USA Today’s Fake Fact Checking Article on BLM Corruption and Patrice Cullors’ Real Estate Buying Binge

Executive Summary

  • USA Today wrote a fake fact-checking article on Patrisse Cullors’ real estate buying binge.
  • Google has been directing people to this false article.


USA Today is aligned with the Democratic Party and other powerful entities. They have become renowned for producing fact-check articles that perform no fact-checking that deflect criticism from whoever they are aligned with. This is sometimes pharmaceutical companies and sometimes BLM. We will evaluate their fact-checking article of BLM.

Our References for This Article

If you want to see our references for this article and other Brightwork related articles, see this link.

Censorship and Fake Fact-Checking by Google and USA Today

If you type “BLM + Corruption” into YouTube, you get an “Independent Fact Check” box at the top of the page.

The article that this link goes to is 894 words long. The first portion of the article only addresses the accusations against Patrisse Cullors for going on a real estate buying spree. Other parts of the article are quotes from Patrissse Cullors denying the accusations. So the content that supposedly fact checks the claim is very small. 

Here are some of the quotes from this article.

But there is no evidence to support the idea that Khan-Cullors used donations that poured in amid nationwide protests in 2020 to bankroll the purchase of four homes. – USA Today

That part is genuine, but it looks suspicious. This article was written in April of 2021, and since that time, much more negative and revealing information has come out regarding BLM. Furthermore, how would those accusing Cullors of paying for the real estate with BLM funding prove it? They don’t have access to the accounting documents. BLM is a black box that has been hiding its accounting and pretending it has no leadership. They have a suspicion, which Cullors could address by providing disclosure, which she did not. However, USA Today never noted that Cullors did not respond with any disclosure.

USA TODAY was unable to verify the Topanga Canyon property purchase. – USA Today

That is now proven. Patrisse Cullors lives at that location. Is USA Today ever going to update this article?

National Legal and Policy Center Chairman Peter Flaherty said in a prepared statement provided to USA TODAY that “donors to any nonprofit group should know how the organization spends its funds” and pointed out that the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation has not filed public IRS disclosures. – USA Today

Yes, that is what has caused suspicion. A suspicion that now, with the benefit of more time, looks very well-founded.

Khan-Cullors pointed out the myriad jobs she has held. She has two book deals, including authorship of a New York Times best-selling memoir. The Los Angeles Times reported last year that Khan-Cullors signed a production deal with Warner Brothers “to develop scripted dramas and comedies, docuseries and animated programming for children, young adults and families.”

Khan-Cullors also noted that she is a public speaker, owns a gallery, has a deal with YouTube and teaches at a private liberal arts college in Arizona. – USA Today

Using statements from the accused, in this case, Cullors, who in our research into BLM we have found to be not credible, is not usually considered fact-checking. If a person is accused of murder and says he did not do it, does a USA Today article that quotes the accused count as fact-checking? Should the person be released from jail based on USA Today repeating the accused’s claims?

Secondly, there are no figures listed by Cullors, and therefore it is impossible to know if these different items would have provided Cullors with the means to make these purchases.

Thirdly, one of the purchases was made in Canada for $8.1 million, as is explained in the following quotation.

Canadian Black Lives Matter activists are furious over the group’s recent $8.1 million cash purchase of a mansion in downtown Toronto that once served as the headquarters of the Communist Party of Canada .

Jama and Soudi said they resigned from the steering committee of BLM’s Toronto chapter after the leaders of BLM Canada refused to answer any questions about the purchase and tried to get them to sign exploitative nondisclosure agreements.

Real estate records obtained by the Washington Examiner show that BLM Canada, which also goes by M4BJ, purchased the property for $8.1 million on July 13, 2021. The purchase came just weeks after the group’s co-founder, Patrisse Cullors, resigned amid scrutiny of her own personal real estate purchases across the United States. – Washington Examiner

The USA Today article does not mention that. Now watch how USA Today presents Cullors’ claims as if they are true.

