How H.R. 3648 is Just a Copy of the Unjust H.R.1044 H1-B Visa Adjustment

Executive Summary

  • The H.R.3648 bill is designed only to benefit Indians.
  • We cover what this bill, intended to be passed in secret, was designed to do.


The H1-B and L1 visas are explained to the public as a foreign worker visa program instigated entirely by the US. What is excluded from this presentation is how much both elite Indians control the program, as we cover in the article What is the Indian Hydrabad IT Mafia and What is its impact on the US IT Market? and the multinationals as we cover in the article Why Are 47 Entities Lobbying in Favor of the H.R.1044 IT Immigration Bill?

What H.R. 3648 Was Designed to Accomplish?

H.R. 3648 is a refashioning or resubmission of the previous bill, H.R. 1044. H.R. 1044 was all about increasing the domination of the H1-B visa program for Indians at the expense of all other countries and the expense of US domestic IT workers, and most Indians that come into the US end up displacing US IT workers through both taking jobs from them and also discriminating against non-Indian workers.

The following quote describes what H.R. 3648 intends to do.

H.R. 3648, which is called Equal Access to Green Cards for Legal Employment, is just the cover name for a bill that produces less equal access to Green Cards. Or should I say, the bill should be called More Access for Indians for Green Cards and Legal Employment.

The most important information is obtained by comparing the two bills given the same person (Zoe Lofgren) introduced the bill and the same groups of people are pushing for this bill. The most vocal group supporting the bill is called Immigration Voice, made up of Indians only.

So again, this should be called Indian Immigration Voice.

The website of Immigrant Voice says nothing about being nearly entirely staffed by Indians and is entirely focused on increasing the number of Indians let into the US, but its content clearly shows this orientation. 

Immigrant Voice or Indian Immigrant Voice?

Immigrant Voice, or Indian Immigrant Voice (I will call them for the remainder of the article as they only represent Indians and no other group) (another name might be Indian Outsourcing Voice, or Indian Corruption Voice, or Indian Recruiter Voice). All of these would be far more accurate descriptions than simply Immigrant Voice.

However, Indian Immigrant Voice makes the absurd claim that each country should have caps related to its population and increase these caps. This would essentially turn the US into India or China, even though the US is not historically based upon either of these cultures or ethnic groups. Is this how immigration works? Their population ranks countries, and they receive an exact percentage of the total allotment based upon their population size? Is this how India and China manage their immigration also? I left out that no one really wants to immigrate to India, so it is not much of an issue.

One has to ask, would this logic also apply to all European countries — that all immigration should be based upon the population of other countries, giving India and China the highest immigration caps for all European-based societies? This is what Indian Immigrant Voice states as “fairness.” Are India and China creating high-paid jobs that Americans can immigrate to these countries to obtain in exchange, or is this a one-way street? Is all of this the fairness that Indian Immigration Voice is referring to? Because neither India nor China creates jobs for US workers. In both cases, India and China eliminate US jobs. India does this through its IT services both in India and with ceaseless large-scale immigration. China does so through its manufacturing policy (and the policy of US multinationals) in migrating manufacturing to a country without labor or environmental standards.

China, Used as a Distracting by Indian Immigrant Voice

Indian Immigrant Voice throws China into the mix, but they do so disingenuously. And Indian Immigrant Voice does this for a simple and obvious reason: to hide their actual intentions. If Indian Immigrant Voice were only to mention India, it would be more obvious what they were up to. However, by adding China to the mix, they appear to represent other countries when in reality, they only represent India. In fact, Indian Immigrant Voice and the Indian H1-B lobby don’t even represent all of India. They represent one region in India called Andhra Pradesh, speakers of Tegulu, and are primarily controlled by the Brahmin caste. Other regions of India accuse this corrupt H1-B lobby of blocking Indians from other regions from accessing the H1-B visa program. You see, most of India would like to leave India and take up residence in the United States, Canada — really any successful European-based country. Therefore, once the Brahmin Tegulu speaking elites figured out how to rig the US H1-B system, they will never let their control of it go.

But you will never hear about this from Indian Immigrant Voice — or should we say Tegulu Speaking Andhra Pradesh Brahmin Voice? They can’t admit any of this, or their entire narrative falls apart. All you will hear from Indian Immigrant Voice, or any other part of the H1-B lobby is false claims, false motivations, and false explanations. 

Indian Immigrant Voice’s entire presentation is deceptive. They may as well say that because they are Indian, they think the entire H1-B program should only be directed towards Indians. This is because Indian multinationals have rigged the H1-B program in a way that China has not. India dominates the H1-B program in a way that has nothing to do with the actual skill level of Indian H1-B applicants. This bill would only further increase the control of Indian interests over the program. IT departments and IT consulting and outsourcing firms are already Indian-dominated, with non-Indians being run out of the profession due to discrimination by Indians and Indian firms. Still, Indian Immigrant Voice thinks the H1-B program needs to be made more “fair” for Indians and Chinese — but again, what they mean is for Indians.

