How High Pay Interferes With Ethical of Even Logical Decision Making

Executive Summary Is High Pay Required for Motivation? Introduction Is our compensation system pushing us to do things that are right for society generally? There is a great misconception that is almost a requirement for one to believe if one lives in the US. Is High Pay Required for Motivation? This is that high pay…

How a Conservative Economist Would View Rape

Executive Summary Alan Greenspan’s Argument: Let the Market Work it Out Applying Conservative Ideology to Rape The Warning by Frontline covers some of the obvious illicit activities that lead the financial crisis and demonstrates that if even a bit of common sense had been used, we could have avoided the meltdown. Introduction There is a…

How Elite Universities Oppose The Majority of the US Population

Executive Summary How The Elite Schools Behave Introduction It started out by observing the behavior of schools like Harvard and the University of Chicago. Then my analysis of Stanford and their Hoover Institute which is a propaganda apparatus for concentrated power, which Stanford funds. Nothing the elite universities contribute to intellectual capital, and no training…

Understanding Corporate Loopholes and the 401k

Executive Summary Corporate Loopholes The Loophole of the 401k The Leverage of The 14the Amendment Introduction Corporations view the legal system as a long term chess match, which they exploit to enhance their rights vs. citizens. They see themselves as apart from society, and their goal is to attain extraordinary rights at the cost of individual rights….

How the Financial Industry Makes US Workers Uncompetitive

Executive Summary Keep Those Wages Low The Nike Apple Model The New Slavery Michael Hudson Quotation Introduction Michael Hudson’s points on financialization are that what the US and other countries are going through is the takeover of the finance sector of a greater and greater proportion of the national output. Keep Those Wages Low Often…

What To Do With The Ceaselessly Corrupt Financial Industry?

Executive Summary How Long Would a Fact-Based Analyst Last in Wall Street? Illusory Complexity Ending High Finance as we Know It The Necessary Functions of a Financial System What About Other Types of Finance? Introduction I am 1/2 way through Inside Job, which is a movie on the financial crisis. It is simply increasingly clear…