Why Did Labor Unions Not Aggressively Fight H1-B Expansion?

Executive Summary Unions have been curiously lacking in aggressiveness in fighting the expansion of the H1-B program. We cover why unions acted this way. Introduction The following quotation is telling about the lack of effort unions exerted in stopping the expansion of the H1-B program. The AFL-CIO also raised limited objections.43 The union did take…

The Margin of Overseas Manufactured Items Were Little Shared With Consumers

Executive Summary US companies presented the idea that it is was critical they outsourced manufacturing to low-cost countries. However, none of the margins they obtained from this was shared with workers. Introduction In order to become “more competitive,” US companies not only outsourced manufacturing, but retailers and wholesalers looked for foreign sources of supply. This…

Why The Union Facts Website is a Farce

Executive Summary What Americans don’t appreciate about unions Why Union Facts is filled with false information. Union Facts as False Front Specialists The website unionfacts.com is a false front or AstroTurf organization that refuses to reveal its funding. Their website is essentially a web of lies and not even misrepresentations about unions. All the old…

Productivity Benefits Not Shared With Normal Workers

Executive Summary Finding a Graph of the Problem Fake Work Comments by Michael Hudson Finding a Graph of the Problem Where is the chart showing the growth of productivity going back to 1950? Productivity has grown close to 4 times since 1950. However, wages have seriously lagged. The following quote is indicative of the issue….

Undermining the US Worker with Outsourcing Lunacy at Boeing

Executive Summary Outsourced Lunacy Incompetence at Boeing Boeing would like to focus on design (which was greatly subsidized by US taxpayers) and on painting the airplane. As for manufacturing one of the most complex project items commonly purchased, Boeing does not see it as a core competency. How does a country fall from a high…

Understanding How Adam Smith Favored Labor Unions

Executive Summary How the anti-union big money interests cherry pick Adam Smith’s work. Big money fashions a moral philosopher as an amoral Wall Street trader. Adam Smith’s real view of labor. Introduction Adam Smith understood the unequal treatment when companies combine to keep wages low vs. when labor combines to maintain high wages. Cherry Picking…

How to Understand The Effect of SaaS on IT Outsourcing

Executive Summary IT outsourcing will be dramatically impacted and reduced by SaaS/cloud/IaaS. Present outsourcing companies were developed primarily for the on-premises implementation model when many labor resources promoted the concept. Introduction This is a topic on which I was able to find very little written, and I think some critical changes are occurring, which will…

How to Understand How Cloud Changes the Labor Needs in IT

Executive Summary Most of the growth in the IT space is in cloud applications and databases. The implications of the far more efficient cloud modality are not being considered. Introduction In this article, you will learn about the impact of Cloud on employment, which is hard to find much at all written. I will cover…