Indian Immigrant Voice

The following is an example of deceptive gaslighting from Indian Immigrant Voice.

Without increasing immigration, the “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act” is a simple technical fix to a longstanding issue that contributes to large backlogs in the employment-based Green Card system and negatively impacts the U.S. economy.

There is a backlog of Indian IT workers for H1-B workers because Indians and US multinationals have rigged the system to preference Indian workers. There are hundreds of thousands of Indians entering the US under various worker visas. This is hidden from the public and covered in the article How the H1-B Program Understates the True Number of Yearly H1-B Visas. This 30 years ever-growing wave of Indians has displaced and is continuing to displace US domestic workers. However, the Indian Immigrant Voice still thinks that more Indians should be brought into the US labor market? When does this end? When is virtually every job in IT taken by an Indian? India has an industrial policy to take over the IT job markets of every European-based society. The things happening in the US have happened and are happening in Canada, in European countries. This is not simply individuals applying for work visas. The work visa programs have been rigged and are controlled by multinationals. Companies like Cognizant or Wipro have their entire strategy based upon the continual importation of Indian labor. These are all things that Indian Immigrant Voice does not want you to know.

Their quote continues.

Because United States immigration policies enforce a general shortage of employment-based Green Cards, all employment-based applicants face some delay in securing permanent visas. The problem is exacerbated by an arbitrary cap of 7% on immigration from any single country.

What does that mean? Most of the working population in India would like to come to the US and replace nearly all of the US workers. India is a highly undesirable place to live. However, to present this as a “general shortage” means that Indian Immigration Voice is asserting that there should be no limitations to Indian immigration to the US or to the rights of Indians to displace US domestic workers. When Indians come over to the US, they displace US workers in multiple ways, including their domination of IT recruiting. They stop US domestic IT workers from getting jobs. If the importation of Indians is to fill technical roles, how come so many Indians in the US are not working in technical roles? Why are so many IT recruiters Indian, even though that job requires no technical knowledge? Our Brightwork Indian Discrimination Survey is filled with claims of domestic IT workers of mistreatment, abuse, and discrimination at the hands of Indian IT companies and workers. The effect of H.R. 3638 is to increase further the number of Indians coming into the US. However, notice that nowhere does Indian Immigrant Voice say this. Instead, they only describe vague concepts of fairness and US economic competitiveness. Are these actually the motivations of Indian Immigrant Voice, or are just higher profits for contributing multinationals like Cognizant, who intend to displace even more US domestic workers with lower-cost H1-B visa workers. Furthermore, where is Indian Immigrant Voice’s funding coming from? Where is the list of funding to Indian Immigrant Voice listed on the website? It is nowhere to be found. Please take a look at our About page. It states we are an independent research entity that receives no funding from any vendor or company to write articles. We make money from selling our research. However, Indian Immigrant Voice is most likely getting money from huge multinationals that stand to benefit from the high margins from H1-B changes that allow them to bring in more Indians into the US labor market. Yet, there is no mention of any funding sources on their website.

Where is their disclosure? The question answers itself.

Indian Immigrant Voice is an astroturf lobbying entity that makes false claims about its motivations and hides its financial bias, which would be immediately apparent if its funders were made public. They are lying about their backers and lying about their intentions. Their objective is to promote legislation that will allow their financial backers to take over the US IT market further and obtain even more ill-gotten gains for the corrupt firms that hide behind them.

After understanding this, the following quote from them becomes farcical.

Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act reflects our American values.

Whose values again? American values? The values of Cognizant or Infosys are now considered American values?

The only values of Indian firms are corruption, lying, cheating and degrading the US labor market, and making false claims. The entire Indian Immigrant Voice website reflects Indian values: telling any lie necessary to achieve one’s objective.

I have worked with many Indians and observed and had many reports on Indian companies — and I have yet to see anything American about this. Indians mass discriminate against all other groups. How is that an American value? This attempt of Indian Immigrant Voice to wrap itself in the American flag is truly appalling.

The last part of the quote is also absurd.

Skilled workers in America should be welcomed for their talents, not punished for where they were born.

Having to stay in India is a punishment? Well, I suppose it is. There is indeed no freedom of speech, and there is no hope for reform. India is often rated as the worst place for women in the world. However, is this the logic being presented? That India is so horrible that staying in the country is like being punished?

However, what about the punishment received by US domestic IT workers? Should US domestic IT workers have to work with Indians or work with Indian companies? Indian work culture is abusive; I cover this in how the Awful and Indian Employment System Works.

Indians have a horrific culture that accepts and perpetuates abuse. Why is there the expectation that will change when Indians immigrate to the US? This culture and its accompanying corruption have been brought into the US and causing dislocation and mental health issues in the people who have to work with Indians, Indian recruiters, and Indian companies.

