. Whatever happened to the term “sexual harassment.” Was it not sufficiently threatening, so it had to be decommissioned?

According to this trans person, non-physical violence is now violence.

(PS, to trans people, a great way to not be misgendered by strangers is to stop masquerading sex you are not. It is generally not possible for people of one sex to pretend convincingly as a member of the opposite sex as appearance, voice, and mannerisms are very different between the sexes. If you have a large Adam’s apple, a deep voice, and a five o’clock shadow, and you have the body of a man, you are going to get misgendered while ordering at Arby’s. I am 6 foot 1. How many 6 foot 1 are women there? I have met a few in my life. Just my height would make it difficult for me to pass as a woman. The problem with being misgendered is primarily a person looking like another sex; then, they would like to pass themselves off as.

This is true even if you are wearing a Marilyn Monroe wig.

For example, I have yet to be called she in Arby’s or other fast-food establishments.

And people that are becoming trans are paying back society for being incredibly tolerant, but setting up the condition where they can complain more because while they are somewhat accepted, they now will be repeatedly “misgendered.”

Men who dress like women, and have massive jaws, are being called sir. I hate to break it to this man, but there is no woman with a jaw that big. Get real if you think people of either sex will look at that face, no matter what outfit you choose to wear, and remember to call you a “Maam.” These trans individuals are so offended because they are just not pulling off the illusion they have created in their minds that they can just change sexes. 

Trans proponents want the pronouns “they and them” to be used to describe them. The problem is that “they and them” are plural pronouns. They and they are used to describe multiple individuals. If you say “they” are coming over to the house — it means that more than one person is coming over to the house. The alternative is “it,” which is gender-neutral, but this pronoun is used for inanimate objects. “It” can’t come over to the house by itself, because “it” is a table or a computer — it requires an animate object — which is always he or she to bring it to the house. If an “it” is coming to the house, then it would have to be a self-guided robot of some kind.

I would hypothesize that Sofia Vergara has never been misgendered. This dramatically reduces the amount of “violence” she receives.

The definition of a Nazi has broadened considerably in recent years. Many now consider the statement of the reality of biological differences between men and women to be unacceptable. The biology professor who pointed out sex differences in this video was referred to as a Nazi and a fascist. 

This proto-masculine bigot misgendered a student in class! This man is clearly a monster and violated the school’s policies. We have reached the point where we are shaming men who wear pink shirts onto talk shows as being not appropriately sensitive. This man was promptly sent to a mangina re-education camp after the interview. 

People are trying to change terms so that they can claim victim status.

Women are into this perversion of language.

Tranies are into this and have done this before with terms that already had accepted meanings.

The Tendency With Many Women to Escalate Situations of Conflict, So They Can Claim Victim Status

Women are fast to call the cops and escalate situations that are not legal matters. This man was not “threatening her life.”

Losing a debate, or want to get a man you are having an argument within trouble? Why not play the woman card? That man is not presenting his side of the debate — no, he threatened you!

How Women-Subservient Men And the Legal System Has Coddled Women

There are many men who will White Knight for these kinds of antics because they have been turned into women-subservient men, aka “manginas” by our society. They feel obligated to compliment women continually or to tell them how “fabulous” they are.

This type of video is an illustration of how deluded many women have become with an unending parade of people like Oprah, Michelle Obama, and various manginas telling them they are the center of the universe.

The Outcome

According to the video, this Karen lost her job after this incident.

That seems like an overreaction, but she worked for an investment firm — which means her job loss improves the economy. Unless they replace her with another person instead of eliminating the position, this is a person of low character who uses unnecessary force against people regardless of what is right or wrong. She was more than ready to get this person in trouble with the police then just to get keep her from having to put a leash on her dog – and of course, to admit that she was wrong.

This shows the standard character of people that work in investment banks in Wall Street. So it is not only a race moment, and a woman moment, it is also a Wall Street moment.

Typically Wall Street employees punish the rest of their country in their work-lives. This behavior was small potatoes compared to the damage that she would have inflicted on others on a daily basis working for her hedge fund, a private equity firm, or other financial entity.

Reversing the Race of the Conflicted Situation

In the “Central Park Karen video,” people were appalled that Karen used the “white card.” They assigned all of the issues to race rather than sex. Let us check a different scenario.

What happens when the races of the individuals are reversed. In this case, it is a white man named Eric Sparks telling a black woman (Erica Thomas) not to do something rather than a black man telling a white woman to do something.

This story is covered in the following video.

Notice that while it is “horrific” for a white woman to call a man “African American” in the call to the police, it sparked no outrage that this black woman called out a white man or made race an issue when what he said was she needed not to use the express lane.

Blacks increasingly feel entitled to make disagreements about race, even when no racial implication or statement is made by the white individual. This black woman used not only the black card but also the pregnancy card. 

