The Testing Evidence for Using Ivermectin for Treating Ovarian Cancer

Executive Summary

  • This article covers the evidence I couldw find for Ivermectin as a treatment for Ovarian Cancer.

Article Summary

Studies demonstrate that Ivermectin is effective against cancer, we then cover how Ivermectin works against cancer by explaining the mechanisms of action, and then the impacts of Ivermectin on cancer.


This article provides an overview covering the evidence for Ivermectin versus ovarian cancer.

In many articles on this site, such as the article How Ivermectin Is Useful for Treating Cancer we covered the evidence for the benefits of Ivermectin for cancer. However, the topic of which specific cancers Ivermectin has been proven effective is a constant source of questions.

There are a lot of quotes in this article, but I have a short one for each cancer type. The article uses the term “IVM” to mean Ivermectin.

What is the Interest Level in the Search Topic Ivermectin Ovarian Cancer?

The search for Ivermectin Ovarian Cancer is currently one of the most frequently searched cancer types concerning Ivermectin. After reviewing the available articles on the Internet, we found very little coverage of the effectiveness of Ivermectin for many specific types of cancer. In response, we created articles covering the effectiveness of Ivermectin for nearly all of the different cancers, including Ivermectin Ovarian Cancer. You can see our full list of the different Ivermect versus the different cancers at The Cancers For Which Ivermectin Has Been Demonstrated to be Effective.

About the Brightwork Research Treatment Database

We have a subscription website that provides people with everything they need to know about using Ivermectin for several diseases. Cancer is just one of our most researched areas. To see more see the below article indexes. 

Article Indexes

  • Open this link to see just one example Ivermectin article index.
  • Open this link to see the full article index. 

We have the most research on Ivermectin and Ivermectin for cancer and are completely independent. However, we have to charge subscribers to stay independent. We have free articles that expose readers to our research and writing -- however most of our content is behind a paywall. 

Cancer Type #6: Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is a malignant cancer that lacks early clinical symptoms and has a poor therapeutic response. The 5-year survival rate after diagnosis is approximately 47%. In a study by Hashimoto, it found that IVM inhibited the proliferation of various ovarian cancer cell lines, and the mechanism was related to the inhibition of PAK1 kinase. In research to screen potential targets for the treatment of ovarian cancer through the use of an shRNA library and a CRISPR/Cas9 library, the oncogene KPNB1 was detected. IVM could block the cell cycle and induce cell apoptosis through a KPNB1-dependent mechanism in ovarian cancer. Interestingly, IVM and paclitaxel have a synergistic effect on ovarian cancer, and combined treatment in in vivo experiments almost completely inhibited tumor growth. Furthermore, according to a report by Zhang, IVM can enhance the efficacy of cisplatin to improve the treatment of epithelial ovarian cancer, and the mechanism is related to the inhibition of the Akt/mTOR pathway [60].

IVM has been proven to significantly inhibit the proliferation and migration of HeLa cells and promote apoptosis. In a study by Hashimoto, it found that IVM inhibited the proliferation of various ovarian cancer cell lines, and the mechanism was related to the inhibition of PAK1 kinase. – NIH

Increases in Ovarian Cancer Due to the Covid Vaccines

Rates of ovarian cancer have greatly increased. This is explained in the following quotation.

This is significant because official data from the U.K. recently showed that the cases of ovarian cancer in 2021 were at a record high. Also last year, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the U.K.’s drug regulator, received more than 40,000 reports linked to reproductive and menstrual disorders that were suspected as adverse reactions to the vaccines. – Cancer News

More on evidence for the concentration of spike proteins in the ovaries of mice is found in the following quote.

Wistar Han rats (21 male and 21 female) each received a single intramuscular dose of [3H]-08-A01-C01 at a target mRNA total dose of 50 µg/animal (1.29 mg/animal total lipid dose). The content and concentration of total radioactivity in blood, plasma and tissues were determined at pre-defined time points following administration.

Whole blood and tissue samples were collected at 0.25 1, 2, 4, 8, 24 and 48 hours post-dose (three animals/sex/timepoint) and plasma was subsequently separated from blood by centrifugation. The concentration of total radioactivity was measured by liquid scintillation counting (LSC). – A Tissue Distribution Study of a [3 H]-Labelled Lipid Nanoparticle-mRNA Formulation Containing ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 Following Intramuscular Administration in Wistar Han Rats

MD Anderson’s False Claims About Ivermectin

However, notice what the world-famous and top-ranked MD Anderson Cancer Center, according to US News and World Report, said about Ivermectin and covid.

