How Software Vendor Partnerships with SAP Restrict Competition in Favor of SAP

Executive Summary The reality of the SAP partnership program is far different than what is usually presented. SAP uses its partnership program as a primary tactic to reduce competition from other software vendors. Video Introduction: SAP Partnership Program Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video) SAP has the most extensive vendor partnership program of…

SAP’s Anti-Competitive Tactics – How SAP Used Accenture to Spy on a Software Partner

Executive Summary The reality of the SAP Partnership Program is far different than what is usually presented. This article covers how SAP uses consulting partners to spy on and extract IP from partner software vendors. Video Introduction: SAP Partnership Program Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video) SAP has the most extensive vendor partnership…

SAP’s Anti-Competitive Tactics – How SAP Uses Partnership Agreements to Control Vendor Messaging

Executive Summary The reality of the SAP Partnership Program is far different than what is usually presented. Vendor partnership agreements are anticompetitive ways that SAP controls competing vendors. Video Introduction: SAP Partnership Program Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video) SAP has the most extensive vendor partnership program of any software vendor worldwide. This…

SAP’s Anti-Competitive Tactics – The SAP Integration Certification

Executive Summary SAP uses its integration certification to control partner software vendors. In this article, we cover how the certification is anti-competitive. Video Introduction: SAP Partnership Program Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video) SAP has the most extensive vendor partnership program of any software vendor worldwide. This program presents the following characteristics to…

SAP’s Anti-Competitive Tactics – The Two Faces of the SAP Software Vendor Partnership

Executive Summary The reality of the SAP Partnership Program is far different than what is usually presented. This article explains the two sides of SAP’s vendor partnership program. Video Introduction: SAP Partnership Program Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video) SAP has the most extensive vendor partnership program of any software vendor worldwide. This…

Angela Merkel Loves Herself Some Hasso Plattner Institute

Executive Summary Angela Merkel and other high placed German politicians love the Hasso Plattner Institute or HPI. We covert the Real Story with the Hasso Plattner Institute? Video Introduction: Angela Merkel Loves Herself Some Hasso Plattner Institute Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video) It is always interesting to find something that the participants…

How Accurate Was SAP on their Google Alliance?

Executive Summary SAP made many statements regarding its collaboration with Google and its Google alliance. It proposed that Lumira can save files to Google Sheets, that SuccessFactors allows for hyperlinking and that SAP competitors have magically become more complicated. In this article, we review SAP’s statements for accuracy. Video Introduction: How Accurate Was SAP on…

How to Interpret SAP and Microsoft’s 2017 Cloud Partnership Announcement

Executive Summary SAP reversed its position on the Cloud with its 2017 position on partnering with Microsoft’s Azure. We make sense of SAP’s puffery. Video Introduction: How to Interpret SAP and Microsoft’s 2017 Cloud Partnership Announcement Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video) Recently we were asked about SAP and Microsoft’s cloud partnership announcement…

A Summary of Some of the Pitfalls of Software Partnerships with SAP

Executive Summary The reality of the SAP Partnership Program is far different than what is usually presented. The SAP Consulting partners act as arms of SAP, rig software selections, and help with SAP account control. Video Introduction: SAP Partnership Program Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video) SAP has the most extensive vendor partnership…

Whatever Happened to the SAP and Apple Partnership?

 Executive Summary Fortune wrote an article on the SAP and Apple partnership. We review the accuracy of Fortune. Video Introduction: Whatever Happened to the SAP and Apple Partnership? Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video) On May 05, 2016, Fortune published the article Apple and SAP Team Up for Blockbuster Partnership. You will see…