Search Results for: consulting-firm

Why is it More Common for Bias to be Called on Negative Rather than Positive Articles?

Executive Summary The term bias is often used as a critique against an article or argument — however, it is normally used against arguments where the conclusion is negative. Introduction This comment was taken from a LinkedIn discussion in response to our article Is Blockchain All that Innovative or is it Overhyped? I have seen…

Is Blockchain All that Innovative or is it Being Overhyped?

Executive Summary Blockchain has become a popular item for vendors, consulting companies, and software buyers to hype. How accurate is the hype around blockchain? Introduction As readers probably know, the major vendors have been scamming their customers by making vague promises about blockchain for several years. Get Ready for the Closed Source Vendor Scam Festival…

The Brightwork SAP Research Based Assessments

Executive Summary This page describes the Brightwork SAP assessments and why you (as a vendor) would want to send them to your customers or prospects. Our analytics assessment is without SAP or their consulting firm’s influence or financial bias. Introduction This page is for vendors. If you find the appropriate assessment helpful, the following article…

The Problem with Being Trapped by ERP

Executive Summary ERP systems were introduced with great promises and fanfare, pushed by financially incentivized entities. Now decades after, the research shows few benefits to ERP, but high costs. And customers are trapped in their ERP. Introduction ERP systems were aggressively marketed as fixing nearly all the ills that companies faced. In our book The…

How Large Consulting Firms Exaggerate The Costs of AWS Services

Executive Summary AWS has added to its partnership stable with larger consulting companies for SAP. These large consulting companies have had a habit of high-cost implementations. Introduction A primary benefit of using cloud services is that the costs are transparent, and it gives more control over to the customer. However, companies like AWS and GCP…

Shaun Snapp on Criminal Intent in IT Consulting Firms

Executive Summary It is quite common for IT consulting firms to collaborate with vendors to provide fraudulent information to customers. Learn why this can often qualify as criminal intent. Introduction IT consulting is often presented as companies providing services and advice to customers. In many cases, a particular vendor will be said to have an…

The SAP Best Practice Scam: How SAP Uses Best Practices to Control the Implementation

Executive Summary SAP uses the false assumptions of best practices to control accounts. Best practices assumptions damage the project from beginning to end. Introduction SAP lists best practices in several areas on its website. I have included the following screenshot of best practices from this web page. Our References for This Article If you want…

Is a Lack of Business Process Reengineering the Reason ERP Projects Fail?

Executive Summary We cover a quotation from Panorama on ERP failure, which places most of the blame on business process reengineering. This caused us to analyze the history of business process reengineering. Introduction We were recently reading the report by Panorama on ERP Software Report. While we overall liked the report, we came across a…

What Wall Street Does Not Understand About SaaS

Executive Summary Wall Street continually pushes companies to be Cloud, but without understanding how cloud revenues work. We cover what Wall Street is missing in their analysis. Introduction This article will cover Wall Street’s perspective on SaaS and what the real story is with the shift in the commercial software market. What Wall Street Interprets…

Analysis of Rimini Street’s Presentation on ERP Support

Executive Summary Rimini Street created a presentation on ERP support. We evaluated this presentation for accuracy. Introduction Rimini Street wrote the article 10 Telltale Signs of that it is Time to Change in Your ERP Strategy. This is a document that focuses on the history of ERP and ERP support. It seemed worthy of analysis….