There is no conclusive clinical evidence showing that ivermectin is effective at either preventing a COVID-19 infection or treating one. People should not take ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19.

The over 90 studies on Ivermectin performed over many years are conclusive. Here, MD Anderson deceptively uses the term "conclusive."

They can't say there aren't many studies, and they can't say that the studies don't show Ivermectin is highly effective, so they state that the totality of the studies is not "conclusive." What would be more conclusive is challenging to imagine. Remember, it only takes two studies controlled by pharmaceutical companies to get any drug approved by the FDA. If Ivermectin were an expensive on-patent drug, MD Anderson would declare that Ivermectin has been conclusively found to be effective against COVID-19 with just those two studies controlled by the pharmaceutical company.

Understanding The Medical Establishment’s Definition of Conclusiveness

What is considered conclusive to MDs and the medical establishment entirely depends upon the ability of that item to generate high profits for the MD and medical establishment. Remember that the COVID-19 vaccines were ineffective against COVID-19 and had major side effects hidden in the clinical trials. However, MD Anderson and the rest of the medical establishment had no problem supporting them. Suppose the medical establishment wants something to be true. In that case, it takes no evidence to be considered conclusively effective.

Rigged Pharmceutical Trials Are A-Ok

MDs and the medical establishment are more than happy to rely upon rigged pharmaceutical trials. They will continue ineffective treatments for decades as long as those treatments are profitable.

One should never allow scientific evidence to interfere with a profitable line of business. 

Why MDs are “So Tired of Evidence-Based Medicine”

As one MD who had been prescribing anti-depressants for many years stated at a presentation when faced with the evidence against their effectiveness and safety problems --

I am so tired of evidence based medicine.

Why Evidence-Based Medicine is Such a “Major Downer” for the Medical Establishment

The biggest problem with evidence based medicine is that it does not align 100% of the time with the profit maximizing needs of the medical establishment. Evidence based medicine is a major downer as it is very damaging for profit maximization.

This illustrates that a very large component of the medical establishment wants the uncontested right to provide ineffective treatments to the public. The medical establishment wants the public to think all of their treatments are based on scientific evidence -- but then prefer to do what they want and choose their preferred treatments without scientific evidence. And as the medical establishment controls the regulators -- there is no one to stop them from doing what they want concerning treatment selection.  

The Aggregated or Pooled Covid 19 Studies 

Notice below that Ivermectin is the most effective item against covid. Regdanvimab is rated higher than Ivermectin, but it has very few studies, most of which were rigged by pharmaceutical companies.

As soon as more studies are done, it will drop far below Ivermectin, as with Paxlovid and Molnupiravir.

This should demonstrate that MD Anderson is willing to lie to the public about the effectiveness of different treatments. If MD Anderson will lie about something that can be verified and contradicted -- what else are they lying about?

The bottom line is that MD Anderson provides information to the public and their patients that is configured around profit-maximizing their lines of business. That is, MD Anderson's allegiance is not to what is true but to profit maximization. 

MD Anderson Maintains Its Credibility

  • The existence of large amounts of false information on MD Anderson's website has not reduced its popularity or prestige.
  • Furthermore, it is not just MD Anderson. Any website from the medical establishment will take the same view on Ivermectin, and they also retain their credibility.

MD Anderson doesn't want anyone to use Ivermectin instead of conventional treatments. That would not be good for MD Anderson's business. They have a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders to provide false information on cancer treatments and Ivermectin to the public. 

The Mechanisms by Which Ivermectin Works Against Cancer

Confidence in Ivermectin being effective for many cancer types also comes from understanding the specific mechanisms by which Ivermectin works against cancer. I cover this topic in detail in the article By How Many Different Mechanisms Does Ivermectin Fight Cancer?

More About The C19Early Clinical Trial Comparison Website

The website tracks clinical trials. It is the best source of information on the studies of the effectiveness based upon clinical trials of different treatments for covid. However, it is more than this - as it is a model for how clinical trials should be communicated to the public so the extraordinarily corrupt medical establishment does not control the information. And it is the website that the medical establishment would like banned from the Internet.

