The Fake Storyline Around White Theft of South African Land

Executive Summary 

  • Black South Africans have proposed a false version of history that places them as the original landholders of South Africa.
  • Under this storyline, they claim all land owned by whites has been stolen.


The fake storyline presented by black South Africans is rarely questioned and serves as a false assumption regarding who has the right to land in South Africa. In this article, you will learn the real history of who developed South Africa, how the vast majority of present-day black South Africans immigrated to South Africa long after the Dutch arrived, and how this false assumption will increasingly be used to expropriate land from the whites in South Africa.

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The Fake Storyline

The following quotation describes this.

“When the Dutch landed at the Cape in 1652 the Xhosa lived right at the southern border of what is now the KwaZulu-Natal province. There is a simple way to realise that. The key rivers that formed borders between white and black in the 1800s, the Kei and the Keiskamma ( both EAST of the Great Fish River border) had KHOISAN NAMES, not Xhosa names. What does that tell an intelligent human being? Perhaps this young lady can name me a river anywhere between Cape Town and Port Alfred that bears a Xhosa name. She cannot, OK? It took literally 50 years– two generations– for white and black to first meet each other overland in 1702. That happened around 600 miles east of the Cape… and I can provide the names of the people. It took until around 1780–one hundred and thirty years–for the first war between white and black, and it took place SIX HUNDRED miles east of Cape Town.”

Politifact Gets Confused on What Percentage of Current Black South African Population Traces their Ancestry to South Africa

Politifact tried to fact check the claim that the Dutch proceeded the ancestors of black South Africans. However, it became confused when it assumed that most of the current black South Africans were decedent from the Xhosa and the Khoikhoi tribes.

See the following quote.

The history of Southern Africa long before the Europeans (and yes, there is a long before) is a fascinating tale of competing kingdoms, shifting alliances, and territorial disputes. We spent some time with two volumes published by UNESCO in 1992. Wars among the people labeled black today played out before and after the Europeans arrived. As it turns out, the Dutch dropped down in a fairly peaceful area.

The Dutch East India Company established a toehold in Cape Town on the southwestern tip of modern South Africa. There, they encountered a group called the Khoikhoi who used the land to graze their cattle.

From the start, the Dutch treated the land as theirs.

On May 10, 1656, the outpost’s commander Jan van Riebeeck described his dealings with a Khoikhoi leader.

Cape Town’s original purpose was simply to resupply merchant ships headed to the East Indies, but over the decades, settlers turned to farming, which put them in conflict with the original inhabitants. By the end of the 1700s, a series of wars broke out with the Xhosa, a larger and more formidable foe than the Khoikhoi. Ultimately, under the British, the Xhosa were defeated in 1853.

Politifact seems to miss the time gap between the Dutch’s arrival and the first Dutch African war. It appears to have completely missed them.

As pointed out, it was one hundred and thirty years. Didn’t Politifact think this gap in time between the Dutch’s arrival and the first war with blacks in the region was a bit odd?

As we have covered, only around 17.5% of the current black population of South Africa is descended from the Xhosa and the Khoikhoi tribes (adding 1.5 M for safe estimation). Their ancestors lived in what are other African countries today, like Zimbabwe, Botswana, etc.. South Africa has seen continual immigration from other African countries — and during the apartheid time — because South Africa provided better opportunity — under apartheid and after — than other countries in Africa run by blacks. This is another observation missed by Politifact that apparently stopped their analysis of the situation as soon as they found two African tribes in the Cape. Politifact is incorrect. Most Dutch and many of the English and French ancestors of current white South African descendants proceeded most of the black South African population.

Notice the white population in South Africa in 1904. The white population is now around 4.5 million. That is roughly 4x of the white population in 1904. However, if we combine the African and Coloured populations, we arrive at roughly 4 M black South Africans. But the present level of black South Africans is roughly 54 M. That is 13.5x as many people as 1904. Where did all these black Africans come from? Immigration. This is 1904, which is long after the Dutch arrival in 1652. This spot in time, 1904, actually overstates the black South African claim to the land, as black migration from other African countries had already occurred at this time — that is, by 1904. 

Who Lived in South Africa At the Time of the Arrival of the Dutch?

This video covers the Khosi-San African tribe. Notice the map from the video.

Modern Khoi-San tribes barely live in what is now South Africa today. They are primarily in Botswana and Namibia. 

Blacks in South Africa whose ancestors did not claim land in South Africa had no ancestral connection just because they were black. Blacks are currently immigrating in large numbers to Europe. Can any land they purchase be taken/expropriated from them because they are not white? This is the logic that black South Africans are applying to the situation.

The Xhosa

The black South Africans who claim South African land through ancestry are the Xhosa. They are explained as follows.

