The Higher Levels of Plagiarism by Blacks And Other Non-Whites

Executive Summary

  • Blacks and other non-whites have an established pattern of engaging in plagiarism.
  • We cover a likely reason for this.


Blacks and other non-whites have higher degrees of plagiarism than non-whites. Non-whites have much lower intellectual property development levels, which is a historical feature of the different races. This article will cover how blacks and Latinos have been pushing for claims against them for plagiarism to be categorized as racism.

Understanding Who Plagiarizes

People who plagiarize have average intellect but aspire to be something more. They want to know as experts in a domain but are unwilling to invest the time and effort or lack the mental abilities to master the material. That is, they are poseurs. A perfect example of a poseur is Joe Biden. Here is an example of Biden posing in the video below.

Joe Biden is incurious and can only participate in complicated topics by skimming the subject. He wants to be seen as equal to people who can think creatively and work with concepts, which is the perfect example of a plagiarizing personality. 

Joe Biden has been plagiarizing other people for decades. He plagiarizes very well-known work and is repeatedly caught for this plagiarism. 

My work has been plagiarized several times, and in each case, it was a person who was again a poseur. They cannot do the work they would like to project to the world. I don’t have a problem plagiarizing or giving credit to others. Note how I liberally use quotations. This is because ideas come to me naturally due to my ability. All people that create know this. All creative people have to do is sit down and begin reading on a topic, and ideas come to them.

Plagiarizers usually don’t stop at plagiarizing — they are natural-born liars and make up false information about themselves. This is called being a fabulist.  

Creatives Versus The Typical Person

Not everyone can do this. If you debate different people, you often find that they have not questioned the information provided. You can see them cut and paste information directly from establishment media sources. They are not working with concepts or providing information but accepting them. They cannot move beyond the status quo because their knowledge is like a copy machine. Their thoughts are a restatement of what they were told. That is, in a way, a type of plagiarism. It is not unethical, and it does not even require copying or writing anything, but it uses the brain as a copy machine. I know these distinctions because on several occasions, I have found my articles from this site plagiarized over the years, and the pattern is apparent. I covered one person’s work who plagiarized my material in the article How Scott Bickley Engaged in Mosaic Plagiarism from Brightwork on SAP HANA?

I have found the plagiarist will come up with a story that they did not know they were plagiarizing, even when the material is copied verbatim. But the most talented plagiarists don’t copy material verbatim but alter the writing while keeping the same content.

Even outstanding students who get As in school can come up with original ideas or think independently. I once knew someone in a Ph.D. program who had a phenomenal memory. She was an A student from undergraduate to her Ph.D. program. However, she could not think independently. Restatement of information and building new information or insights are not necessarily related. These observations of the shortcomings of the plagiarist are reinforced in the following quotation, which explains King’s poor English skills as measured by standardized testing.

Even those who condemn plagiarism claim to have no idea why King should have done it. Mr. Pappas drops us a hint when he writes, “[W]e know from his scores on the Graduate Record Exam that King scored in the second lowest quartile in English and vocabulary, in the lowest ten percent in quantitative analysis, and in the lowest third on his advanced test in philosophy — the very subject he would concentrate in at B.U.” People steal ideas when they are too lazy or unoriginal to come up with their own. – American Renaissance

This brings up the question of how King was allowed into Boston University with these scores unless he was accepted under affirmative action. Interestingly, King was both a product of affirmative action (this is supposedly before institutionalized affirmative action). Boston University accepted an applicant they should not have, and he ended up having to plagiarize the work of others to graduate.

Holding Non-Whites to a Different Standard Regarding Plagiarism

This quote states that plagiarism must now be rethought as not something bad, as MLK did.

Prof. Miller says that non-whites, who have strong oral traditions, should not be held to stuffy, Western standards of bibliography and that King could not be expected to understand the demands of an alien white culture. “How could such a compelling leader commit what most people define as a writer’s worst sin?” he asks; “The contradiction should prompt us to rethink our definition of plagiarism.” Since Martin Luther King did it, it must be all right. – American Renaissance

This is also found in the Washington Post article.

Both Miller’s analyses and the discoveries of the King Papers Project will in the years ahead increasingly point us towards the understanding that King was more the product of the black oral tradition in which he grew up than he was shaped by the philosophical texts to which he was exposed in school. As L. Harold DeWolf, King’s principal adviser at B.U., put it in 1968, King “did not learn from his professors his convictions about civil rights nor his easy assumption of personal equality with any man. – Washington Post

Those from a black oral tradition cannot be held accountable for plagiarism, which is the logic presented.

The Plagiarism Case With The Black President of Harvard

I wrote this article a year and a half before the scandal with the black president of Harvard. However, black plagiarism is completely normalized, and blacks who produce intellectual property will more often plagiarize material and also generally put very little effort into their work. There are enormous numbers of cases of black plagiarism, but others are fearful of pointing it out because it will lead to them being called racists.

The president of Harvard was caught plagiarizing her dissertations. It is very difficult for blacks to develop their independent ideas. This is why only one black person has ever won a Nobel Prize for anything by peace or literature. Zero blacks have ever won a Nobel Prize in any technical subject.

The president of Harvard was not fired for this plagiarism. Under DEI, individuals are protected from plagiarism.

The Common Issue With Black Plagiarism

Curiously, two of the most prominent black Americans in the US were serial plagiarists. The following quote points out that black and Latino students are much more likely to be caught plagiarizing.

Last week, Tiffany Martínez, a Latina student at Suffolk University, posted a blog entry describing how she found herself accused of plagiarism.