One of the things the C19Early website showed was that early treatment significantly impacted the outcomes against covid.

The Benefit of Early Treatment

Notice that the earlier the treatment is used, the better the outcomes. Naturally, early treatment is measured in days with a respiratory disease like COVID-19, while in months with a disease like cancer. So the timings are different, but the principle is the same. 

Even though this website does not track cancer clinical trials (unfortunately, no website does), the site holds essential observations. For one, a person's response to covid is like their response to cancer, greatly dependent upon the strength and health of their immune system.

Things like Zinc, Ivermectin, and Fenbendazole all empower the immune system and are, therefore, effective in the treatment and prevention of both COVID and cancer. 

Offering Cancer Prevention as Well as Treatment

What is better than treatment is prevention. For anyone who is concerned with cancer prevention, both a very healthy lifestyle and diet, as well as things like Ivermectin and or Fenbendazole, are things that can be taken both as a treatment and as a preventative. We cover all these topics and the supporting specifics on our subscription website. 

Impacts of Ivermectin on Cancer

The following are how Ivermectin works against cancer.

Impact #1: Inhibiting Proliferation of Tumor Cells

Recently, ivermectin has been reported to inhibit the proliferation of several tumor cells by regulating multiple signaling pathways.

The Ivermectin blocking of PAK1 proteins, aka activated kinase, is a reason for this.

The instrumentality of PAK1 in cancer growth is explained in the following quotation from the article Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations.

Impact #2: Inhibiting Metastasis

Ivermectin has powerful antitumor effects, including the inhibition of proliferation, metastasis, and angiogenic activity, in a variety of cancer cells.

Metastasis is how cancer spreads, and I cover this in detail in the article How Does Metastasis Work in the Body?

Impact #3: Promoting Apoptosis & Pyropoptsis

ivermectin promotes programmed cancer cell death, including apoptosis, autophagy, and pyropoptosis. Ivermectin induces apoptosis and autophagy is mutually regulated. Second, IVM seems to induce mixed cell death in tumor cells, which is also a controversial issue

A significant issue with the dysfunction of cancer is that the cancerous cells refuse instructions from the immune system to commit suicide -- or what is scientifically referred to as apoptosis. I cover apoptosis in the article How Ivermectin Improves Cancer Prevention and Treatment Through Improving Apoptosis or Programmed Cell Death.

Pyropoptosis is a type of apoptosis that is caused by inflammation.

Impact #4: Promoting Autophagy

Deng found that IVM could activate the nuclear translocation of TFE3 and induce autophagy-dependent cell death by dephosphorylation of TFE3 (Ser321) in SK-MEL-28 melanoma cells.

Autophagy clears away cells and recycles them. Different things can trigger more autophagy. I cover autophagy in the article Is Autophagy Effective Against Cancer?

Impact #5: Inhibit Cancer Cell Proliferation Through Inhibiting YAP1 Activity

Lung cancer has the highest morbidity and mortality among cancers. Nishio found that IVM could significantly inhibit the proliferation of H1299 lung cancer cells by inhibiting YAP1 activity.


There is ample evidence that Ivermectin is helpful against many different types of cancers. It is unlikely that these are the only cancers for which Ivermectin is effective, but the studies we have found so far show that Ivermectin works to combat and prevent it. Ivermectin is an immuno-modulator, so it has beneficial effects not only for cancer -- as one of the mechanisms of how Ivermectin works is improving the immune system, which means it improves the immune system against cancer and other diseases.

Regarding the dosage and sourcing of Ivermectin, see the article On the Topic of Ivermectin Dosage and Sourcing.

Why Are Anti-Parasitic Drugs Effective Against Cancer?

To understand why this class of drugs works against cancer, see the article The Mechanism of How Anti-Parasitic Drugs Work to Mitigate Cancer.

Our Recommended Source of Supply

  • Our approved source for Ivermectin is Summit Products.
  • They carry the Ivermectin we tested for bioequivalence 
  • (you can read about our testing here) for the active ingredient with the original Merck version but at a much lower price than the Merck version. 
  • This source makes Ivermectin much more accessible and has passed our testing.

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