Erica Thomas went on to social media and presented a false story that the dispute was due to racism and created a video designed to obtain sympathy. She stated that Eric Sparks told her to “go back where she came from,” (which would be odd — as Erica Thomas has no accent and the area where the incident occurred is 25% black). That is a racist white man who victimized her for no other reason than her race. And it had nothing to do with how many items she took through the grocery express lane.

This crybaby scene does not match the video camera, which shows Erica Thomas as the aggressor. Then when she is recording a video, it’s a crybaby routine. Is Erica Thomas, a professional actress?

And of course, it is not only racism from Eric Sparks — but also Donald Trump. And it is Eric Sparks’ “white privilege.” However, who was taking through many items through the express lane?

Who had the privilege in this situation?

Erica Thomas made false claims in her crybaby video — and expected to be able to create an “event” without the other person — Eric Sparks speaking to present his side of the story. When he does unexpectantly appear — Erica Thomas does everything she can to silence him. Telling him, he will not get his “5 minutes of fame.” That is Erica Thomas has the right to call him a racist, but Eric Sparks does not have the right to provide his side of the story — because that is providing him with “5 minutes of fame.”

This is terrible. This woman is clearly completely incapable of defending herself — and is just a victim — as she presented in her tearful heartfelt video. She also apparently has the ability to stand — but it is a selective ability. If berating someone she can stand, but when checking out at the grocery store, she is unable to stand and must Bogart the express lane. 

She has the right to hijack his statement the press and to invade his space and to make false statements about him.

However, he has white privilege?

Naturally, published initially by the New York Times — the story is only picked up because a black person makes the claim of racism. And the New York Times is out looking for claims of racism (only against whites) without worrying about verifying the story.

My Analysis

Supermarkets do not have pregnancy lanes — they have ten limit item checkout lanes. If you can go shopping, then you can stand. Furthermore, when she was scolding him and getting in his face, she seemed to have no problem standing. She looks quite strong, actually, nor does she look nine months pregnant. Her midsection is barely larger than her breast line. Women who are nine months pregnant normally have a much larger midsection — but either way, the pregnancy does not appear to be impacting her movement particularly adversely. However, this is the same thing for handicapped spaces. The image on a handicapped space is a wheelchair. But you barely ever see wheelchair assist vehicles in the space. Most of those that use the space is just old, not handicapped. The legislation that was passed to create handicapped spaces used the logic of them being for handicapped — there was never an argument that old people — not confined to wheelchairs were going to “Bogart” these spaces. 

Using Law Enforcement Against Men Who Argue With Them

In both cases evaluated in this article, the woman is in the wrong but seeks to use a mechanism rather than admitting she was wrong. In the case of the Karen, it was the police (she exaggerated the threat from the man she was debating who said that he was going to “do what he wanted to do, but she would not like it — which turned out to be giving her dogs treats). In the case of the express checkout women, it was her women’s card, race card, and pregnancy card.

She made it clear — she cannot be asked not to do something by a “white man.” As clear as Karen was about being threatened by an “African American man,” the checkout woman was just as clear that she was being told what to do by a “white man.”

A Lawmaker Who Knows Nothing About the Law?

Erica Thomas, who is a Georgia councilwoman, stated that she thought Eric Sparks should be brought up on charges?

This is an argument over the use of a checkout line. What is the legal charge that Erica Thomas would propose?

Furthermore, this is not a person who works in the private industry and who may have no familiarity with the law. How did this woman get elected, and how can she understand how to do her job? This woman works in the Georgia State government, is a lawmaker — and does not seem to know that arguments are not legal matters. There is a racial stereotype that blacks vote in blacks who do lack the knowledge to do their job because the person being voted in is black. Here, Erica Thomas is proving that she is unqualified to be a lawmaker and conforming to the stereotype of black politicians. They do not know enough to execute the responsibilities of their office.

Furthermore, this is a repeated pattern shown by women that they believe criminal charges should be filed against men — an that they should be placed into the legal system — for getting into arguments with them and no immediately backing down. Let us imagine how this would play out for a minute. Erica Thomas would like Eric Sparks to have a misdemeanor for the crime of calling her out in the grocery aisle. I was under the impression that blacks do not like their men to be “criminalized.”

However, what would occur to Eric Sparks if Erica Thomas was successful in getting Eric Sparks prosecuted?

Women have become very accustomed to strong preferential treatment in family courts. And this desire appears to be extending to everyday interactions. Such that the state should be expected to take the woman’s side and to punish men and give them criminal records when they have the temerity to have arguments with women. This is an interesting window in the way that some women at least think society and law enforcement should be structured. As a side note — in my own experience, I have found that women seem to expect generally preferential treatment from men. Therefore, women expect doors opened for them, and generalized preferential treatment from men that they do not know.

Black Analysis of Karens as Explained by Karens as Attempting to get Black Men Killed by the Police

This is an interesting video that delves into the Karen mental type. However, at the 6:55 mark in this video Rebecca Pierce, who is black, makes the following claims. 