The claim that Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors bought four luxury homes is MISSING CONTEXT, because without additional information it could be misleading. While some social media users suggested that the purchases were evidence that Khan-Cullors had been enriched by the movement, our research revealed no evidence that Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation funds were used to purchase property. – USA Today

That is it. That is the extent of USA Today’s fact check. Cullors presents a few potential sources of income, and USA Today does not probe Cullors on how significant these sources of income are and whether they can support $10.3 million in real estate purchases.

Secondly, USA Today states the claim is missing context. However, USA Today covers no context of the accounting problems and lack of disclosure and transparency of the charity which Cullors ran, and we think still runs. Howe, can USA Today possibly be claiming to add context when it leaves out extremely important context? USA Today apparently decides that it determines what is context and what is not. And when an organization they are aligned with is criticized, they use selective context to declare that the criticism is misleading. Secondly, USA Today is very lightweight journalism that is mostly known for being slipped under the doors at hotels. Since when are they a source of investigative journalism?

Did the USA Today Article Fact Check Questions Around BLM’s Corruption?

In addition to being completely outdated, the USA Today article is not much more than hand waving.

Secondly, the article dealt only with Patrisse Cullors’ real estate buying spree. Therefore, it is not an article that addresses widespread corruption at BLM. Consequently, the fact check advisory offered by Google is not appropriate to the search. BLM has been reprimanded and told to cease accepting donations as of February 2022, it has many allegations against it by those associated with BLM, it pretends that no one is at the helm of the organization, and when people type “BLM + Corruption” into Google, Google sees fit to show a fact-checking article that does nothing by repeat Cullors’ statements defending herself on a topic (real estate purchases) which is only a small part of the overall BLM corruption story.

Where is the Link to USA Today’s Far More Recent Article Trying to Cover its Tracks in Google’s Search Results?

USA Today wrote a piece critical of BLM that their accounting deserved scrutiny. However, they have been protecting BLM for ten months with their fact-checking article on Patrisse Cullors. And while the previous article was called “fact-checking,” this new article is categorized as opinion. Both articles are of low quality, and I could not see any difference between a fact-checking article and an opinion article. 

Is USA Today going to return now and retract its fack checking article and apologize to those who had Patrisse Cullors figured out back in April of 2021?

In the video it produced, USA Today goes on to whitewash the scandal as the perils of “growing too quickly.” However, the actions of BLM insiders are related to charity fraud and lying to everyone they have come into contact with, as well as the larger public. Engaging in fraud is not an issue with growing too fast.

USA Today’s Terrible Journalism on Display

USA Today continues its lazy and compliant reporting by restating BLM’s Impact Report statements regarding how much money it distributed to grassroots BLM organizations and families in dispute. Furthermore, it takes until the 2:13 mark in the video of a 3:10 minute video to get to the point about the problems with BLM. And it lasts until the 2:23 point of the video, so ten seconds, saying that…

still the mission of Black Lives Matter remains straightforward.

BLM founders have been exposed as serial liars, there are massive questions around charity fraud — yet USA Today wants to go back to talking about BLM’s mission. USA Today might want to consider that carrying out a mission depends upon the organization not being a charity fraud.

Make the Fake Fact Check Article That Protects BLM’s Reputation Freely Available, While Placing an Article Acknowledging BLM’s Accounting Discrepancies Behind a Paywall

The final point is that the original fact-checking article was available for everyone to read for free. The second article that admitted something is off with BLM’s accounting is behind USA Today’s paywall, meaning a much small number of people will have access to it.


The issues regarding BLM’s corruption are not being covered in the establishment media. The establishment media endorsed BLM but never did any research on the organization. They simply presented BLM as virtuous, and now they are bereft to go back on their endorsement as they would look ridiculous.

BLM is engaging in charity fraud, and the Democrat-aligned establishment media does not want people to know this.