Review of IOUSA

Executive Summary IOUSA Our Take on IOUSA Where The Money for the Government Comes From Combined Deficit Social Security Deficit IOUSA is a movie produced by concentrated power to pave the way for policy changes that benefit the ultra-wealthy. It’s crooked agenda went unnoticed by the Sundance Film festival where it won an award. It…

Raiding Pensions and the PGBC

Executive Summary Executives In Favor of Pension Privatization Make Their Case By Raiding Pensions What Is The PGBC? Neutering Then Infiltrating the PGBC Introduction There has been a very large amount of money from elite interests designed to get people to support retirement privatization. This has included: Movement from pensions to the 401k Republican initiatives to…

Why GDP Cannot Be Used to Measure Economic Benefit

Executive Summary GDP as a Faulty Measurement of Economic Benefit Fake Knowledge on the Economy Fake Knowledge on the Economy One of the great falsehoods of modern economics is that the profession has a strong way of measuring the economic benefits that the economy produces. The way they do it is by combining all economic…

Investment Bankers Destroy $7 for Every $1 They Take in Compensation According to NEF

Executive Summary Value Creating Professions Value Destroying Professions Accounting for Social Costs Introduction In an excellent study of the value provided by different professions, the New Economics Foundation has published the type of work that could simply not be published at any economics university in the US, and probably in the UK due to political…

How to Stop the Top White Collar Thieves

Executive Summary Individuals Who Work in Finance Lawyers Physicians Bosses in Hierarchical Organizations Introduction The majority of money and opportunities that are taken from people in the US face are from people with a white collar rather than thugs and criminals. Staying away from thugs is pretty simple for those with average intelligence or above….

How About Cap and Trade for Illegal Activities?

Executive Summary Cap and Trade Madness Do Murder Credits Make Sense? Introduction There has been a lot of talks recently about “cap and trade.” This is a scheme whereby instead of having a straight-forward regulation that simply sets limits on pollution and punishes those that violate those regulations, Wall Street is extremely enthusiastic about setting…

CEPR Nails It on Executive Compensation

Executive Summary Executive Compensation is Completely Anti-Market Introduction Executive compensation must not be questioned in the US. According to Milton Friedman whatever executives make they “earn.” There is no such thing as a free lunch. Individuals should not get perturbed by the fact that executives who strip assets from companies and move production to countries…