Search Results for: indian-it

Why Is the Primary Focus of The Public On US Slavery And Not Non White or Modern Slavery?

 Executive Summary Media has entirely overfocused on one particular era of slavery in one particular country. To discuss broader and historical slavery is to face critique. Introduction There is a presentation of slavery that is nearly entirely focused on the slavery of a single country, and only of a single race. Slavery was only for…

How Did Indians Come To Dominate US IT Recruiting With Such Terrible English Skills?

Executive Summary Indians are known for poor English skills, but Indians have dominated the US IT recruiting market. This article covers how this happened. Introduction Communication is generally considered one of the most essential skills of an IT recruiter and any recruiter. Therefore, the question that needs to be answered is how Indians were able…

How Indian Recruiters Can Steal 30 Days of Earnings If Consultants Don’t Give 30 Days Notice

Executive Summary Indians have developed a horrendous reputation in IT recruiting. This article shows one typical clause in an Indian subcontract agreement. Introduction to Indian Recruiters The rise of Indian recruitment agencies into the US and European IT markets has led to significant dislocations for domestic US IT workers. Indian recruiters are changing everything from…

The Connection Between The H1-B Program and The Indian Takeover Of The US IT Recruiting Market?

Executive Summary Some have stated that hiring H1-B Indians is ok, but not Indian control over US recruiting. The problem is that these two topics are connected. Introduction to Indian Recruiters The rise of Indian recruitment agencies into the US and European IT markets has led to significant dislocations for domestic IT workers. This began…

Indians Cheat Immigration Systems Because India Is Close To A Failed State?

Executive Summary Indians have performed breathtaking cheating of the US work and student visa programs. Indians will do anything to escape India. Introduction The cheating on the part of Indians of the US work and student visa programs has been overwhelming. As India is such a terrible place to live and is filled with such…

Is Indian Emigration Beneficial For India?

Executive Summary Indians always seem to want to leave India, and Indians expend very little energy improving India. This obsession with leaving India is one reason why India cannot improve. Video Introduction Skip reading the introduction and watch the following introductory video. Introduction An enormous number of Indians do whatever they can to get out…

The Importance in Hiding The Speed of Takeover of US IT By Indians

Executive Summary One of the important factors allowing the continuation of the takeover of US IT by Indians has been in hiding its speed. Introduction The Indian takeover of US IT has been remarkably fast. And one of the ways that Indians and the hiring corporations have kept a pushback from occurring has been by…

Can a Non-Indian Worker Be Successful in a Predominantly Indian Company Or Indian Environment?

Executive Summary Increasingly domestic US IT workers are faced with work environments dominated by Indians. How successful can a non-Indian be in such environments? Introduction It is well known in IT that Indian work environments are undesirable. Because Indians are not white, they are held to a low standard and can overwork workers and treat…