How Dangerous Cancer Drugs Had Endpoints Changed by Pharmaceutical Companies for FDA Approval

Executive Summary Pharmaceutical companies developed many dangerous chemotherapy drugs that they changed the endpoints on to obtain FDA approval. Introduction There is an easy way to rig a pharmaceutical study entirely accepted by the FDA, and the approach is to change the endpoint after the study has begun. This article will provide a fascinating quote…

Important Considerations and Factors for Planning Sleep

Executive Summary Most people do not plan their sleep. This article covers some of the essential considerations on sleep planning. Introduction Planning sleep is important, getting the best sleep and having the sleep maximize the repair cycle in your body.  Our References for This Article If you want to see our references for this article…

The Importance of Melatonin and The Repair Cycle

Executive Summary Melatonin is known as the sleep supplement or hormone, however, it has a critical role in the body’s repair cycle. Introduction Melatonin is normally discussed in terms of helping people get to sleep. This is the primary reason most people take melatonin. However, there is a lesser-discussed feature of melatonin with respect to…

Why The Medical Establishment Opposes Fiber Supplements

Executive Summary There is a widespread fiber deficiency in the population. This information is not incorporated into the advice provided by health authorities when they discuss fiber supplements. Introduction Most health authorities and MDs oppose fiber supplements, although confusingly, they acknowledge there is widespread fiber deficiency, and fiber is strongly associated with disease prevention. Therefore,…

Why Health Authorities Position MDs, Nurses and Pharmacists as Experts in Nutrition

Executive Summary Health authorities constantly propose that people obtain approval on nutrition supplements from professions that lack expertise in nutrition. This is part of a strategy to keep people from taking supplements. Introduction A primary strategy used by health authorities to keep people from taking nutrient supplements is to position medical professions that know little…

A Calculation of the Relative Risk of Pharmaceuticals Versus Nutrition Supplements

Executive Summary Health authorities point to the risks of nutrition supplements, without calculating the relative risk versus pharmaceuticals. We perform this calculation in this article. Introduction This article performs a calculation to compare the relative risk of pharmaceuticals to nutrition supplements. Our References for This Article If you want to see our references for this…

The Reality But Often Ignored Topic of Widespread Nutrient Deficiency

Executive Summary There is a widespread nutrient deficiency in the population. This information is not incorporated into the advice provided by health authorities when they discuss nutrition supplements. Introduction The majority of health authorities and MDs oppose nutrient supplements, although confusingly they acknowledge there is widespread nutrient deficiency. This topic came up so many times…

The NIH’s Skeptical View on Supplements

Executive Summary The NIH has some curious things to say about nutrient supplements. This article explains why the NIH says what it does. Introduction Most of the budget of the NIH goes to approving grants that are designed to maximize the profits of pharmaceutical companies. There are strong financial connections between the NIH and the…

The American Cancer Society’s Skeptical View of Nutrition Supplements

Executive Summary The ACS strongly opposes supplements and claims they can interfere with chemotherapy. This article covers how the ACS functions as a drug puppet. Introduction Like other members of the health establishment, the American Cancer Society likes to denigrate health supplements. This article covers their official position on health supplements as declared on their…

Health Supplement Quality Control and the FDA’s Lack of Interest in the Topic

Executive Summary The FDA is strongly opposed to supplements and would restrict them if they could. This article covers how the FDA functions as a drug puppet. Introduction The FDA wants the authority to regulate supplements, but they do not have any interest in providing quality control and certification for supplements. This illustrates that the…