  1. Calling the police was a death threat (because the police would come and kill the man as he was black).
  2. The police are systematically racist and target black people. While white women, in particular, use this against black people for no reason.
  3. White women know that the police kill blacks disproportionately (and apparently hope that police will kill blacks that they get into arguments with).
  4. It is a tool to dehumanize black people and a way for white women to threaten the lives of black individuals.
  5. White women completely ignore intersectionality and their privilege as white women.

At the 18:57 point in the video, a disagreement between white skateboarders and a white woman about doing a stair jump causes the “Karen” to demand that the sheriff be called. Again, both of the individuals in this disagreement are white.

At the 24:59 point in the video, a white woman threatens a white man with a lawsuit if she is not allowed in the store to go shopping. Again, no blacks involved in the disagreement. The woman did not threaten to call the police, but she did threaten legal force by stating that she needed to be allowed to shop without a mask. Or a lawsuit would follow. If the man had been black, would it have been an example of white privilege? If an over-entitled white person makes unreasonable requests to a black person, is it white privilege — but not white privilege if the request is made to a white person?

Karens are a growing phenomenon, and most white women have far more interactions with other white men and women than black women. Entitled behavior is being observed when there are no other races other than white. How did blacks turn the issue of overentitled women into a race issue? Secondly, there are plenty of black Karens also — as the Erika Thomas video illustrates. Did blacks simply not notice overentitled black women? Because the stereotype of the “mad black woman” has been with us for decades.

Black women tend to find the stereotype of the mad black woman offensive. They attempt to convert the negative stereotype into others not being able to handle a “strong black woman.” However, couldn’t the same argument be made by Karen? Aren’t Karens just being “strong.” Blacks are very happy to stereotype Karens and to tinge them with racism — but consider the similar stereotype of the mad black woman as offensive. 

The Amanda Shares, who is in frequent social media arguments with other women, in this video, tries to make the racism argument related to the mad black woman stereotype. The argument is that at one time in the US, black women were not allowed to be literate — and now that they are literate — society (white society) cannot accept their “truth.” However, do you know who tends to also complain about a mad black woman? Black men. If the racism argument is valid, then black men would support women who act this way — however, they by in large do not. Do you also know who Amanda Shares frequently gets into arguments with? Yes, other black women. So it seems that even black women don’t seem to appreciate her behavior.

Amanda Shares has been so offended by the racism that stopped her from being a mad black woman — that she dyed her hair blond and wore her makeup in a way that makes her appear more white than she is? 

Yes, according to Amanda Shares —

“When black women share there thoughts as independent women, it shouldn’t be viewed as anger.”

And here we go again with claims of racism. The interpretation of disagreeable behavior is entirely due to racism even though this same behavior is pointed out by black men and by black women.

The Asian woman on the panel stated that..

“We are grown women with independent thoughts and we respect each other more because we have independent thoughts.”

Now being overly assertive is blamed on sexism! Yes, there are no excessively entitled women — it is all a conspiracy of racism — and sexism. Unless, of course, it is a white Karen — then that is again, an example of white privilege.


The Issue With Negating White Input and Standard Maintainance

The problem is that whites in the US do the best job of maintaining standards. All of the thriving retail establishments are based upon white principles — although the management may have turned over. There would never a “black” Starbucks. White businesses are where people prefer to shop. Asian and Indian stores, for instance, are known as being far less clean, far less organized, and far less focused on customer service. Latin Americans that have opened businesses primarily open restaurants, which are well known for tasty food, but they are not considered clean or up to white standards in customer service, etc.. They offer a similar experience to other non-white establishments.. which is “take it or leave it.” Mexican grocery stores are poorly lit and poorly stocked, and again far inferior an offering from white established stores.

Therefore, if whites cannot establish and enforce standards, those areas go downhill very quickly. At that point, whites leave, which then causes the area to go downhill, which then gets whites accused of “white flight,” and as Michelle Obama has said of leaving the neighborhoods “in shambles.”


This video is a good example of how many women deliberately escalate situations as they know that escalating the situation and making up a story about being threatened increases their likelihood of getting their way. For police, it is important to moderate the response to female 911 calls. That is, when a call is received by a woman, the call is less likely to be an emergency than when the caller is male.

According to the prevailing wisdom, women are better than men.

They are better special forces soldiers than men, they are only kept out of the furniture moving profession because of male “patriarchy,” however, at the drop of a hat, they seem interested in calling on the “patriarchy” to either help them move their furniture or otherwise give them backup –which is odd — because as MS Magazine repeatedly tells us, there is no biological difference between men and women.

Its all just social construct. It must be nice to claim equality in things you have never done and can never do, and then also have a woman card to pull out — you know, when the time is right and its time to play the damsel in distress.
