Search Results for: sap-apo

References for Brightwork Supply Planning Management Articles

Executive Summary These are the references that were used for our supply planning management articles. Learn why so few entities in the IT space include references in their work.  Introduction This is the reference list for the Production Scheduling Design articles, as well as interesting quotes from these references at Brightwork Research & Analysis. You…

References for Brightwork Production Scheduling Design Articles

Executive Summary These are the references that were used for our Production Scheduling Design articles. Learn why so few entities in the IT space include references in their work.  Introduction This is the reference list for the Production Scheduling Design articles, as well as interesting quotes from these references at Brightwork Research & Analysis. You…

How Accurate is DDMRP’s Explanation of Forecasting?

How Accurate is DDMRP’s Explanation of Forecasting?

Executive Summary A big part of DDMRP is its proponents stating that critics don’t understand DDMRP. In this article, we analyze what a DDMRP proponent has to say about forecasting. Introduction The following article, Forecasts, one of DDMRP’s best friends, was shared on LinkedIn and was written by David Villalobos on July 16, 2020. See…

The SAP APO Master Data Mass Maintenance Booster

Executive Summary The MASSD and WUF T-Code provides a minimal set of functions and capabilities for maintenance and review of Master Data. Our Booster provides an exhaustive set of capabilities for maintenance and review of Master Data in SAP APO. Introduction The MASSD interface is fundamentally limited in the sense that one can only change…

Is SAP Correct that Customers Should Use BW4HANA Instead of Other BI Tools for Integration to HANA?

Executive Summary SAP has told customers that they must use BW as a BI solution for HANA. How accurate is SAP on this topic? Introduction SAP has been communicating to customers that they should buy BW4HANA for BI because SAP is not designed to integrate well with 3rd party solutions. Our References for This Article…

How to Understand DDMRP as Yet Another Repackaging of JIT and Lean

Executive Summary The Demand-Driven Institute has created the DDMRP concept, which began with Orlicky’s 3rd edition MRP Book’s perversion. DDMRP is very simply a repackaged of JIT and Lean. Introduction DDMRP is an adjustment to supply planning proposed to improve the outcomes of supply planning systems. While it has MRP in the name, DDMRP is…

How Accurate is SAP’s Page on APO?

Executive Summary SAP provides information on APO; however, how accurate was this information? What is APO’s ROI and its history with constraint planning? Introduction SAP has a page on their website which explains and markets SAP APO. We review this page for accuracy. Our References for This Article If you want to see our references…