Search Results for: gartner

How to Understand Consensus Forecasting Methods vs Statistical Forecasting Methods

How to Understand Consensus Forecasting Methods vs Statistical Forecasting Methods

Executive Summary The statistical forecasting is typically combined with judgment methods produced by sales and marketing to arrive at a consensus forecast. We compare these different forecasting approaches. Introduction to Consensus Forecasting There are three categories of obtaining forecast information from different people who apply to supply chain forecasting: Consensus forecasting Manual overrides to statistical…

Considering ILOG Inventory Optimization and Multi Echelon

Executive Summary What is ILOG? How do the products that IBM acquired work, and how are they different from other inventory optimization and multi echelon planning offerings? What is the problem with the ILOG acquisition by IBM? What Is ILOG? IBM ILOG, formerly just ILOG, which includes the merged LogicTools, which ILOG purchased in 2007,…

How to Understand The Differences Between SAP ERP and Advanced Planning

Executive Summary External planning has important distinct differences between planning and ERP. ERP is a transactional processing system with just a few planning procedures. SAP developed APO for surprising reasons. Introduction to ERP vs. Advanced or External Planning Understanding the difference between planning and execution is critical to implementing or managing these types of projects….

How to Understand Why Auto Parts Distribution is So Inefficient

Executive Summary How the aftermarket car parts market in the US works. The major problems with automotive dealer networks for aftermarket car parts. Introduction In our previous post, we discussed the problems with how dealers dominate automotive service parts websites. We also explained how this is inefficient and why these websites should be centralized and…