Presently approximately 8 million Xhosa people are distributed across the country, and the Xhosa language is South Africa’s second-most-populous home language, after the Zulu language, to which Xhosa is closely related. – Wikipedia

There are currently roughly 54 million black South Africans. The vast majority support expropriating land and state they have a right to land. However, only 8 M Xhosa people are living in South Africa today. That means (roughly) 54 M – 8 M or 46 M or 86% of black South Africans are not Xhosa’s descendants. Let us add another 1.5 M to the 8 M to account for the tiny number of Khoikhoi descendants still in South Africa and others not accounted for. That comes to 9.5/46, or 82.5% of black South Africans, have a weaker claim to the land than the white South Africans who largely preceded the rest of the black South Africans.

Under this logic, a Zimbabwean who illegally immigrates to South Africa tomorrow can immediately begin agitating for “his” land to be returned to him. And his claim should be respected because he is black. This brings up the following question.

  • How many more blacks will immigrate to South Africa in the next ten years?
  • How many of them will begin making the same claim to the land?
  • How many of them will admit that they just entered the country recently versus those who will prefer the storyline that the land was “stolen” from them?

This is pure racism, and it is not challenged as long as the racist is not white.

How Black South Africans Flipped the Script of History

Black South Africans keep the myth that when the Dutch arrived, it was populated with the current Africans’ ancestors. The narrative is that the whites stole land from them. But most black South Africans weren’t there at the time. Their ancestors were north of this area. At the time of Dutch arrival, the original inhabitants were the Khoisan, and there were also very few of them.

The Africans who live in South Africa today migrated to South Africa to get jobs in the society that the European settlers created. However, present-day Africans claim that all white land ownership is based upon theft, and the EFF wants all land taken from whites and redistributed to Africans. Even when repeatedly contradicted, black South Africans continue to latch onto this story. Black South Africans see all property as land and do not recognize intellectual property or why South Africa ever developed into what it became when Europeans settled it. Similarly, Australia would not have tall buildings or roads today if Australians had not settled it. None of this is to endorse blacks’ mistreatment, but both things can be true at the same time. The somewhat surprising thing is that even under apartheid, SA had a long-term problem with illegal immigration from African countries north of SA.

This means that Africans greatly preferred moving to a white/European-based system as second-class citizens than staying in their own African-run countries. Within one or two generations, the African migrants changed the storyline to be that the whites had not allowed them into the country (and most of them coming illegally) but instead had stolen their land where they had been for thousands of years. This has led to more calls for land redistribution, as the following video shows.

The ANC has been unable to do anything but go backward. One black South African says she wants the same as white people. But does she mean all the white conveniences that her society never developed? Most of the blacks in South Africa are not from South Africa — they willingly came to South Africa, leaving their land in other African countries. There has been some dispossession of land owned by African tribes owned by whites, and that land should be given back. However, that is not the majority of the land issue. 

South African Land Expropriation

What black South African farmers excel at is complaining, but not farming. They continually reach out to the ANC to assist them and to show them how to farm, but the ANC is in free fall and does not have the resources. All they can do is expropriate land. Black farmers and the rest of South Africa think the ANC had some plan. But they do not. Their short-term objective was to take over the government so they could rob it. The ANC is now known for having large numbers of incompetent black South Africans who have no idea what they are doing, further driving South Africa into the ground. 

Black Africans have stated they want to take over white farms, but they have proven to be terrible farmers. Most of the farms taken over by black South Africans are defunct. This same thing happened in Zimbabwe.

After a while with black-run farms, Zimbabwe began begging white farmers to come back, as they became a food importer without white farmers. The new black run Zimbabwe had to put on a brave face and develop a story to cover this reality. They went with “importing farmers is necessary for capitalism.” 

Our Golden Pinocchio Award

Black South Africans receive our Golden Pinocchio Award for the false claim that they were in South Africa before the white settlers. Therefore, this land belongs to them.


Internationally, blacks are becoming more assertive regarding what they consider to be land property rights. Blacks in all of Africa often want to immigrate to Europe, which is historically European or white. And if Africans aren’t allowed in, they typically claim racism. Blacks have a double standard at work — which is that historically, white countries need to become diverse (which translates into non-white), which means that whites need to be accommodating to non-white migration. However, in the very unusual circumstance where whites migrated to an area in Africa, the story changes. Now

Africa is for Africans and whites need to get out!

And when the whites do get out, as is in the case of Zimbabwe, things then go downhill very quickly. Zimbabweans are one of the major groups that immigrate illegally into South Africa.

South Africa is an excellent example of why you do not want large amounts of black immigration into your country. This is because, within a generation, blacks begin to manufacture their history where they were there before the country to which they immigrated. This is also happening in the US, where false history promoted by blacks (in fact, false current events — such as the false claims about police disproportionately killing blacks) are being used to gain power. Whites follow a flawed strategy when they attempt to engage with blacks using a rational thought process. Blacks are not interested in “white logic.” They do not follow a rational model in South Africa, Africa more broadly, or the US.

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