According to Martínez, she received back a paper she had written, a literature review, and the processor had circled the word “Hence” and written out “This is not your word.”

The instructor went on to say that that she needed to, “Go back and indicate where you cut and paste,” indicating that he or she felt Martínez had plagiarized the paper.

Though Martínez isn’t facing punishment or investigation for the alleged plagiarism, the incident has been deeply troubling for her. As she said in her post:

“In front of my peers, I was criticized by a person who had the academic position I aimed to acquire. I am hurting because my professor assumed that the only way I could produce content as good as this was to “cut and paste.” I am hurting because for a brief moment I believed them.” – Plagiarism Today

Yes, the professor could tell that the term was not hers because it did not match her other writing. I found the same thing when I found plagiarism in students’ papers. However, the article only presents the claim by the student. However, plagiarizers always claim they did not plagiarize the material. Why would they?

False Accusations of Plagiarism?

Her story not only speaks to the damage a false allegation of plagiarism can do to a student (or anyone else), but it also raises a difficult question about how racial bias, even unconscious bias, intersects with plagiarism.– Plagiarism Today

How does the author of the article know the allegation is false? Because the students said so? Wouldn’t the professor who repeatedly reads the student’s writing be in a better position than the author of this article, who has never read the student’s writing, make this determination?

Time For Micro-aggression Training?

While it’s important to note that the story is uncorroborated at this time (neither Martinez nor the school have named the professor) and there has been no outside confirmation of the incident, the school has ordered microagression training for all faculty in response to the incident.

And the reason is clear. While, the motivations of the instructor are their own, he or she felt Martínez was not capable of using the word “hence”. Judging from the instructor’s language, it’s almost certain race played a key role. – Plagiarism Today

Suppose professors have to attend microaggression training for everyone. Any other professor accuses a non-white student of plagiarism. In that case, the non-white students will be allowed to plagiarize to their heart’s content. Furthermore, what evidence is there that the accusation was racially based? The professor does not think the term “hence” would be used by this student. That is, their English is less sophisticated than this.

Lots of Plagiarism Accusations for Blacks

But while it would be easy to dismiss this as an isolated incident, it clearly isn’t. As the story has gained media attention, many other minority students have come forward with similar stories, including a black commenter who got an “F” on a paper without evidence they had plagiarized.

It’s very clear that minority students, in many classrooms, are facing unfair and undue scrutiny for plagiarism. This is damaging not only to their academic prospects, hurting grades and academic records, but also damaging to their love and interest in academia and learning in general.

Is it clear that minority students face unfair and undue scrutiny for plagiarism, or is it clear that minority students are engaging in higher levels of plagiarism than white students? How would this article’s author know which is correct? Furthermore, plagiarism is usually left to the professor’s determination, and plagiarism is generally quite obvious. This is not a courtroom, and the students are not equal to the professor.

Professors Are Biased

Unfortunately, humans are deeply flawed creatures at times. We bring to the issue our own biases including racial, gender, socioeconomic and so forth. If unchecked, these biases can cause instructors to see plagiarism where there is none or overlook plagiarism that does exist.

It’s especially easy for these biases to hide in the discussion of plagiarism for two reasons:

There is no evidence that professors are biased. However, this seems like a plan to ensure that non-white students are not accused of plagiarism by making it difficult for professors to level this accusation. It is curious how affirmative action is progressing. At first, affirmative action was supposed to get non-white students into schools they could not otherwise be admitted to. However, the concept has metastasized into non-whites shaming professors for accusing them of plagiarism. Even though this is the job of professors. If students plagiarize, they are not doing the work and are not learning. Notice how this paragraph recommends creating a double standard on plagiarism.

Simply put, better and more equitable plagiarism policies can play a small role in creating a more diverse academia of tomorrow. That’s a win-win for everyone, including students such as Martínez. – Plagiarism Today

What does “more equitable” plagiarism policies mean? Because “more equitable” seems to mean stopping professors from accusing non-whites of plagiarism. A “win-win” allows non-whites to submit plagiarized work and then be graded on work they did not do. A “win-win” is holding white students to one standard of plagiarism and non-white students to an entirely different one.

This article was highly educational; it explains, precisely as I have proposed, that black and Latino students are significantly more likely to engage in plagiarism, which should be expected as blacks and Latinos have historically low levels of intellectual property development.


The best way of looking at it is that blacks barely observe plagiarism, as they have no incentive to be concerned with it and hardly produce any intellectual property. Plagiarism is usually committed against whites by blacks, and therefore, blacks will not see this as a problem. As producers of intellectual property, Whites take plagiarism seriously, but not if blacks commit it. No one is asking why it is so prevalent for blacks to plagiarize.

Plagiarism is evidence that the perpetrator lacks the domain expertise and creative ability to create material, which pushes them into a desperate situation to pose as something they are not. They have no choice but to take the work of others. Furthermore, it should not be surprising that blacks engage in plagiarism frequently. No black African country ever independently was able to discover the wheel. When the Europeans arrived, no written language existed, and there was no living structure over a single story. The technology used in Africa was almost entirely created for them by whites. To pose as creative as whites, blacks must plagiarize the work of whites because only a small fraction of blacks can think in innovative ways. Thomas Sowell and Larry Elders are two blacks who can do so. So it is not impossible, but just very rare.

While the article critiqued above was about black and Latino students and plagiarism, other non-whites are less creative than whites and engage in more plagiarism because it is difficult for them to come up with original material. Blacks and Latinos have the lowest ability to create intellectual property, and coming up with original ideas is lacking. For this reason, blacks and Latinos are promoting the idea that any accusation of plagiarism against a black or Latino is racism.

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