Search Results for: inventory-optimization

How to Understand Master Data Management for SAP

Executive Summary What Drove an Investigation into Master Data Management Solutions. What are the Common Problems with Master Data Management Solutions? Why do Some Vendors go to Such Lengths to Prevent People from Seeing the Solutions on their Websites? What is MDM? Master data management or MDM describes the approach for maintaining the master data…

How to Cover Up SAP DP Weaknesses to Sell Training and Consulting

How to Cover Up SAP DP Weaknesses to Sell Training and Consulting

Executive Summary How financial incentives drive the dissemination of misleading information on SAP DP. Bad DP Consultants are misleading their clients as to DP’s potential. Introduction A few years ago, I found an article by a person who sells training and consulting in SAP DP and found what I thought were some very flawed arguments…

Our Books on Supply Planning Software

Inventory Optimization and Multi Echelon Software What the Book is About This books explains the emerging technology of inventory optimization and multi-echelon (MEIO) supply planning. It takes a complex subject and effectively communicates what MEIO is about in plain English terms. This is the only book currently available that describes MEIO for practitioners, rather for mathematicians or academics. The…

Inventory Optimization and Multi Echelon References

References The complete list for the book “Inventory Optimization and Multi Echelon Planning Software.” ___________________________________ Abell, John B., Louis W. Miller, Curtis E. Neumann, and Judith E. Payne. DRIVE (Distribution and Repair in Variable Environments). RAND Corporation, 1992. Berners-Lee, Tim. Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web. New…

How MCA Solutions Should be Remembered

Executive Summary MCA has been acquired. What will some of the critical MCA solutions contribute to supply chain planning software, and what will happen to the MCA product? Introduction Servigistics recently acquired MCA Solutions. This is a significant development as the two companies were the top two software vendors in the service parts planning space….

Inventory Optimization and Multi Echelon Vendor Profiles

Profiles Vendors showcased in the book “Inventory Optimization and Multi Echelon Software.” ToolsGroup ToolsGroup offers unique probability-based supply chain planning (SCP) and inventory optimization solutions that allow companies to master even large, heterogeneous, or demanding supply chains. On the demand side, they incorporate best-of-breed demand modeling, order frequency forecasting, and demand–sensing technology. On the supply…

Inventory Optimization and Multi-Echelon Planning Software

Inventory Optimization and Multi-Echelon Planning Software Screenshots and examples from MCA Solutions/Servigistics, ToolsGroup, Logility, and SmartOps. What The Book Covers This book explains the emerging technology of inventory optimization and multi-echelon (MEIO) supply planning. It takes a complex subject and effectively communicates what MEIO is about in plain English terms. This is the only book…

Supply Planning with MRP, DRP and APS Software

Supply Planning with MRP, DRP and APS Software Screenshots and examples from JDA, SAP, Demand Works and Barloworld, PlanetTogether, and MATLAB (PlanetTogether is not a supply planning system, but is used in the book to demonstrate heuristic adjusted optimization. MATLAB is used to illustrate the use of an external optimizer.)  Reviews “Enterprise software solutions for…

How to Understand Redeployment for Slow Moving Inventory

Executive Summary Redeployment is a planning thread that repositions inventory to locations where it has a higher likelihood of being consumed. Redeployment applies to more to slow-moving inventor and can be considered a form of inventory analysis and a way of reducing obsolete inventory. Redeployment differs by product type. Introduction to Redeployment Redeployement is the…

Why SAP is About to Change Its Inventory Optimization Story

Executive Summary SAP has provided a misleading story on inventory optimization. SAP has a specific extractive pattern when partnering with vendors. We predict if SAP has a good chance of being good at inventory optimization and multi echelon planning. Introduction to APO Inventory Optimization I was recently doing research on SAP’s APO Add-In related to…