Indians Cheat Immigration Systems Because India Is Close To A Failed State?

Executive Summary Indians have performed breathtaking cheating of the US work and student visa programs. Indians will do anything to escape India. Introduction The cheating on the part of Indians of the US work and student visa programs has been overwhelming. As India is such a terrible place to live and is filled with such…

Is Indian Emigration Beneficial For India?

Executive Summary Indians always seem to want to leave India, and Indians expend very little energy improving India. This obsession with leaving India is one reason why India cannot improve. Video Introduction Skip reading the introduction and watch the following introductory video. Introduction An enormous number of Indians do whatever they can to get out…

The Importance in Hiding The Speed of Takeover of US IT By Indians

Executive Summary One of the important factors allowing the continuation of the takeover of US IT by Indians has been in hiding its speed. Introduction The Indian takeover of US IT has been remarkably fast. And one of the ways that Indians and the hiring corporations have kept a pushback from occurring has been by…

Can a Non-Indian Worker Be Successful in a Predominantly Indian Company Or Indian Environment?

Executive Summary Increasingly domestic US IT workers are faced with work environments dominated by Indians. How successful can a non-Indian be in such environments? Introduction It is well known in IT that Indian work environments are undesirable. Because Indians are not white, they are held to a low standard and can overwork workers and treat…

How Indians Have Instituted The Indian Caste System In US Workplaces

Executive Summary Indians come from a highly abusive system called the caste system. They have instituted this system in the US. Our References for This Article If at any time you want to see our references for this article and also other Brightwork articles on Indian IT see this link. Re-instituting an Indian Caste System…

How Indians From One Region – Andhra Pradesh Came To Control the H1-B Program

Executive Summary The H1-B program predominantly brings in Indians from Andhra Pradesh. This is because Indians from this region have rigged the program. Introduction It is often thought that Indians come from all over India into the H1-B program. This is false, and the domination by a single region of India illustrates how a powerful…

How Indians Rig Job Descriptions To Block Domestic Employment And Enable H1-B Entry

Executive Summary Indians have perfected writing job descriptions so that no candidate can meet all the requirements. This then opens the door for an H1-B candidate. Introduction It is difficult not to notice how specific many IT job descriptions have become. How Indians Rig Job Descriptions To Block Domestic Employment And Enable H1-B Entry Many…

How to Spot Indian Recruiter Emails Pretending Not to Be Indian

Executive Summary Indian recruiters have developed a horrendous reputation for unethical behavior since they have come to the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia. This means some Indians pretend they are not Indian. Introduction Now that Indians have been in the US in significant numbers for three decades, the domestic IT workers have caught on to…

An Example of a EEOC Submission on Indian Discrimination

Executive Summary The EEOC receives many complaints about Indian discrimination. This is one example of a complaint filed with the EEOC. Introduction This complaint provides important background to the EEOC. I provide some commentary below the quotation sections. This is not an exact replica of the complaint but has had a few areas removed, and…

The Indian IT Survey Results on Indian Discrimination in IT Part 3

Executive Summary We have been running a survey on the website for some time. Here are the results of the survey on Indian discrimination. Introduction This is part 3 of the results of this survey. To see part 2 with the introduction, see the article at this link. Comment #73: Indians as Inherently Discriminatory The…