Why is Brightwork Research Interested in Evaluating AI Claims?

Why is Brightwork Research Interested in Evaluating AI Claims?

Executive Summary We cover AI, Data Science, and Big Data claims, which has required that we get into the foundational areas of these topics. This is necessary to fact check the claims made by entities on these topics. Introduction Why does Brightwork Research & Analysis have an interest in AI? Well, we fact check vendors….

Should Machine Learning be Instead Called Machine Identification?

Should Machine Learning be Instead Called Machine Identification?

Executive Summary Machine learning provides the implication that software can learn. In this article, we question whether a different term would not be better. Introduction In neural networks or deep learning, the “learning,” if that is the right word, is accomplished by the weights between the nodes being adjusted up or down. Our References for…

Why Train Neural Networks When One Can Perform Preset Programming?

Executive Summary There is an enormous amount of energy and resources being put into neural networks or deep learning. This technique requires enormous training data sets. However, this should be compared against programming methods. Introduction Unless the problem to be solved by a neural network is very simple, the amount of data required to train…

Is AI a Term That Only Applies to Science Fiction Instead of Software?

Is AI a Term That Only Applies to Science Fiction Instead of Software?

Executive Summary Industry and media are so busy and interested in promoting AI that there is virtually no effort to question whether the concept is accurate or valid. Introduction Under the constant barrage of hype around AI, it has been common to skip over the part where one understands what AI is and its validity…

Why You Should Have Your AI, Data Science Project Audited

Why You Should Have Your AI, Data Science Project Audited

Executive Summary Many AI and data science projects were sold during a bubble where the potential proposals were greatly oversold. As these projects have stalled, it is essential to have them audited for reality. Introduction Under the constant barrage of hype around AI, companies have felt that something they mostly did not understand, AI and…

Why Your AI, Data Science Project Has Stalled

Why Your AI, Data Science Project Has Stalled

Executive Summary Projects globally are finding that the AI projects they started have, in many cases, stalled. We explain why this wide-scale phenomenon has occurred. Introduction Under the constant barrage of hype around AI, it is curious how AI is now being proposed for things that it can’t solve and to fill in the “blank.”…

Is it True that AI is Going to Solve Global Warming?

Is it True that AI is Going to Solve Global Warming?

Executive Summary We are in the throes of an enormous amount of exaggerations regarding AI. AI has become a magic wand, that according to some, will even solve global warming. Introduction Under the constant barrage of hype around AI, it is curious how AI is now being proposed for things that it can’t solve and…

When Will People Notice the Gap Between the Promise and Reality of AI?

When Will People Notice the Gap Between the Promise and Reality of AI?

Executive Summary We are in the throes of an enormous amount of exaggerations regarding AI. A historical look at AI promises and current promises shows the gap between the two is massive. Introduction Under the constant barrage of hype around AI, it is curious how AI has consistently failed to deliver promises or how AI…

How Much of Vishal Sikka’s Explanations on Artificial Intelligence is a Complete Lie?

How Much of Vishal Sikka’s Explanations on Artificial Intelligence is a Complete Lie?

Executive Summary We have known Vishal Sikka to be a person who provides highly inaccurate information on whatever topic he discusses. Vishal Sikka has recently been discussing AI for his new startup. How much of what Vishal’ describes is real? Introduction Back in 2015, and when he was head of the outsourcing firm Infosys. Infosys,…

Is Oracle Board Member Vishal Sikka a World Expert on AI?

Executive Summary When Vishal Sikka joined the Oracle board of directors, Oracle claimed he was one of the world’s leading experts in AI. We analyze whether this claim by Oracle is true. Introduction When Vishal Sikka joined Oracle’s board of directors, some amazing things were claimed and repeated throughout the media. Notice this web page…