Search Results for: gartner

Why is There Near Radio Silence by Vendors Criticizing Gartner?

Executive Summary Most of the software vendors in an area lose from the Gartner Magic Quadrant, yet few say anything against Gartner. This article sets up the reality of the MQ and addresses the question of why vendors stay silent. Introduction The IT analyst space has a major problem. While there are several major IT…

How IBM and Gartner Primed The 2017 Blockchain Hype Bubble

Executive Summary Reviewing the predictions and statements of IBM and Gartner is instructive in hindsight. We cover the clear deception on the part of IBM and Gartner on blockchain. Video Introduction: How IBM and Gartner Primed The 2017 Blockchain Hype Bubble Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video) In 2017, many companies, and prominently…

The Brightwork Research & Analysis Rating of IT Analysts Like Gartner, Forrester, and More

Executive Summary After many years of reviewing IT analysts’ work, I wondered if any IT analyst firm was producing non-corrupt work. I review and rate some of the best-known IT analysts in this article. Video Introduction: The Brightwork Research & Analysis Rating of IT Analysts Like Gartner, Forrester, and More Text Introduction (Skip if You…

References for Brightwork Gartner Articles

Executive Summary These are the references that were used for our Gartner articles. Learn why so few entities in the IT space include references in their work.  Introduction This is the reference list for the Gartner articles, as well as interesting quotes from these references at Brightwork Research & Analysis. You can select the article…

Why No One Seems to Care that Gartner Follows No Research Rules

Executive Summary Gartner and the other major IT analysts follow no research rules. However, very few people appear to care, and we look at why this is the case. Video Introduction: Why No One Seems to Care that Gartner Follows No Research Rules Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the Video) At Brightwork Research and…

How Idiotic Can You Be and Be a Distinguished Vice President Analyst at Gartner?

Executive Summary Gartner produces very low-quality content, but it is interesting to see a Distinguished VP Analyst from Gartner in action. This video answers the question of how poorly you can ask questions and provide insight and keep this position. Introduction The following video will not embed for some reason. So select the link to…

Do Gartner’s MQs Have Any Legitimacy?

Executive Summary Vendors and consulting firms that have paid Gartner never tire of showcasing their scores in various MQs. We answer the question of one person who asked whether the MQs have any legitimacy. Introduction The following is another example of a vendor or consulting company trying to make sales by showcasing their ranking in…

How Gartner is a Fake Research Entity Like JD Power and Associates

Executive Summary JD Power and Associates is an automotive polling company that sells its ratings to the highest bidder. The similarities between JD Power and Gartner are striking. Introduction A big part of what Gartner does is to help defend legacy or obsolete vendors from technological change. This is an excellent market because outdated vendors…

How Gartner and IDC Help Vendors Co-Opt Things They Are Unrelated To

Executive Summary Established vendors often find themselves on the outside of new technological developments. They can pay Gartner and IDC to confuse the issue and make it seem like they are part of the new thing. Video Introduction: How Gartner and IDC Help Vendors Co-Opt Things They Are Unrelated To Text Introduction (Skip if You…

Why Open Source Does Not Fight Back Against Gartner and Other IT Analysts

Executive Summary Open source projects emphasize their product’s capabilities, but they spend little time addressing how IT analysts fight against them. We cover how IT analysts like Gartner undermine open source without repercussions. Video Introduction: Why Open Source Does Not Fight Back Against Gartner and Other IT Analysts Text Introduction (Skip if You Watched the…