SAP and Qualtrics CEOs Making Repeatedly False Statements

Executive Summary SAP produced the following video where both the CEO of SAP and Qualtrics make numerous false statements. We analyze this video for accuracy. Introduction The inaccuracies come fast and furious in this video. Let us review each statement made for accuracy. Our References for This Article If you want to see our references…

Does SAP’s Experience Management Make People Happy?

Executive Summary SAP produced the following video, which proposes their experience management makes the customer happy. How accurate is this proposal? Introduction SAP’s argument here is that SAP Experience Management immediately leads to companies making their customers very happy. There are several questions here. See our references for this article and related articles at this…

How Effective is SAP in its Acquisitions?

Executive Summary Why are SAP’s new acquisitions forecasted without analyzing how SAP’s previous acquisitions fared? Find out how well SAP tends to do with acquisitions. Introduction SAP makes a large number of acquisitions of software vendors. SAP acquisitions follow a very familiar path. We call this the “acquisition algorithm,” which usually means that software vendors…

Does SAP’s Acquisition of Qualtrics Make Any Sense?

Executive Summary SAP acquired the vendor called Qualtrics, a vendor that most people in SAP have never heard of. Learn the likelihood that Qualtrics will be a successful acquisition for SAP. Video Introduction: Does SAP’s Acquisition of Qualtrics Make Any Sense? Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video)   Is survey software critical to…

How Accurate Was SAP on the Sybase Acquisition?

Executive Summary SAP acquired Sybase in 2010, and Sybase has become almost invisible ever since. We review what SAP said and IT analysts’ coverage of the Sybase acquisition. Introduction In 2010, SAP acquired Sybase. This was before HANA had been introduced. Within a year, SAP promoted the idea that it had developed a massive innovation…

How Many SAP Software Products Does SAP Have?

Executive Summary SAP has an enormous product database of software. We count and categorize the SAP software product database by how active or popular each of the SAP products is. Introduction At Brightwork Research & Analysis, we spend many hours per week researching SAP. However, it is a full-time job keeping up with SAP’s products…