Why Do Whites Continue to Tolerate Black Culture?

Executive Summary

  • Black culture has a definite and negative impact on white societies.


Blacks have very negative externalities that are constantly imposed upon both African countries and the white countries that they inhabit.

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The Most Violent Cities Are Driven by Black Violent Crime — Which is a Major Component of Black Culture

Here are the top 10 most violent cities in the US. Here are the top 10 most violent cities in the US.

  • Detroit, MI
  • Memphis,
  • TN Birmingham,
  • AL Baltimore, MD
  • St. Louis, MO
  • Kansas City, MO
  • Cleveland, OH
  • Little Rock, AR
  • Milwaukee, WI
  • Stockton, CA

The pattern?

Each of them, except one, is driven by black crime—the only city on the list that is not driven by black crime is Stockton, CA. There, the driver is a higher percentage of Mexicans. Mexicans are similar to blacks in that any area in the US that becomes predominantly Mexican becomes uncivilized and a no-go area for whites. However, you are not allowed to say this.

This is true even though Mexicans have a significantly higher average IQ than blacks. However, when spending time in Mexican areas, it seems almost impossible that Mexico could have an average IQ of 88 given how dysfunctional, inefficient, and low the historical intellectual property development in Mexico has been, but that is a subject for another time.

All of the Areas That Lead the Country in Murders Are Black

This video covers the fact that the majority of the US is quite safe — but has pockets of cities where most of the violent crime occurs. However, the video never brings up the fact that all of these cities are black. In this article (What is the Most Predictive Variable for the US Murder Rate), I cover that over 80% of the rate of violent gun crime can be predicted by one factor, which is the percentage of blacks that live in that area. This article is considered extremely un-PC and, therefore, racist. However, even the most extreme WOKE liberal knows to stay away from black areas. They will verbally state their abhorrence for racism while never driving to black areas and making sure their children go to schools that have a low percentage of blacks. In the US, trying to steer clear of this topic is standard. 

Why Do Whites Continue to Tolerate Black Culture?

What is difficult to fathom is why whites continue to accept the negative externalities produced by blacks. It is also difficult to understand why whites need to help blacks or share their societies with them. Whites do not like living around blacks, but they are afraid to say this. So they say they favor “diversity” but then move as far away from diversity as they can afford to, but then say mind-numbing statements like “diversity is a strength.” It is apparently a strength — but not a strength whites want to live around.

Also, If you look back at the US founding fathers, men that we respect for their intellect, most of them, including Abraham Lincoln, did not think that blacks and whites should live together. It is only in the modern era that this widely held belief has been reversed. However, the original non-PC view was far more accurate than the current view.

Censorship: Comments Temporarily Deleted by Quora

Everything I have written is accurate. However, what I wrote is increasingly banned on social media platforms. A perfect example of the double standard at play is when violence is racist because it disproportionately affects blacks. In contrast, the observation that it is blacks engaging in this disproportionate violence is censored.

Observe the following accepted comment by Quora.

Initial Comment (On Who Is Most Affected by Violence in Brazil)

In Brazil, violence is deeply related to class and color, with young black males from the lower classes being almost 75% of the murdered in Brazil.

Among the white and upper classes, the situation is a lot safer. For instance, just like any big city in the US, like NYC, you won’t go near the ghettos at night, in cities like Rio and São Paulo, you’d be wise to avoid lower class neighborhoods, specially at night. But in the richer portions of the city you’d be quite safe.

My Response (Quora Temporarily deleted that)

Fernando, Something you left out is that most likely around 75% of the murderers are also black. We have the same issue in the US. Around 1/2 of all murders are committed by 13% of the population, which is black. Blacks are the most violent group worldwide. After South Africa fell under black management, violence rates skyrocketed. Under George Floyd protests, black activists have gotten police to back off of blacks, which has led the US violent crime rate to greatly increase.

It is strange to note that blacks are murdered at a much higher rate, without noticing that blacks are also the most common murderers. In the US blacks are the number one racial group that victimizes other racial groups with violent crime.

Whose comment told the full story, and yet which comment was (temporarily) censored by Quora?

Second Comment (On Violence in the US Versus Brazil)

Not really. USA is as dangerous as Brazil, but everyone wants to visit Orlando, right? Chicago is as dangerous as Rio… well depends on where you are and how you behave.

My Response (Quora Temporarily deleted that)

Fernanda, you are referring to the black parts of Chicago. The white parts of Chicago are far less dangerous than Brazil. This is a mental error made by so many people on Quora. They first talk about the high crime in some cities in the US and then mention Chicago or Detroit, but then leave out the point that these cities have high black populations. Are you really unaware of who is performing the majority of violent crime in Chicago? Around 83% of the people shot in Chicago are black. Blacks are roughly 3.5x more violent than the rest of the population in the US.