Here is a fairly typical review of an Indian company. It is widespread to see the term “scam” used when reading the reviews of Indian companies. Indian companies lie to US domestic IT workers to obtain personal information that they then use for nefarious purposes. As the Indian immigration to the US has continued, the standards in the IT industry have continually dropped. 

What is the US government doing to protect the US domestic population from Indians? The answer is nothing. Not only is the H1-B program being continually enlarged and controlled by Indian companies, but the EEOC is useless in following up on complaints of Indian discrimination. The US courts do not appear to provide redress to US domestic IT workers either.

No domestic IT worker would want to immigrate to India and deal with Indian treatment. So why is it acceptable to bring so many Indians into the US IT labor market that they make the IT market Indian in character and standards?

Their quote continues.

The employment-based Green Card system is completely broken due to excessive delays and backlogs in processing the petitions of nearly 1.5 million highly skilled workers (plus their families) who are certified by the US government as doing jobs that no US citizen or Green Card-holder is willing, qualified or able to do.

There are not 1.5 million highly skilled workers currently waiting. There is no verification of the claims of the companies that sponsor these candidates for their skills. So we don’t know what the skill level is of these H1-B candidates. It is routine for Indians to add skills they do not have to their resumes and buy or otherwise obtain technical credentials through cheating. This is considered entirely standard in India. There are advertisements all through social media platforms by Indians marketing test results for various technical exams called “exam dumps” to other Indians as I cover in the article How Indians Coordinate to Falsify IT Credentials.

How Highly Skilled Became a Term of Propaganda

The Indian media and the corporate-controlled US IT media constantly use the term “high skilled” in their descriptions of the H1-B program even though most applicants are only of moderate skill level. This is also covered in the article How Industry Lobbyists Make False Claims Around US Skills to Justify Cheap H1-Bs. The Department of Labor does not even have the official role of verifying the claimed skills, as is covered in the article How the US Department of Labor is Useless in Policing the H1-B Program.

The H1-B program has the term “highly skilled” in its description. However, only a small percentage of the people let in under the program meet this standard. I have had had Indians reach out to Brightwork Research & Analysis to see if we could sponsor them for the H1-B program, and some of the people who have reached out just graduated from college. Yet, Infosys or other Indian companies would have no issue with “spicing” those people’s resumes and calling them highly skilled. Who is going to question the designated? As I stated, the US government accepts whatever the company places on the H1-B application form as gospel.

Indian Immigrant Voice As Just Another Deceptive Indian Company

Indian companies like Infosys, Wipro, TCS, and Indian recruiters have earned a horrendous reputation for violating US employment laws and standards and defrauding the H1-B program. There is not a single Indian company we have ever received information on or analyzed that we view as reputable. The Indians companies operating in IT invariably have the lowest standard and are the worst employers in IT.

And with any other Indian company, Indian Immigrant Voice, as with other Indian companies, is constantly using deceptive tactics to achieve their objectives, as is explained in the following quotation from a person who prefers to stay anonymous to keep from being retaliated against by the vicious H1-B lobby.

They launched many on-line attacks on anyone who blocked S386 (the senate version of HR1044) back in 2019-2020, and they are now actively reaching out to many offices in support of HR3648.

A Virtual Copy of H.R. 1044

US Tech Workers compared HR 3648 and HR1044 and noted two differences, but the core provision is exactly the same, i.e. removing the country caps in the employment based green cards. The two differences are 1) transition period is changed from the original 3 years to 9 years; and 2) the new bill added some window-dressing H-1B reform language. – Jeanine Tang

An Unintellible Bill

As with H.R. 1044, H.R. 3648 is written in such a way that it is unintelligible. A perfect example of this is the following quotation.

“(e) Special Rules For Countries At Ceiling.—If the total number of immigrant visas made available under section 203(a) to natives of any single foreign state or dependent area will exceed the numerical limitation specified in subsection (a)(2) in any fiscal year, immigrant visas shall be allotted to such natives under section 203(a) (to the extent practicable and otherwise consistent with this section and section 203) in a manner so that, except as provided in subsection (a)(4), the proportion of the visas made available under each of paragraphs (1) through (4) of section 203(a) is equal to the ratio of the total visas made available under the respective paragraph to the total visas made available under section 203(a).”.

If the bill were to be passed, only a small group of people, those who wrote the bill, the Indian H1-Lobby, would explain the bill. However, the result would be that Indians would consume an even larger portion of the H1-B visas than they already do. As with the Indian Immigrant Voice astroturf website, everything is deception. The outcomes of the bill will never be explained.


There is virtually no coverage of the H.R. 3648 bill that explains it in this way. And this is because none of the establishment media entities are interested in covering how US legislation is increasingly rigged in favor of Indian workers. The intent is to get the bill passed with no public oversight. The entire reason that this anti-US domestic worker bill would be passed is due to political lobbying by corporate interests and campaign donations. If this bill were public knowledge, it would have very little support, keeping it as secret as possible.
