BLM’s Anti White and Anti Male and Anti Nuclear Family Basis

Executive Summary Black Lives Matter has a lot of unconvincing views on families that would mean supplanting effective nuclear families with the ineffective and dysfunctional black family design. Introduction BLM thinks they have the answer for the US on the topic of family structure, and that is to supplant the nuclear family with an absent…

How The BLM Chapters Accused The BLM GN of Being Corrupt

Executive Summary BLM is so corrupt that its chapters have disavowed them and asked for donations to go directly to the chapters. Introduction BLM is a highly incompetent organization that cannot follow through on its objectives. It is so corrupt, and it kept most of the money it was given with donations. Our References for…

Is The Establishment Democrat Aligned Media Covering Up BLMs Charity Corruption?

Executive Summary Black Lives Matter has been exposed as a highly corrupt fake charity. You won’t find out about this however from the establishment media. Introduction BLM’s corruption has become increasingly obvious, however, the establishment media that so raised the profile of BLM with hundreds of millions of dollars of free advertising and promotion has…

The Corruption and Incompetence At The Heart of The Black Lives Matter Organization

Executive Summary As more time passes, Black Lives Matter is being uncovered as an incompetent and corrupt organization. Introduction BLM is a highly incompetent organization that cannot follow through on its objectives. It is so corrupt, and it kept most of the money it was given with donations. Our References for This Article If you…

How Blacks Exaggerate The Historical Prevalence of And Distort The History of US Lynching

Executive Summary Now, it has become a reflex for blacks to make claims about lynching that they do not investigate. We provide the actual history of lynching in the US. Introduction It is widespread for US blacks to present several false ideas about lynching. One of these ideas is that only blacks were lynched, a…

Is the US Legal System Not Setup in Any Way to Help Black Victims of Sexual Violence?

Executive Summary Black women claim that the US legal system is not set up to help them when victims of sexual violence. We analyze the accuracy of this claim. Introduction It was interesting to see black women in a video on the topic of Russell Simmons blaming the US legal system for not providing them…

How Blacks Constantly Blame Their Cultural Dysfunctional Outcomes on Whites

Executive Summary Blacks in the US have a long history of blaming the outcomes of their behavior on the broader white society. Introduction One of the rhetorical techniques used by blacks is to deflect any analysis of the dysfunctional black culture onto whites. This way, blacks, or the majority of blacks (because, as you will…

Are Racist Guns Responsible for the High Number of Shootings in Black Areas in the US?

Executive Summary It’s time to face the fact that guns become more violent when kept in black areas. This brings up the question of whether guns are themselves racist, which implicates gun manufacturing companies. Introduction It is curious to view the reactions of blacks to shootings in black neighborhoods. The black victims’ description is one…

What WOKE Liberals Won’t Admit is That They Do Not Want to Live Around Blacks

Executive Summary Liberal WOKE whites like to state that they would never tolerate racism. However, why do white’s behavior look like they don’t want to live or be around blacks? Introduction Liberals state that they believe in diversity. However, there is a large difference between what they say and what they do. Let us review…