Why Do Non Whites Want Diversity?

 Executive Summary

  • Non-whites are very much interested in increasing diversity.
  • We cover why it is that diversity is so critical to non-whites.


The term diversity means fewer whites and the replacement of whites by non-whites. And non-whites who are not yet in the US or Europe or Australia, but are soon to immigrate to these countries already believe in diversity and will become strong proponents of diversity.

However, if we check non-white countries, there are no diversity movements. There are no calls for Uganda to become more Dutch. Or for Japan to become more Swedish.

In this article, I will answer why this is.

Is Diversity a Strength?

For decades now, it has been asserted by non-whites and whites that diversity is a strength, with very few people being allowed to challenge this assertion. Furthermore, diversity is not diversity. That is when the term diversity is used — it does not simply mean a variety of people of different races. When the term diversity is used, it means not or non white.

There is no “diversity program” that results in whites being more included than before in less white areas. However, the term “non-white” is not PC so instead the term “diversity” was adopted to make something that is entirely one-sided seem inclusive.

Therefore the term diversity — that has a real meaning — is coopted to replace the term non-white. This hides the agenda of those who support diversity.

And when non-whites say diversity, they don’t mean other groups. They mean their group. So diversity to Mexicans does not mean more blacks or more Chinese; and by the same token when Chinese use the term diversity, they also do not mean more Hondurans — they mean more Chinese — or at least more Asians. When a Mexican uses the term diversity it means more Mexicans or at the very least more Latin Americans. Non-whites say that they move to white countries to “improve their lives,” however, why are non-whites not able to improve their lives in non-white countries? The answer is that non-whites cannot create societies that are as desirable to live as can whites.

The Basis for the Diversity Movement

In the US, Europe, Australia, and other white or European-based countries — before immigration from non-white countries to white countries were rare. The US had a sizable unintegrated African-American population, but the rest of the non-white population was small.

Here is a table from Wikipedia that is an example of how the demographics in the state of Iowa have changed over the decades.

Notice the enlargement of black, hispanic, and asian. And this shows the last census from 2010. The 2020 census will likely show the highest percentage increase in non-whites as a percentage in any decade.

The white population, even in Des Moines, may decline to roughly 65%. This is a massive change in the historical demographics of this city.

In several decades, the US will be predominantly Hispanic. Hispanic areas of the US are some of the worst in the US — and are not sustainable for whites to live in. Therefore, whites move away from those areas. With the drastic rise in Hispanics, it means that the US will become much closer to Brazil than to a white-based country. This does not include non-white non-Hispanics. 

Immigration in the US in the Modern Era Only Means Non-White Immigrants

The US has received declining immigration from Europe and massively increasing immigration from non-white countries. Non-whites are not only streaming in legally but illegally. Each group attempts to propose that white countries do not have the right to enforce their borders and that there should be “no more deportations.” Indians cheat the foreign worker visa to get into the US. Mexicans come in illegally in mass numbers. Many non-whites exploit the ridiculous law that states a person born in the US is a citizen, regardless of whether the parents are citizens are not. Furthermore, the reproductive rate of non-whites is much higher than whites. This means that once non-whites come to a white country, within a few years, non-white children are born who are US citizens — even though there is an enormous oversupply of non-white children in non-white countries. This same issue is being replicated in all of the white-originated countries that have allowed non-white immigration.

Of all the countries in the world, the white countries are considered the most desirable to immigrate to. And this is the primary reason for the emphasis on diversity. That is, there is no call for diversity in Papua New Guinea — because people do not want to immigrate to Papua New Guinea. Non-whites generally do not prefer to immigrate to non-white countries. They want to immigrate only to white countries — but it is important that it not be stated that white countries are “better” than non-white countries, even though non-whites vote with the feet that this is, in fact, the case.

Why White Originated Countries Must Become Less White According to the Prevailing Logic

Therefore, there are calls for white countries to become less white — primarily because non-whites want to live in white countries. And they also want to continue to reduce the percentage of the country that is white — and to replace whites in professional occupations. If present trends hold, whites will lose control over their countries. This is true of countries that whites founded — such as the US or Australia — but also countries that are ancestral homelands of whites — such as Sweden.

  • It is apparently important not to point out that these countries are all white. Non-whites want to immigrate to white countries — and they must become “diverse.” However, it is less important that less financially successful countries in Eastern Europe and Russia become diverse.
  • It is also important not to point out that cultures that create the countries that non-whites want to immigrate to are not distinct and do not have any cultural advantages.

Koreans can aggressively reject diversity, and it is not called racist. If whites had done the same thing, they certainly would have been called racist by media entities. 

However, Koreans do demand the right to immigrate to white countries and will call people who oppose Korean immigration racist. South Korea, while it is prosperous, is still considered less desirable than white countries by many South Koreans.

Once again, not one is asking that South Korea become more diverse. Just the idea that Korea should have a large percentage of its population replaced by non-Koreans would be considered offensive to Koreans. However, this demand is made of white societies on a routine basis.


Diversity as a benefit is an assertion that is only selectively made. It is made only for white countries — and it does not mean what it says it means. The primary motivation for diversity is that non-whites want to live in white countries. If white countries were not more desirable places to live versus non-white countries, there would be no call for diversity.

This video explodes the myth that diversity is a strength. 

The impact of Islamic culture on Sweden. Muslim Imans are telling the immigrant population in Sweden that they need to have many children because it gives them more numbers, which will then allow them to take over Sweden. Islam is a religion and culture and political movement that has its stated goal as to take over areas and convert them to Islam. 

This means that Sweden and other countries have accepted immigrants voluntarily, that have it as a stated goal to change the demographics of their country. In the past, to take over a country in this way would require militarily invading that country. But today, with white countries being exploited for their sympathy, they can be invaded through immigration and then high reproduction rates.

The same refugees felt the need to leave their countries to arrive in Sweden. This is in part because there were too many people for the resources in the area — which, of course, is a primary predictor of war or other conflicts. However, when they arrive in a country where they have safety — they set about continuing to reproduce in a way that dilutes the population of the country they have moved to but sets up the conditions for conflict in several decades.

If you don’t let enough non-whites into your country — you will get your flag burned. 