Brazil is a Latin American country. Latinos are more violent than whites. So if you have a country like Brazil that is around 1/2 black and 1/2 Latino, you will end up with a more violent country than the US that is 55% white, 13% black, 19% Latino like the US.

Again, my explanation was far more accurate than the initial commenters’, yet Quora initially deleted my comment. Quora allows false claims against whites by non-whites, but whites cannot contradict these claims, as a phony violation of the policy will be used to delete the comment. At least Quora removed the restriction or censorship.

The Dominance of Blacks in the Violence Statistics in the US

Why Other Races Flee Black Areas

Whites and other races flee from blacks for very good reasons. In the US blacks are the number one racial group that victimizes other racial groups with violent crime. Black culture is harmful to both blacks and anyone else who is around blacks. Blacks themselves know this. However, they don't usually admit it to other races and prefer to blame everything else but themselves. For blacks to effectively race scam -- they have to hold the position that blacks behave the same and deserve the same outcomes as other races. 

All Races Are the Same?

This is a part of the root of the problem. This proposal that all races are the same had no evidence to support it, yet it was asserted because it was politically correct. It was an appealing lie to believe because it "felt good."

Once this idea took hold, it now became a platform to say that all races should have the same things, and this has primarily been interpreted as non-whites invading white spaces and countries and taking their society from them.

Blacks want white outcomes, but because they can't produce white outcomes on their own, they have to invade white societies to obtain them, and their tool is not producing these things themselves but by taking them through living in white-originated societies.

The Repeating Pattern Seen Everywhere Blacks Exist

When blacks move into a neighborhood, that area becomes undesirable. Shoplifting increases, violence increases, and sexual assault increases. This leads to stores closing and a downward spiral for that area. The higher the percentage of the population that is black, the more predominant this and many other negative behaviors become as they begin to behave in conformance with black culture and expectations rather than conforming. 

What Would Happen if the US Had No Blacks?

Blacks are a massive civilization threat to any country, society, or city that accepts them. All countries, except white countries, have figured out not to have blacks live in their borders. 

Here is some food for thought: “What if all the Blacks suddenly left America, which is 13.3% of the total U.S. population?” and these statistics would improve. 

  • Amount of people in poverty would drop - 34%
  • The prison population would go down - - 37%
  • Welfare recipients would go down by - - - 42%
  • Gang members would go down by - - - - - 53%
  • Chlamydia cases would go down by - - - - - 54%
  • Homelessness would go down - - - - - - - - 57%
  • Syphilis would go down - - - - - - - - - - - - 58%
  • AIDs & HIV would go down - - - - - - - - - - 65%
  • Gonorrhea would go down - - - - - - - - - - 69%
  • Average ACT scores would go up - - - - - - 5.5 points
  • Average IQ would go up - - - - - - - - - - - - 7.4 points, (this is how much only 13% of the population in drags down IQ scores) This would put the U.S. 3rd in the world tied with Japan
  • Average SAT scores would go up almost - - - 100 points
  • The average income for Americans would go up over $20,000 a year

Blacks are major users of subsidies from the rest of the taxpaying population. This burden (some of which used to help blacks reproduce more blacks) would be lifted from the rest of the population

The effect on cities would be profound. All of the predominantly black cities from Detroit to East St Louis to Baltimore to Atlantic City, Wilmington Deleware -- every city would experience an immediate and radical improvement. 

Blacks as a Civilizational Threat

Blacks are a civilizational threat to any area, any city, and they seek to infiltrate white cities and countries because they have no ability to create functional societies, as I cover in the article What Happens When Blacks Take Over Management of Cities and Countries from Whites? Therefore, blacks need to infiltrate a society or city that is already built up by another group -- with the inevitable outcome that the area is ruined when a sufficient number of blacks are present.


Black culture is real, and it is negative. Black culture is harmful to both blacks and anyone else who is around blacks. Blacks themselves know this. My friend in Atlanta, who was African, had to repeatedly deal with the negative externalities of living in a city with a black population. She told me at one point that she was “sick of these nigs.” This is something blacks say to each other — but which is frowned upon for a person of any other race to say.

Black culture, as well as very low IQs. Black culture and black IQs are interdependent. If blacks had the average IQs of other groups, black culture would quickly become less prevalent. The things that mark black IQ are only sustainable under conditions of low intelligence. If blacks were given a higher average IQ, they would stop doing many things that make up black culture. Black culture and low black IQs cause blacks to continually desire to migrate away from black areas to white areas. Anyone who has been around black areas and white areas knows this is true.

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