The Problem with Using the Term White Supremacy

Executive Summary The term white supremacy is used quite commonly. However, its actual meaning does not at all comport with what the term means. When non-white groups advocate for their culture, “supremacy” is never applied to them. Introduction White supremacy has come into common usage. In this article, we will illuminate the inaccurate use of…

The Problems With Corrupt Africans In Positions of Power

Executive Summary Africa has some of the most corrupt countries in the world. Africans outside of Africa are developing a reputation for corruption. Introduction Africans have a history of corruption both in Africa and when they leave Africa. This corruption causes several adverse outcomes in non-African countries and should have those in the first world,…

The Problem with Nigerian Doctors Practicing in First World Countries

Executive Summary Nigerian doctors have left their country in droves, and they have left for developed, primarily European based countries, leaving Nigerians without sufficient doctors. According to Western progressives, this is a “good thing.” The Nigerian culture of scamming seems to be following these doctors to their professions in their new countries. Introduction Professionals from…

How Non Whites Are Attempting to Undermine All White Achievements

Executive Summary It has become common for non-whites to change history so that white/European based accomplishments are minimized. What is curious, is this minimization is precisely what they accuse of whites of doing to them. Introduction What has become apparent is that principly non-whites in the US have decided to create their own history that…

A Decrease in White Students the Reason for US Educational Decline

Executive Summary For decades US K-12 school outcomes have been in decline. However, the reasons are not discussed. In this article, we will cover the real reason for the decline. Introduction The media coverage on this topic has been cautious never about addressing a glaring issue that has been pulling the performance of US schools…

The DNC is Now Only For Non-White People

Executive Summary The DNC is primarily funded by big Wall Street money. However, their website looks like Puerto Rico! Introduction Reviewing the DNC’s website recently was interesting as it appears that the DNC sees itself primarily as the party of non-whites. Let us review the images on their website to see what the DNC is…

The Fake Storyline Around White Theft of South African Land

Executive Summary  Black South Africans have proposed a false version of history that places them as the original landholders of South Africa. Under this storyline, they claim all land owned by whites has been stolen. Introduction The fake storyline presented by black South Africans is rarely questioned and serves as a false assumption regarding who…

Why Was Chicanos Por La Causa Chosen to Buy the Mesa YMCA?

Executive Summary The story of the closure of the Mesa YMCA is covered in very politically correct terms. Here is the story that no media entity wanted to tell. Introduction The YMCA of Mesa AZ was closed in Dec of 2018. This YMCA was built in 1963 (from 2018, 55 years), and it was considered…

Why It Is Seemingly Impossible to Improve Conditions in Haiti

Executive Summary Haiti is one of the worst managed countries in the world. There are many factors that are responsible for this. Introduction Charities often attempt to make the Haitian problems temporary and due to a natural disaster, when Haiti’s problems are endemic, and the US government is responsible for many of them. Being for…